trade dispute

[treid dɪˈspjut][treid disˈpju:t]


  • At the same time the possibility of trade dispute between China and other countries or regions is increasing .

    与此同时,我国与其他国家(地区)发生 贸易 争端的可能性也在增大。

  • The latest trade dispute over paper products was the result of intense lobbying from American paper mills and could spur other US industries such as steel and textiles to take similar action in the months ahead .

    有关纸产品的最新 贸易 纠纷,是美国造纸商密集游说的结果,可能激起美国的钢铁和纺织等其它行业在未来数月采取类似的行动。

  • If there is a trade dispute we will submit the claim to the arbitration committee for settlement .

    一旦发生 贸易 争端,我们将把索赔案提交给仲裁委员会解决。

  • Chinese officials and executives express an equivalent frustration that the EU is not reliable if the word of its most powerful politician – Ms Merkel – is not sufficient to resolve a trade dispute .

    中国官员和企业高管也表达了同等程度的失望之情:如果欧盟最有权势的政治家默克尔所说的话都不足以解决一场 贸易 争端,那么欧盟就是不可信赖的。

  • Recent years trade dispute caused by environment barrier has became a great characteristic in international trade .

    近年来,以环境壁垒而导致的 贸易 纠纷己成为国际贸易中的一大特点。

  • Mexico also raised a trade dispute that began when the United States Congress canceled a program in violation of Nafta that allowed Mexican trucks to operate in the United States .

    墨西哥也挑起了 贸易 争端。起因是美国国会通过了一个项目,违反了北美自由贸易协定里允许墨西哥卡车在美国境内通行的规定。

  • Early this month the WTO appointed a special panel to investigate the US-EU steel trade dispute .

    本月初,世贸组织任命一个专家组,对欧美钢铁 贸易 纠纷进行调查。

  • Trade dispute have become a big problem in China 's international trade .

    国际 贸易 摩擦的增加成为影响中国对外贸易的重要问题。

  • First the America 201 clause is the first trade dispute after China 's access of WTO .

    首先,美国的201条款是我国入世后在世贸组织内所遇到的第一起 贸易 争端

  • Australia has also become entangled in a trade dispute with China its biggest trading partner after it imposed an interim dumping duty of 16 per cent on Chinese exports of aluminium extrusion products .

    澳大利亚也已卷入与中国其最大贸易伙伴国的 贸易 争端,此前该国对中国出口的铝挤压产品开征16%的临时反倾销关税。

  • The US solar cell tariffs promptly set off a trade dispute over polysilicon the material used to make them .

    美国太阳能电池关税立刻引发了围绕多晶硅(制造太阳能电池的材料)的 贸易 纠纷

  • The third part analysis the current major free trade dispute settlement mechanism model .

    第二部分分析当前主要自由 贸易区的 争端解决机制的模式。

  • China has sharply raised taxes on its own textile exports in the hope of heading off import curbs from the US and European Union amid a deepening global trade dispute .

    中国大幅提高自身的纺织品出口税,希望以此阻止美国和欧洲在日益加深的全球 贸易 争论中产生的进口限制。

  • And it agreed to submit itself to international arbitration in the event of a trade dispute with another country or a foreign company .

    而且北京还同意就和别国或外国的 贸易 纠纷接受国际仲裁。

  • Given the stakes for the Chinese economy it is unlikely that China would let such a trade dispute go forward .

    鉴于其对中国经济的重要性,中国不太可能让这种 贸易 争端进一步发展下去。

  • Besides comparative analysis method is used to compare the WTO and GATT WTO and other international trade dispute settlement mechanism .

    另外,采用比较分析法比较了WTO和GATT时期以及WTO和其他国际 贸易 争端解决机制。

  • Claim for trade dispute

    贸易 纠纷引起的)索赔

  • The World Trade Organisation ruled that China discriminates against foreign electronic payment providers handing the US its latest victory in a trade dispute over market access in the Asian nation .

    世贸组织(WTO)裁定,中国歧视外国电子支付供应商,使美国在关于市场准入的 贸易 争端中赢得了最新的胜利。

  • The Trade Dispute between Byzantium Venice and Genoa from the 12 ~( th ) Century to the 14 ~( th ) Century

    12-14世纪拜占庭与威尼斯、热那亚的 贸易 争端

  • Anti-dumping international trade dispute appeared at the beginning of twenties century .

    反倾销是20世纪初开始出现的国际 贸易 争端,到20世纪90年代。

  • The dollar advanced broadly yesterday recovering from a one-year trade-weighted low as tensions grew over a trade dispute between the US and China .

    随着中美 贸易 争端的紧张局势升级,美元昨日大幅上涨,贸易加权汇率从一年来的低点回升。

  • If unable to find a mutually acceptable solution complaining countries might formally initiate a trade dispute .

    如果无法找到双方都能接受的解决方案,提出抱怨的国家可能正式启动 贸易 争端

  • China is part of the WTO trade dispute resolution process and China has a seat at the table .

    中国参与了WTO 贸易 争端解决程序,在WTO 争端 解决 机构中占有一席之地。

  • Having the US and China on the same side of a trade dispute is a rare sight .

    美国和中国在一场 贸易 纠纷 中站在同一个立场,是一种罕见的情景。

  • EU to Take Retaliatory Measures Against US over Steel Trade Dispute

    欧盟准备就钢铁 贸易 争端对美采取报复措施

  • Chinese audit firms could be barred from vetting the accounts of US-listed companies because of a regulatory standoff that has the potential to cause a significant trade dispute .

    中国的审计公司可能被禁止审查在美上市公司的账目,原因是中美两国陷入监管对峙,这一僵局可能造成重大 贸易 纠纷

  • Visiting China last week Angela Merkel the German Chancellor said that a trade dispute over solar panels would be better dealt with by negotiation than by imposing antidumping duties on low-priced imports from China .

    德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)上周在访华期间表示,围绕太阳能电池板的一宗 贸易 纠纷,最好通过谈判来处理,而不是对从中国进口的低价商品开征反倾销税。

  • International trade customs is a set of rules enacted by the international organization or the authoritative body according to the common trade tradition from long-term and heavy trade practices to reduce the trade dispute and standardize the business behavior .

    摘要国际贸易惯例是国际组织或者权威机构为了减少 贸易 争端、规范贸易行为,根据在长期、大量的贸易实践的基础上逐渐形成的一般贸易习惯所制定的成文规则。