training centre

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈsɛntɚ][ˈtreiniŋ ˈsentə]


  • Radio and Television Training Centre

    广播和电视 训练 中心

  • Keep close contact with headquarter in Germany to develop Asia Pacific training centre .

    与德国总部保持联系发展亚太 培训 中心

  • The Hong Kong seamen 's training centre a modern and well-equipped Learning Institute operated by the vocational training council provide straining courses for new entrants and in-service training .

    香港海员 训练 中心由职业训练局开办,是一所设备完善的现代化学院。该 中心开办新入职者训练课程和海员在职训练课程。

  • I will move to KAL training centre next week in seoul .

    我将在下个星期去位于汉城的韩国航空公司 训练 中心

  • The Shanghai school also includes a media training centre with equipment including a mock-up television studio and a device to simulate a mass of flashing cameras as if an official has run into a horde of paparazzi .

    上海干部学员还包括一个媒体 培训 中心,教学设备包括一个模拟电视演播室和一个模仿大量照相机闪光灯的装置,仿佛一名官员撞见了一群狗仔队。

  • Lucien runs a boxing training centre and lives for the training of his young pupils .

    路西恩经营着一家拳击 培训 中心,他的生活目标就是培训他的年轻学生。

  • Governing body of the United Nations Vocational Training Centre for namibia ;

    联合国纳米比亚职业 训练 中心理事会;

  • Yang Liwei detailed the next stages of China 's human spaceflight programme during a press visit to Space City in Beijing a research and training centre normally closed to the public .

    杨利伟在北京航天城的一次新闻访问中详解了中国载人航天工程的下一步。北京航天城是个研究和 训练 中心,正常不对公众开放。

  • The vocational training centre currently has around 40 boys undergoing welding carpentry screen-printing and masonry work .

    职业 培训 中心目前大约有40名男孩在接受焊接、木工、丝网印刷和石工技术的 培训

  • Regional Training Centre for the Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage

    保护文化和自然遗产区域 训练 中心

  • Hong Kong shipping companies continue to sponsor cadets and trainees joining the Seamen 's Training Centre .

    香港船务公司会继续资助学员和练习生,在海员 训练 中心受训。

  • The Training Centre is fully equipped for both practical and theoretical training .

    培训 中心为实践和理论培训提供齐全的设备。

  • Eventually BAA will also establish a Training Centre in Tianjin .

    最终BAA还将在天津建设 培训 中心

  • The country has a Teachers Training College a Trade Training Centre Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre and Nursing School .

    该国也拥有教师培训学校、贸易 培训 中心、旅游培训中心和护士学校。

  • ASEAN-EC Energy Management and Research Training Centre

    东盟-欧共体能源管理与研究 培训 中心

  • Electronics Service and Training Centre

    电子服务和 培训 中心

  • Research and Training Centre on Global Environment and Human Health

    全球环境与人类健康研究和 训练 中心

  • Inter-American Training Centre for Economic and Financial Statistics

    美洲经济和金融统计 训练 中心

  • Regional Arab Human Settlements training centre ;

    阿拉伯人类住区区域 训练 中心

  • Training centre for25 trainees at least LCD projector lunch and coffee break can be supplied .

    有足够大的 培训教室(至少能 容纳25人),有投影设备,能够提供午餐和上下午茶点。

  • Trade promotion and Training Centre for Eastern and southern africa ;

    东部和南部非洲贸易促进和 训练 中心

  • Pan-African Research and Training Centre for Women

    泛非妇女研究 训练 中心

  • I am gonna establish an intensive training centre in the busiest commercial strip of the big cities .

    我将在大城市中的最繁华的商业区中建立 集训

  • Rhythm of the Heart Counseling and Training Centre - your life growing partner .

    心旋辅导与 训练工作 ――你寻求人生成长的伙伴。

  • Teachers and Technical Training Centre at Windhoek

    温得和克师资和技术 训练 中心

  • Research and training centre or programme

    研究和 训练 中心或方案

  • Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Information and Training Centre

    海洋污染应急信息和 训练区域 中心

  • In2006 Riviera completed its Training Centre to house the Human Resources team and Apprentice Training Centre .

    包含了人力资源团队和学徒培训中心的 培训 中心于2006年竣工。

  • Research and Training Centre for Women the Family and Development

    妇女、家庭及发展研究和 训练 中心