


  • While I waited for Villatoro and one other cook to prepare my sizable order Villatoro gave me a complimentary steak taco with cilantro and sauteed onions in a house-made corn tortilla .

    当我在等待 维拉托瑞和另外一个厨师准备我那个大餐时,维拉托瑞免费赠送给我一份由香菜和洋葱炒的牛排。

  • So slice it then roll it in an8-inch whole-wheat tortilla with a piece of Canadian bacon or lean ham and if you like a1 / 2-ounce slice of cheese .

    所以将它切开,和一块加拿大熏猪肉或者 精肉火腿一起卷入一张八英寸全麦 玉米 里。还可以根据个人喜好,加入一片1/2盎司的奶酪。

  • The results showed that gluten content had positively important effect on the quality of the tortilla products . The toughness and internal texture of the products were correlated positively with the development time stability time and extension resistance of flour .

    结果表明,面筋含量对 卷饼产品品质有显著的正面影响,粉质 形成时间、稳定时间和拉伸阻力与卷饼的内部结构、 韧性和质量 评分呈现显著的正相关。

  • Transfer the tortilla to a plate sprinkle with parsley and serve cut into triangles or squares .

    室温时用盘 盛放,撒上欧芹,将 切成 三角形或方形再食用。

  • ( Mexico ) a flour tortilla folded around a filling .

    (墨西哥)对 折在一起的 玉米 粉饼

  • Not only German beer producers but Mexican tortilla makers have see the cost of their main raw material growing quickly to historical highs .

    不仅德国的啤酒制造商,而且墨西哥的 玉米 生产者,都已注意到他们主要的原材料成本增长迅速, 达历史最高水平。

  • Rising demand for corn ethanol and speculation by large producers drove up prices for both yellow and white corn last year causing tortilla prices to more than double in some parts of Mexico and setting off angry protests .

    大生产商对玉米乙醇和投机的需求,使得去年黄白 2种玉米的价格上升, 以至于墨西哥某些地方的 玉米 的价格都翻了一番,激起了一 反对声浪。

  • A tortilla chip topped with cheese and chili-pepper and broiled .

    一种 玉米 粉圆 片,顶上有干酪和红辣椒粉,烤制而成。

  • ( Mexican ) tortilla with meat filling baked in chili-seasoned tomato sauce .

    (墨西哥)加肉馅的 玉米 粉圆 ,在红辣椒调味的番茄沙司里烘焙。

  • The novel was Tortilla Flat and Covici published IT in1935.IT became Steinbeck 's first great success .

    这部小说就是《煎饼坪》,1935年由 科维西出版,这本书成为斯坦贝克第一部大获成功的作品。

  • ( Mexico ) a crisp flat tortilla . The crisp cakes made By our factory are light delicious and easy to carry aBout .

    (墨西哥)酥皮的 玉米 粉圆 。本厂酥饼,松软味美,携带方便。

  • Both products use the same tortilla so the kitchen isn 't further complicated with another ingredient .

    这两 产品采用同一种 面饼,为厨房省去了 不少 工序

  • An added bonus : The product team then took the same formula for the snack wrap and applied its tortilla know-how at breakfast to create the McSkillet Burrito .

    产品组用同样的快餐卷和 玉米 配方创造出早餐新品McSkillet Burrito

  • The elephant then stomped on the lion until it looked like a corn tortilla and then ambled away .

    接着,大象把狮子踩在脚下,直到狮子看上去像块玉米 ,才从从容容地离去。

  • Make a breakfast burrito by combining a scrambled egg sausage pieces ( heated up from a frozen package ) a pinch of cheese and scoop of salsa in a whole-wheat tortilla .


  • Next I dug my fork into a tortilla de patatasa scrumptious potato omelet .

    接着,我又将 叉子叉向一种可口的马铃薯蛋饼。

  • The stronger Chinese flour could produce better quality tortilla . Six kinds of Chinese wheat flours were tested in this study .

    选用6种国产小麦粉,研究了小麦粉理化指标和面团的流变学特性对 卷饼品质的影响。

  • Spread the cheese mixture on the tortilla and lay the smoked salmon on it . Wrap up and cut into small pieces .

    将乳酪馅抹在 烙饼 上面,然后放上熏三文鱼。卷起 切成小件 即可

  • I 'm in the food world the tortilla maker told Clarkson .

    这个人告诉他,他决不想使用转基因 玉米