


  • The paper constructed toponym ontology supporting spatial information retrieval and generated the geographic element basis data by data transformation and integration of semantic information in place name dictionary .

    通过数据转换及综合 地名词典的语义信息,生成地理要素基础数据。

  • Finally programmed experiments and it proved this method reduces the difficulty of resolving query language but also improves the efficiency of extracting spatial information from the query language . ( 3 ) Research on formalized of the toponym with consideration of semantic characteristics .

    最后,通过编程实验证明了本文所提出的方法降低了查询语言的解析难度,同时也提高从查询语言中提取空间信息的效率。(3)研究了顾及语义的 地名形式化 表达方法。

  • The Characteristics of Gannan Hakka 's Toponym

    赣南客家 地名的特征

  • At the same time aiming at the problem there is no or less spatial relations in the ontology constructed based on the topography thesaurus spatial relations need to be added to the toponym ontology .

    同时针对基于测绘学叙词表/主题词表所构建的 地名本体中空间关系基本没有定义或定义较少的问题,需要在 地名本体中进行空间关系的添加。

  • The topography thesaurus includes rich basic relations such as grade relation equated relation and correlative relation which should be inherited in the construction of the toponym ontology .

    测绘学叙词表/主题词表中包含有丰富的基本关系,如等级关系、等同关系及相关关系,进行 地名本体构建需要 对表中的基本关系进行继承。

  • First classified the toponym and analyzed the word formation characteristics in detail for each type of toponym .

    首先,对 地名进行了分类,并针对每类地名的构词特点进行了详细分析。

  • This paper discusses the construction method of attribute data and graph data in Beijing Toponym GIS and then introduces the approach of inspecting and controlling data by using SQL in the procedure of data collection .

    介绍北京一 地名信息系统图形数据和属性数据的构建方法,进而介绍一种在数据采集的过程中利用SQL语言检查和控制数据的有效方法。

  • The paper designed the conceptual model of toponym ontology .


  • An analysis on the naming type of places of Yangquan dialect and on the cultural information embodied in the toponym will be of benefit to the construction and study of the local culture .

    从阳泉方言地名的命名类型及 地名所蕴涵的文化信息两个方面进行探析,对地方文化的建设与研究会有所裨益。

  • And in chapter two the natural environment toponym evolution and origin of ethnic groups of Dukezong hints the main topic of this thesis .

    第二章介绍独克宗古城所在地域的生态背景、 地名沿革、语言家户、民族构成及其渊源等概况,为主题讨论作必要的铺垫。

  • Then the paper realized the spatial information expression based on toponym ontology . 4 .

    并依据设计的 地名本体概念模型,实现了基于 地名本体的空间信息表达。

  • The paper formalized toponym ontology based on OWL .

    基于OWL的 地名本体形式化表达。

  • Toponym group of national topographical bureau 1983.toponym collections of china-toponym indexes of China maps of prc . beijing : map press .

    国家测绘局科学研究所地名研究室, 1983.中国地名录-中华人民共和国地图集地名索引。北京:地图出版社。

  • Interpretation of the Dialect Toponym and Cultural Information of Yangquan Shanxi Province

    山西阳泉方言 地名文化信息解读

  • This paper applies above theory to 1 / 250000 toponym database of Shandong province executes control and evaluation on attribute data and brings forward a feasible measure of quality control .

    本文将上述理论应用到山东省1∶25万 地名数据库中,对该库属性数据进行了质量控制与评价,提出了一套切实可行的属性数据质量控制措施。

  • On the Features and Protection of Toponym goods of Agricultural Intangible Assets


  • Research on the Toponym Database Transformation from 1 ∶ 50000 to 1 ∶ 1 0000

    1∶5万 地名数据库到1∶1万 地名数据库转换的研究与开发

  • Toponym information is the core supports of emergency information .


  • Toponym is one of the carriers of culture . Vietnamese toponym also significantly embodies the immense influences of Chinese culture on Vietnam of which there have been no systematic studies among the academic circles .


  • Toponym standardization should meet both political and literate standards .


  • The applications of the toponym ontology .


  • After the evaluation in toponym database based on above theory we get a good result .

    应用上述评价理论对 山东 1 25 地名数据库 属性数据质量进行了分类评价,取得了良好的效果。

  • The meaning of the protection of toponym goods was examined on the basis of their features .

    根据 地名 的特点,探讨了 地名农业 无形 资产保护的意义。

  • The descriptions and expressions of the classes and basic relations which mainly include concepts terms grade relation and equated relation when the topography thesaurus is transformed to the toponym ontology .

    类及基本关系的描述与表达:主要包括叙词表转化为 地名本体的概念术语及等级和等同关系等。

  • The formalization description and expression of the toponym ontology .


  • Finally specific example demonstrated the feasibility of this method . ( 4 ) Proposed the method of spatial location query based on toponym .

    最后,具体的实例验证了本文方法的可行性。(4)提出了一种基于 地名的空间定位查询方法。

  • Three aspects of application about the toponym ontology are discussed in the paper such as toponym combination and match query place / toponym dissimilarity analysis and toponym space-time evolvement analysis .

    论文从地名组配查询、异地同名查询与分析及地名时空演变分析三个方面讨论了 地名本体的应用。

  • First analyzed and summarized words and phrases which composition of the spatial query language and established the thesaurus the amount of predicate vocabulary and toponym library of spatial relation and so on .

    首先,针对组成空间查询语言的词和短语进行了分析和总结,建立了空间关系谓词库、量词库、 地名库等。