training school

[ˈtrenɪŋ skul][ˈtreiniŋ sku:l]


  • Welcome to yantsing Education English training school .

    欢迎您来我们燕园华清英语 培训 学校学习。

  • A : Yes I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university . I am currently studying Finance at a training school .

    是的,大学毕业以来我参加了英语培训课程和计算机培训课程,现在我还在一所 培训 学校 学习财务。

  • We strive to be the best language training school in the world .

    我们力争成为世界上领先的语言 培训 学校

  • Tom : Yo G.How are you getting along with your classmates in the English training school ?

    汤姆:嗨,老兄。和 培训 的同学相处得怎么样?

  • The approach on the development of martial arts in medium professional training school

    中等职业 专科 学校开展武术活动的途径研究

  • Unschooled meant they had not gone to Training School to become a Priest .

    没有学问是指彼得和约翰并没有在祭司的 培训 学校正式修道。

  • Someone who has completed the course of study ( including hospital practice ) at a nurses training school .

    完成了护士 训练 学校的全部课程(包括医院实习)的人。

  • To achieve a rapid improvement of english I choose summit English training school !

    迅速提高英语成绩,我选择 巅峰 英语

  • This year my mother took me to the training school of Alexander to join extra-curricular English learning .

    今年我妈妈带我去了一个叫亚历山大的英语 培训 学校参加课外英语补习。

  • And I am currently studying finance in a training school .

    当前我正在一个 培训 进修财务学。

  • Thank you Shaoxing Holiday Training School .

    谢谢你,绍兴假日 学校

  • Some investors in school franchises have no experience in running an English training school .

    一些有学校特许经营权的投资者并没有经营英语 培训 学校的经验。

  • The training school advertises for experienced teachers .

    培训 学校求聘经验丰富的教师。

  • Problems and Countermeasures to the History Curriculum in Five-Year-System Teachers Training School

    五年制 师范 学校历史课程设置的问题及对策

  • The Research on the Index System of Performance Assessment for Private Training School Teachers

    民办 培训 学校教师绩效考核指标体系研究

  • A former high school teacher who fled his classroom during the massive May12 earthquake in southwest China has a new job in a private training school in Beijing Xinhua reported .

    新华社报道,在中国西南部5月12日的地震中逃离教室的一位前中学教师,已在北京的一所私立 培训 学校找到了一份新的工作。

  • We established a party training school in his army with Chou yi-chung-who was later killed-as leader .

    我们在他的军队里办了一个党的 训练 ,由周逸群主持,周后来牺牲了。

  • She personally started a training school .

    她亲自创办了一所 培训 学校

  • Every had heard of but training school is a schoolgirl much .

    每听说过,但是 师范 学校都是女生多。

  • We must establish a new medical training school to turn out a whole generation of trained Chinese doctors and nurses .

    我们必须开办一所新的卫生 学校,来造就出一代受过 训练的中国医生和护士。

  • We established a party training school in his army .

    我们在他的军队 办了一个党的 训练

  • He used to work for new Oriental training school in Zibo .

    他以前在淄博新东方 培训 学校工作过。

  • So I went to enroll in training school for drivers .

    于是,我就去了一家 驾校报了名。

  • He enrolled in an anti-Japanese training school .

    他进了抗日 军政 大学

  • The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits .

    消防 训练 学校及救护训练学校均为新聘人员提供26星期的初级训练。

  • Cultivation of Exploration-Based Learning Capacity in English Education in Kindergarten Training School


  • Training : There must be a serious focus in the police training school on why ethics are important .

    培训:警察 培训 学校必须把强调道德的重要性认真地放在重点位置。

  • English training school non-academic education .

    英语 培训中专非学历教育。