



  • He entered Robben Island a militant who had failed to topple a government but came out as a leader who succeeded in building a new nation on a platform of peace and reconciliation among races .

    他进入罗本岛时还是一个未能 推翻政府的激进分子,然而出狱后却成为了一名领袖人物,成功地在种族和平与和谐平台上构建了一个新国家。

  • However if the tree looks impressive but has shallow roots it will topple during a storm .

    然而,如果那树看起来漂亮却没有深厚的扎根,一遇到风暴就会 倒塌

  • To topple as from power or a high position ; fall .

    下跌因外力或从 高处 倒下

  • China had backed Western efforts to topple the Taliban and rebuild the Afghan state but confined itself to a role of supporting regional stability through mainly economic means .

    中国支持西方 推翻塔利班和帮助阿富汗重建的努力,但迄今将自己的作用局限于主要通过经济手段支持地区稳定。

  • Again hard before person also can topple this is worldly still have adamancy can in distressed country I see ?

    原来再坚硬的人也会 倒下,这世间还有坚强吗,在忧伤的国度我可以看见吗?

  • Should an Asian-style crisis strike one of them contagion is sure to topple others .

    如果一场亚洲式危机侵袭其中的一个国家,其它国家肯定会被传染,并随之 倒下

  • He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards

    他刚一松开手就缓缓向后 倒下

  • Two of the more exciting scenarios let players take charge of the forces struggling to topple civilization .

    两个更加精彩的剧本让玩家控制可以 颠覆文明的力量。

  • Able to topple governments with a single broadcast .

    能够 新闻 颠覆政府。

  • These strong winds could topple a high-sided vehicle .

    这些强风可能会刮 侧边高的车辆。

  • He slapped his knee and began to topple from his seat .

    他拍膝盖,开始在座位上 昏昏沉沉 下去

  • Can YouTube topple television ?

    YouTube能 颠覆电视吗?

  • The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government .

    将军被指控纵容一个 颠覆政府的阴谋。

  • Why do chief executives fail regimes topple and elected leaders fall out of favour ?

    为什么首席执行官会失败,政权会被 推翻,民选领导人会失宠?

  • How can we topple the chief from his position of trust ?

    我们怎样才能 主任从他的位置上 下台

  • He caught the glass just as it began to topple .

    玻璃杯刚要 翻倒时他伸手抓住了。

  • There are Rightists in every city and they want to topple us .

    每一个城市都有一些右派,这些右派是要 打倒我们的。

  • A crisis which threatens to topple the government .

    使政府有 垮台 的危机。

  • Handcuffs will get soft and billy clubs will topple over let 's go on being free anyhow .

    手镣(压制)将得到 消解而且警棍( 严酷 政权)将会被 推翻,让我们 任意 自由的本质。

  • If the pillars shall topple then so be it . That 's just a side effect of revolution .

    如果支柱应该 倒下,那么就应该倒,这只是一个革命的副作用。

  • Ramadan pointed out that america 's plan to topple the regime of a country which found no precedent in the modern history of the world would constitute a threat to all the regimes that Washington did not like .

    拉马丹指出,美国计划 推翻一个国家的政权,这在世界现代史上是没有先例的现象,这种情况对所有华盛顿不喜欢的政权都构成威胁。

  • Governments will topple and the programmes underpinning international aid will fall apart .

    政府将 倒闭,支撑国际援助的项目将崩溃。

  • This action threatens to topple the government .

    这一行动大有 推翻政府之

  • Cribs should be placed away from windows and tall unsecured bookcases and shelves that could slide or topple .

    婴儿床应放在远离窗户和高,无担保的书柜和书架,可以幻灯片或 推翻

  • We 'll topple the Aizu clan from its pedestal !

    我们将彻底 颠覆会津部落!

  • This scandal could topple the government .

    这一丑闻可能 使政府 倒台

  • A civil war might topple the government .

    内战可能会 使政府 垮台

  • It will topple over .

    它将 倒塌