


  • China similarly dominates international enrollment at other Ivy League schools including Yale and Princeton .

    同样的,中国学生在其他常春藤学校国际学生中也占据了主要地位,包括 耶鲁和普林斯顿。

  • His class voted him the man ' who had done the most for Yale . '

    他被班里评选为“为 耶鲁作出最大贡献”的人。

  • I 'm a graduate of Yale university . I have a Bachelor of Arts degree .

    我是一名 耶鲁大学的毕业生。我获得了艺术学士学位。

  • There are many colleges at Harvard and Yale .

    在哈佛和 耶鲁 大学有许多学院。

  • Congratulations on your scholarship to yale .

    恭喜你获得了 耶鲁的奖学金。

  • There 's a new I think a Yale study on executive compensation .

    有一个新闻,我想 耶鲁 大学在,行政赔偿上进行的一个研究。

  • I am a graduate of Yale University I have a Bachelor of Arts degree .

    我是 耶鲁大学毕业生,我拥有文学学士学位。

  • I went to Yale University .

    我就读于 耶鲁大学。

  • I am a graduate of Yale University .

    我是 耶鲁大学毕业生。

  • And I went to Harvard and Yale to hireyou .

    我去了哈佛和 耶鲁 大学去雇你们。

  • I was accepted by Yale University !

    我被 耶鲁大学录取了!

  • I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School .

    我和他都在 耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。

  • I received a scholarship from Yale .

    我得到了 耶鲁 大学的奖学金。

  • Good schoolboys yale cambridge .

    都是好学生, 耶鲁和剑桥。

  • Yale 's remarkable memory astounded him .


  • Yes I 've received the admission letter from Yale university .

    有,我收到 耶鲁大学的入学通知书了。

  • Now Andy Morgan at Yale University and his colleagues have evidence from truly stressful situations .


  • His new discovery adds fame to science at yale .

    他的新发现给 耶鲁 大学的科学研究 增光 添彩

  • These include Harvard and Yale .

    这些学校包括哈佛和 耶鲁

  • I ams student studying in Yale University majored in Sociology .

    我是 耶鲁大学学生,主修社会学。

  • I am a graduate of Yale University ; I have a BS .

    我是 耶鲁大学的毕业生,理学士。

  • Yale moved out last week .

    上个星期, Yale搬走了。

  • These two members of Yale 's Class of ' 57 never miss a reunion .

    这两个 耶鲁 大学57届毕业生每次同学聚会都参加。

  • She has been admitted to Yale with a scholarship .

    她已经得到 耶鲁 大学的奖学金了。

  • I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students

    我接触到一些非常聪明的哈佛和 耶鲁的学生。

  • She spent 10 years at Yale as both director of undergraduate photography and a professor in the graduate school .

    她在 耶鲁待了10年,同时担任摄影本科专业的主管和研究生院的教授。

  • She has recently joined the faculty of Yale University .

    她最近当了 耶鲁大学的教授。

  • He graduated from Yale University in1936 .

    他1936年毕业于 耶鲁大学。

  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus yale .

    最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对 耶鲁

  • Examples include Yale Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania .

    这包括 耶鲁、普林斯顿和宾夕法尼亚大学。