


  • The totality of financial claims is now too big to be supported by the new economic reality .

    目前,金融债权 总额的规模过大,新的经济现实无力支撑。

  • Quality is the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs .

    质量是:反映一个实体满足明确和隐含需要能力的特征的 总和

  • We have one item that covers our work in its totality and does so well into the future .

    我们有一个项目,涉及工作的 全局,并 推展到将来。

  • He did not want to reform the criminal justice system in its totality .

    他不想 全盘改革刑事司法制度。

  • These steps are in their totality I fear an assault on American principles and on capitalism itself .

    我担心,这是对美国准则的攻击,是对 资本主义本身的侵犯。

  • We need to consider the situation in its totality .

    我们需要从 整体上考虑一下形势。

  • The world is the totality of facts not of things .

    世界是 所有事实,而非事物,的 总和

  • You have not seen me in my totality .


  • For the totality of facts determines both what is the case and also all that is not the case .

    12因为事实的 总和既断定了什么是真的,也断定了什么不是真的。

  • Most of you have been preparing for many lifetimes just to remember the totality of ascension .

    大部份的你们已经准备许多世代只是去记得上升的 总体

  • It is essence put explicitly as a totality .

    根据就是被设定为 全体的本质。

  • That is to say you can still have a sense of explaining the totality of things that philosophy needs if it 's going to function as philosophy or as philosophy properly should .

    即,你个人如同哲学需要的那 的那 ,对事物作 整体解释仍然是有意义的,如果这将像哲学或者哲学应该的那样发挥作用的话,或者哲学应该的那样发挥作用的话。

  • The totality of existence atomic facts also determines which atomic facts do not exist .

    05存在的原子事实的 总和也确定了 所谓的不存在。

  • Literature is deeply rooted and intertwined with life 's totality .

    文学作品 始终是同 大众生活 根深蒂固的交织在一起的。

  • You are so quick to speak for the totality the universe and such imaginary things !

    您那么干脆为 全部、宇宙和这样虚构的事讲话!

  • Construction of teacher 's moral disciplining system in this new era ought to embody the character of time totality and sociality and to make innovation through inheritance and development .

    新时期师德体系的建构应体现时代性、 全面 和社会性,要在继承发展中创新。

  • So that totality is remote and the tasks that subordinate our minds also fragment them .

    所以, 整体 是遥远的,我们的心灵被隶属的工作,也使它们 变成零碎。

  • In consumer era design art and multi-culture mutually construct and embed the narrative mode about social totality .

    消费时代的设计艺术与多元文化相互建构并嵌入了社会 总体 叙事。

  • Beyond that we come to the Christ Consciousness and the totality of the Creator Energy .

    超过那儿,我们到达基督意识,和造物者能量的 总体

  • The Thing being this totality is a contradiction .

    “物”作为这种 全体,就是矛盾。

  • None of the other specific notions exhibits this totality complete on both its sides as the notion itself and objectivity .

    除了概念本身和客观性外,没有任何别的特定的概念在这两方面都能 达到完成的 全体

  • But there is no reason to assume that these modifications have to affect the totality of adopted doctrine .

    但这没有理由假设这些修正会影响采纳教义的 整体

  • Totality also includes the role of practice in social change .


  • But as it is invested with the character of total notion it is the contradiction between this totality and the special mode of its existence .

    根据这种 规定性,它就有了它的实际存在。但作为概念的 设定 起来的全体 ,客体就是它的这种 全体 与它的实际存在的规定性之间的矛盾。

  • The totality of true thoughts is a picture of the world .

    01 所有真的思想的 总和构成了整个现实世界一幅图画。

  • Surely a school is a place where one learns about the totality the wholeness of life .

    学校是一个学习生命的 全部 内容和生命的完整性的地方。

  • Your physical body seems small compared to your totality but it is alive and well .

    你的物质身体相较于你的 总体似乎很小的,但是它是活著的而且很好地。

  • Thus the perfected denial of man has taken charge of the totality of human existence .

    因此,对人性的完美的否定便已接管了人类存在的 总体

  • Cosmology : The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space .

    宇宙学:把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的 总和来研究的科学。