tracking antenna

[ˈtrækɪŋ ænˈtɛnə][ˈtrækiŋ ænˈtenə]

[电] 跟踪天线

  • Design of an Angle Tracking System With Strapdown Antenna Platform

    捷联式 天线平台的角 跟踪系统设计

  • Firstly according to the design requirements the total design of the stabilization and tracking antenna system is improved .

    本文以三轴自主稳定 跟踪平台的研制为背景,首先按照系统设计指标要求,改进并完善了 天线稳定 跟踪系统的总体设计方案。

  • The article emphasizes on analyzing the ability to capture and track of a tracking receiver in antenna systems .

    论文深入研究了 天线系统 跟踪接收机捕获跟踪性能分析的相关问题。

  • In addition we put forward higher requirement for the pointing accuracy and tracking precision of antenna .

    另外,人们对 天线的指向精度和 跟踪精度也提出了更高要求。

  • Design of a Tracking Control System for Antenna Stabilized Platform Based on Quantitative Feedback Theory

    基于定量反馈理论的 天线稳定平台 跟踪控制系统设计

  • In order to enhance the tracking accuracy of satellite antenna the installation error of antenna should be as small as possible .

    实验结果表明可以获得较好的效果,提高了卫星 天线 跟踪精度。

  • The accuracy reliability and tracking mode of an antenna tracking system are discussed and specific problems associated with its application to the helicopter are solved .

    详细论述了一种无人直升机 天线跟踪系统的设计及其实现,并讨论了其 跟踪精度、可靠性、 跟踪模式,以及针对直升机的特殊问题采取的方案。

  • Influence and correction method of atmosphere refraction on tracking antenna direction

    大气折射对 跟踪 天线指向的影响及修正方法

  • To simultaneously solve the problems of the robustness decoupling control and high accuracy tracking control at the high tracking rate in antenna control system a new nonlinear antenna tracking-pointing control system for user-satellite was proposed based on a unique nonlinear active disturbance rejection control method .

    为同时解决用户卫星 天线控制系统的鲁棒性、解耦控制和高跟 速率下的高精度跟踪控制等问题,采用非线性自抗扰控制方法,提出了一种新型的用户卫星天线跟踪指向控制系统。

  • An ultra-wideband tracking antenna array constructed by six log-periodic monopole antennas ( LPMA ) is designed it can generate dual-polarized sum-and difference-patterns .

    六个 单极对数周期天线单元组成的轴对称圆形阵列 天线,能在超宽频带内产生正交双极化的和、差方向图。

  • Tht article GPS positioning technology DC servo technology research and design a set of moving targets can implement automatic tracking of the directional antenna control system .

    文章以GPS定位技术、直流伺服技术为基础,研究设计一套能够对移动目标实行自动 跟踪的定向 天线控制系统。

  • This article describes the OFDM modulation technology and wireless LAN standard and analyzed the technical principles and characteristics of the wireless broadband system design and application of automatic tracking antenna .

    本文介绍了OFDM调制技术和无线局域网标准,并分析了技术原理及特点,研究了无线宽带系统中的 天线自动 跟踪设计与应用。

  • Parabolic antenna in a widely used is tracking antenna area By use the optimum design it may produce a very narrow beam it 's tracking precision is high but because it 's beam width is very narrow the searching target is very difficult .

    抛物面天线是火控雷达中普遍使用的一种 跟踪 天线,通过系统优化设计,可以形成很窄的波束,所以其跟踪精度很高,因为其波束很窄,所以搜索发现目标困难。

  • The kernel problem of antenna stabilization and tracking technology is the initial alignment and automatic tracking technology of antenna toward satellite .

    天线稳定跟踪技术的核心问题是 天线对卫星的初始对准和自动 跟踪技术。

  • As shown by the experiment results the tracking errors of the antenna with respect to the satellite is less then 0.2 ° .

    实验结果表明 天线 跟踪卫星的误差小于0.2°。

  • 1 ~ 12GHz single channel monopulse tracking antenna

    1~12GHz单通道单脉冲 跟踪 天线

  • This article introduces the composition principle and working process of the single-chip processor for controlling the automatic orientation and tracking of a directional antenna . It also describes the system characteristics including the tracking speed and the precision of orientation and tracking .

    本文介绍了单片机控制引向 天线定向与 跟踪系统的组成、原理及上作过程,简述了系统的特点,讨论了定向及跟踪的速度、精度等问题。

  • The control algorithm of attitude follow-up stabilization and tracking antenna platform adopts position feed-forward control speed control and position feedback control .

    姿态随动稳定 跟踪 天线平台的控制算法,采用位置前馈、速度和位置反馈控制。

  • The paper analyzes the effect of rolling angle rate of motion carrier on tracking stability of antenna target and derives the error of motion carrier in the two-dimension stability system .

    分析了运动载体横滚角速率对 跟踪稳定性的影响,推导了运动载体在两维稳定系统中的误差及解决方法。

  • Stabilization platform is an important part of the tracking and search antenna system featuring high ( tracking ) accuracy and wide speed range .

    稳定系统是集搜索、 跟踪功能于一体 天线驱动系统的重要组成部分,主要特点是高精度(跟踪)、宽调速范围。

  • Monopulse angle tracking with adaptive DBF antenna array

    自适应数字波束形成 天线的单脉冲角度 跟踪

  • Satellite automatic tracking antenna

    人造卫星自动 跟踪 天线

  • Design and Simulation of Precision tracking radar antenna servo system

    精密 跟踪雷达 天线伺服系统的设计与仿真

  • Study of Design and Simulation of Cross-coupling Tracking Filter for Strapdown Antenna Platform

    捷联式 天线平台双通道耦合 目标 跟踪滤波器设计与仿真研究

  • Through emphatically analysis and research on tracking principle of directional antenna we put forward the calculation method of target azimuth angle and target servo angle of directional antenna based on GPS geographical coordinates .

    文中重点研究了定向 天线 跟踪原理,给出了基于GPS地理位置坐标的天线目标方位角和天线伺服目标角的求解方法。

  • The dynamic calculation for the foundation structure of the remote sensing satellite tracking antenna

    卫星 接收 天线基础结构动力特性的计算

  • To enhance the tracking technology of satellitic antenna controller the article introduces a improving method based on electronic beam forming .

    为改进卫星 天线控制器的 跟踪技术,提出一种基于电子波束成形的 跟踪系统改进方法。

  • A Robust Scheme for Contour Extracting and Tracking Optimum Antenna Polarizations for Target Discrimination in Clutter

    一种 稳健的目标提取与 跟踪算法

  • The key equipment of mobile carrier satellite communication system is the automatic tracking system of satellite antenna .

    而我国目前尚无实用的用于移动式卫星通讯 天线自动 跟踪系统的产品。

  • Automatic Recognition and Tracking of Antenna Sidelobe of Single-Pulse Radar by Using Ambiguity Theory

    利用模糊理论对单脉冲雷达 天线副瓣的自动识别及 跟踪