traffic manager

[ˈtræfɪk ˈmænɪdʒɚ][ˈtræfik ˈmænidʒə]


  • To satisfy the need of traffic manager for the control of ' IP Service ' an innovational Service Provide Model is proposed .

    探讨一种新的多层次化,可定制服务,满足IP服务控制的 带宽 管理需求网络运营模式。

  • A single traffic manager may host many traffic IP groups that can be controlled individually .

    单独一个 流量 管理 可以托管多个可独立控制的流量IP组。

  • Meanwhile the sharp advance of network applications has dramatically increased the traffic flow of the Internet and brought highter pressure to the network . Consequently the manager of the network should make good use of the limited network resource to satisfy the rapidly rising bandwidth demand .

    同时,迅猛发展的网络应用所产生的大量数据给网络带来了极大的压力,它要求网络 管理 必须有效地利用有限的网络资源以满足日益增长的 带宽需求。

  • Research on Switching Throughput of Traffic Manager in Core Routers

    核心路由器中 业务 引擎交换吞吐量研究

  • We made a general model to analyze switching throughput of traffic manager in core routers .

    本文给出了核心路由器中 业务引擎吞吐量分析的一般模型,并应用此模型研究了实际设计的用于 OC-48c接口的 业务引擎。

  • With the content caching feature turned on the traffic manager now acts like a caching proxy .

    在打开内容缓存特性之后,会将 流量 管理 用作缓存代理。

  • To turn on the traffic manager 's cache feature take the following steps

    要打开 流量 管理 的缓存特性,请按以下步骤操作

  • CDM reflects a collaborative concept which manages to obtain more accurate information through integrating the data provided by airspace manager ( air traffic control ) and the users ( airport and airlines ) so that the manager and users could share decision-making information .

    它是一种协同合作的理念,通过整合空域管理者( 空管)和使用者(机场和航空公司)提供的数据得出更准确的信息,并且使 管理 和和使用者共享决策信息。

  • Finally I design and implement the video-based Electronic Police System according to the traffic manager 's requirement .

    最后,根据 交通 管理员的需求设计和实现了基于视频的电子警察系统。

  • Zeus'management console follows a distributed model in which each traffic manager runs an admin process .

    Zeus的管理控制台采用了各 流量 管理 都运行一个管理进程的一种分布式模型。

  • In the event that one traffic manager 's heartbeats are not seen by the others for5 seconds the rest of the cluster assumes that it has failed and initiates a failover .

    如果其他 流量 管理 在5秒钟内未看到一个 流量 管理 的心跳,则集群的其他部分将认为此 流量 管理 已经发生故障,并启动故障转移。

  • In order to satisfy special transmission requirement caused by heavy network traffic a tactical message traffic manager ( TM ) is designed and presented .

    为了满足繁重网络业务量产生的特殊传输需求,设计了一种战术消息 流量 管理 (TM)。

  • As the demand for resource increases on each active traffic manager new machines can be added to the cluster as needed .

    随着各活动 流量 管理 的资源需求的增加,可以根据需要为集群添加新机器。

  • If there are multiple IP addresses in the group they are hosted on different traffic manager and distributed as evenly as possible .

    如果IP组内包含多个IP地址,则这些地址将托管在不同的 流量 管理 中,并且尽可能平均地分布在这些 管理 中。

  • This paper provides a module that can monitor not only the traffic of switch router 's ports but also the performance status of key devices in the network environment meanwhile it can also give warning to manager and submit the related reports .

    本模型不仅能监视路由器交换机各端口的 流量,也能监视网络环境中各关键设备的性能状态,并向 管理员报警和提交报告。

  • Organized into logical units called traffic IP address groups ( TIP group ) traffic IP addresses are hosted by clusters of Zeus Traffic Managers .

    可以将流量IP地址组织为称为流量IP地址组(TIP组)的逻辑单元,由Zeus Traffic Manager集群托管这些逻辑单元。

  • If you stick a packet sniffer on the network you will notice that each traffic manager has started to announce its health using IGMP / Multicast heartbeat messages .

    如果您在网络上使用数据包嗅探器,那么您会注意到,各 流量 管理 均已开始使用IGMP/多播心跳消息来公布其健康状况。

  • Since the appointment of a new traffic manager the buses have been running on schedule .

    自从新任命一位 行车 经理以来,公共汽车的运行一直很准时。

  • Study on Evaluation of National Economic Benefit of Urban Traffic Manager

    城市 交通 管理的国民经济效益评价方法研究

  • Assuming that there is at least one functioning traffic manager in a cluster all traffic IP addresses remain reachable .

    假设集群中至少有一个正常工作的 流量 管理 ,则可以访问所有流量IP地址。

  • Finally to illustrate the concepts in this article I 'm going to showcase the following traffic-management techniques with Zeus Technology 's Traffic Manager

    最后,为了演示本文中的概念,我将展示ZeusTechnology Traffic Manager提供的以下流量 管理技术

  • The model takes the anomaly network traffic collected by the network manager system as its data source employs the Granger causality test as its exploratory tool to extract the association among various attack stages and can achieve several attack profiles with high confidence .

    该模型以网络 管理系统收集的网络异常 流量为数据源,通过对不同阶段的攻击特征数据进行Granger因果关系检验,可以提取出描述其关联关系的高置信度攻击模式。