track circuit

[træk ˈsɚkɪt][træk ˈsə:kit]


  • Research on Transmission Model of Ballastless Track Circuit and Interference Assessment of Traction Current

    无砟 轨道传输模型及牵引电流干扰评估

  • When there 's no track circuit in front of the signal signal at clear will create the approach locking of the route .

    当信号机前方不设 轨道 电路时,则信号开放即构成进路的接近锁闭。

  • Study on EMC Problems Between Signalling Track Circuit and Electrical Propulsion System

    信号 轨道 电路与电力牵引系统间的电磁兼容研究

  • Track circuit is the basis for automatic control equipment of railway signals .

    轨道 电路是铁路信号自动控制的基础设备。

  • The utility model can realize overall track disconnection inspection of the track circuit so as to ensure that the rail track broken detector provides domestic railway with safe services .

    它能够实现 轨道 电路全程断轨检查,为保证我国铁路行车安全服务。

  • It is special for track circuit and cab signal test .

    电务信号试验车是一套专用于 轨道 电路和机车信号测试的车载测试系统。

  • Track circuit permissive block orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio

    轨道 电路的容许闭塞业余无线电用轨道卫星

  • Compensating capacitor of track circuit was theoretically analyzed from the view of electricity .

    通过电气角度,深入对 轨道 电路补偿电容方法的理论分析。

  • Common Malfunction Diagnosis and Treatment of Monorail Loop Track Circuit

    单轨交通环线 轨道 电路常见故障判断与处理

  • High-accuracy Detection of Track Circuit Frequency-shift Signal Based on the Zoom in the Local Spectrum

    基于局部频谱细化的 轨道移频信号高精度检测

  • Track circuit permissive block

    轨道 电路的容许闭塞

  • Impedance transformer is one kind of main equipment of track circuit in electrification district .

    扼流变压器是电化区段构成 轨道 电路的主要设备之一。

  • Study and Design for Communication System of Digital Track Circuit

    数字化 轨道 电路通信系统的研究与设计

  • Research and Practice of Anti-thunder of AC 480 Track Circuit

    交流480 轨道 电路防雷研究与应用

  • The jointless track circuit is an advanced control system which is used to control the trains .

    无绝缘 轨道 电路是一种先进的列车控制系统。

  • Analysis of the Adaptibility of Jointless Track Circuit to Ballast-Less Track

    无绝缘 轨道 电路对无砟轨道的适应性分析

  • The model also can be used in measuring the parameters and regulation of track circuit .

    轨道 电路参数模型的建立更加直观地体现了 轨道 电路一次参数、二次参数与 传输 信号之间的关系,可以作为 轨道 电路参数测量、调整的参考依据。

  • Decryption New to AES – a Side Channel Analysis low frequency AC coded track circuit

    对AES密码的另类解密&旁路分析低频交流电码 轨道 电路

  • Compared with the track circuit this system was not only informative but also safe and reliable .

    这种方式与 轨道 电路相比,不仅信息量大,而且安全可靠。

  • The station management terminal shall be provided with track circuit restoration button separate switches controlling button section accident release button and buttons relevant with shunting route .

    车务终端应设置 轨道 电路停电恢复、道岔单独操纵、区段事故解锁按钮和办理调车进路有关的按钮。

  • Study on Testing Method for Ballast Resistance of UM-71 Jointless Track Circuit

    无绝缘 轨道 电路道碴电阻测试方法的研究

  • Status message of direction control of track circuit within the station ;

    站内 轨道 电路方向控制状态信息。

  • Low frequency AC coded track circuit

    低频交流电码 轨道 电路

  • Modeling and Simulation of Track Circuit with Ballast-Less Track

    无碴轨道条件下 轨道 电路的建模与仿真

  • For track section of the section the train control center shall create message codes by message encoding logic of track circuit according to occupancy of front track section and release of receiving route in front station .

    对于区间轨道区段,列控中心应根据前方轨道区段占用状态以及前方车站接车进路开通情况,按照 轨道 电路信息编码逻辑,生成信息码。

  • Closed Orbits of the Hydrogen Molecular Ion within BOA track circuit permissive block

    绝热近似下氢分子离子的闭轨道(英文)有 轨道 电路的容许闭塞

  • Skills for Making Double Track Circuit Drawing

    双线 轨道 电路 电缆 路图的制作技巧

  • Coded AC phase selective track circuit

    交流电码相位选择 轨道 电路

  • Method of calculating the adjusting resistance of frequency shift track circuit for normal state and shunting state is introduced .

    本文介绍了移频 轨道 电路调整状态及分流状态调整电阻的计算方法。

  • The receiver can generate the hot standby redundancy after being used thereby being taken as a receiver for a phase detecting track circuit and an impulse track circuit ;

    采用上述接收器,构成热备冗余模式,可以作为相敏 轨道 电路和脉冲轨道电路的接收器。