topological synthesis

[计] 拓扑综合

  • This paper gives the direct approaches for topological analysis and synthesis of hybrid single contact switching networks which contain both undirected and directed edges .

    本文给出既含无向边又含有向边混合单触点开关网络的 拓扑分析与 综合的直接方法。

  • Topological Structure Synthesis and Position Analysis of 3 - DOF Translational Parallel Manipulator

    三平移并联机器人机构 拓扑结构 综合与位置分析

  • They are the shortest topological distance between two atoms the determination of the termination of the parsing process and the construction of the synthesis tree .

    它们是:最短 拓扑距离的求解、析分过程结束的判别以及 合成树的构建。

  • The method presented for topological analysis and synthesis of decoupled parallel mechanisms is of significance for innovative design of parallel mechanisms .

    基于 拓扑解耦准则进行并联机构解耦特性分析和型 综合的方法,对具有 拓扑解耦特性并联机构的创新设计和应用具有深远意义。

  • And a topological structure synthesis method based on sub-chain single-opened-chain is proposed to demonstrate all possible topological structure types for a parallel mechanism with 3-6 degrees of freedom without over-constraint .

    提出了基于支路单 开链单元的 综合方法。给出了3-6自由度无过约束并联机构所有可能的型综合方案。

  • However the most essential problem of isomorphism identification in the field of mechanical topological structure has remained unsolved over four or five decades which hampers computer-based automatic mechanical synthesis .

    然而在机构 拓扑结构学领域里的最为关键的运动链同构判别问题在长达40-50年的时间里一直没能得到解决,这还使得完全基于计算机的机构自动 综合无法实现。

  • After that topological symmetry between joints in planar open and closed chain is discussed and the method for identifying topological symmetry and its application to type synthesis is studied .

    同时,讨论了平面闭式运动链和平面开链中铰链点 拓扑对称性的判断问题,给出了 判断方法及其在型 综合中的应用方法。

  • Based on the combinational characteristics of basic units four combination modes are put forward . Micro-transformation is performed on topological graph and stratified adjacency matrix is established approaches of isomorphism criterion are given that provide theoretical basis for topological synthesis of EGTs .

    对拓扑图作缩微变换,建立了拓扑图的分层邻接矩阵,给出了同构判定步骤,为轮系的 拓扑 综合提供了理论基础。

  • Research on Similarity and Topological Synthesis of Large Deployable Antenna

    大型可展开天线相似性及 拓扑 综合研究

  • Application of Planar Open Chain with Multiple Joints and Topological Symmetry to Type Synthesis

    澳网赛场上的 老兵新传含复铰平面开链和 拓扑对称性在型 综合中的应用

  • Topological Analysis and Synthesis of Hybrid Single Contact Switching Networks

    混合单触点开关网络的 拓扑分析与 综合