


  • Rotating bearing plate reduces internal loading for lower starting torque and long-life operation .

    旋转支承板,降低了较低的起动 转矩和长寿命运行的内部装载。

  • Plots the torque speed curve and power curves for given values of stall torque and no load speed .

    绘制给定失速扭矩和 空载速度时的 力矩曲线和功率曲线,不含负荷转速。

  • The inner loop adopts sliding mode control which can decouple torque and flux .

    内环采用滑动模控制实现了 电动机 转矩和磁通的解耦。

  • The torque relative to point P is now very similar to what we had with a spring .

    和点P相关的 力矩,和弹簧非常相似。

  • Second this dissertation develops the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods for cogging torque .

    其次,本文发展了齿槽 力矩的定性和定量分析方法。

  • This article deals with torque allocation for redundant flywheel configurations in a spacecraft attitude control system .

    主要研究了航天器姿控系统中冗余飞轮构型的 力矩分配问题。

  • It also gave the hardware of the control system and the design of the finger 's impedance torque controller .

    给出了控制系统的硬件实现和手指阻抗 力矩控制器的设计。

  • An approach to measure friction of AC servo motion control system by measuring the output torque was proposed .

    提出了一种通过测量交流伺服电机输出 扭矩间接测量摩擦的方法。

  • A simulation method of direct torque control system of induction motor is presented based on MATLAB .

    介绍了一种基于MATLAB的异步电动机直接 转矩控制系统的仿真方法。

  • I 've given it a little torque .

    我将要给了它一个 力矩

  • Using the numerical calculus and derivation the calculation model of system driving torque was established .

    通过数值计算和推导,建立了系统驱动 力矩计算模型;

  • I torque for time delta t and so I add angular momentum like this .

    我的 的时间是δt,我加入,了角动量像这样。

  • This paper analyzes the Direct Torque Control ( DTC ) theory of PMSM .

    分析了永磁同步电机直接 转矩控制理论;

  • A cogging torque measurement system was proposed which was composed of stepping motor torque sensor etc.

    提出了一种由步进电机、转矩传感器等元件组成的齿槽 转矩测试系统。

  • Special thanks to professor Meng to my calculation of the casting ladle shaft and maximum torque check calculation .

    特别感谢的是:孟教授对我计算的浇包轴位置和最大 扭矩,进行了校核计算。

  • The paper introduces a new type torque sensor used in robots joint and analyzes its working principle .

    介绍了一种用于机器人关节上的新型 力矩传感器,分析了 力矩传感器的工作原理。

  • The applications in torque controlling of electric vehicle drive system verified the effectiveness .

    在电动汽车中的实际应用验证了这种方法可以满足 转矩控制的要求。

  • Now you generate a torque which is linearly proportional to the angle .

    现在产生一个 力矩,和这个角成比例。

  • The LPV direct torque control used a method of stator voltage space vectors subdivision to decrease the torque pulsation .

    结合定子电压空间矢量细分方法,可减少电磁转矩的脉动,实现了LPV直接 转矩控制。

  • In this paper speed and torque regulation of the induction motor based on the passivity are investigated .

    本文主要研究了基于无源性的感应电机的 转矩和转速控制。

  • Abstract : this paper introduces the structure working principle and its application of torque control screw .

    文摘:介绍了 扭矩控制螺栓的结构和工作原理以及它的应用。

  • The measurement method on dynamic torque of power plant home and abroad is introduced .

    介绍了动力装置动态 扭矩 测试的国内外现状和动力装置轴系 动态 扭矩 直接测试法的原理和技术途径。

  • The back EMF constant and torque constant are analyzed . The calculating formulas are gived .

    分析了电机的反电势常数和 力矩常数,并给出了计算公式;

  • Five-and six-phase motors can offer better torque ripple reduction compared with four-phase and three-phase .

    五和六阶段马达可能提供更好的 扭矩波纹减少比较四阶段和三相。

  • Development on measuring system for frictional torque of ball screw ;

    介绍了滚珠丝杠副摩擦 力矩虚拟测试系统的设计方案。

  • A new digital torque and rotational speed measurer is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了一种新型的数字式 转矩转速测量仪。

  • The structure of the damper is determined and a damping torque model is established .

    确定了该阻尼器的结构,建立了阻尼器的阻尼 力矩模型。

  • No monitoring and control requirement on screwing torque .

    没有要求对对螺丝 扭力进行监测及控制。

  • Finally the single-chip flywheel torque servo controller was implemented on a system level ASIC .

    给出了实现飞轮 力矩伺服控制算法的系统级ASIC结构。

  • A control system of bearingless induction motor based on torque winding air gap field oriented vector control is accomplished .

    实现了一种基于 转矩绕组气隙磁场定向控制的无轴承异步电机控制系统。