


  • In most Chinese works Johannes Brahms the romantic composer of the19th century is often referred to as a conservative traditionalist and the last classical German musician .

    在众多的中文书籍中,十九世纪德奥浪漫主义作曲家 约翰内斯勃拉姆斯常常被视为保守的 传统 主义 ,德国古典作曲家中的最后一人。

  • Generally speaking Kazin is a progressive with a despairing sense of the future a traditionalist fighting against the tradition .

    总的说来,卡津是一个对未来感到失望的进步 主义 ,一个 批判 传统的传统 主义

  • Diem a profound traditionalist ran a family despotism in the Oriental manner .

    狄姆这个根深蒂固的 传统 主义 ,用东方的方式进行家族专制。

  • Im kind of a traditionalist there I think they should play in Scotland but they are2 gr8 clubs so it 'd be nice to see them play english clubs .

    我对 传统的队伍感觉不错,我认为他们应该在苏格兰比赛、,但是他们是伟大的两只球队,在英格兰俱乐部里看到他们会很不错。

  • It is difficult to summarize the composing methods of so diversified a group . One can safely say that their approach to composition is the opposite of the traditionalist type .

    这样一类 作曲家如此多样化的创作手法难以概括,但可以肯定的一点是他们的作曲方法与 传统针锋相对

  • It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditionalist period nowadays .

    不用说今天我们不是生活在一个 传统时期。

  • The traditionalist approach of determining natural monopoly involves the single factor of demand and it was conducted on the bases of its change .

    传统理论对自然垄断 动态性的判定,只是单纯地引入需求这一因素,并在需求变化的基础上 加以 判定

  • Traditionalist leaders would probably have a limited appetite for airy-fairy talk about image and reputation .

    对于有关形象及声誉的空谈,奉行 传统 主义的领导人似乎没什么胃口。

  • Call me a traditionalist but when I kill someone I really do prefer it when they stay dead .

    比较 传统。我杀人的时候,我希望他们保持安静。

  • Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist .

    她对堕胎和女权主义的反对态度表明她是个不折不扣的 传统 主义

  • One can safely say that their approach to composition is the opposite of the traditionalist type .

    可以有把握的说,他们创作的方法与 传统 主义 类型相反。

  • He is an avowed traditionalist and against reform of any kind .

    他公开承认自己是一个 传统 主义 ,反对任何类型的改革。

  • Farmer Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist ; he would never use any modern pesticides .

    农夫琼斯是一个顽固的 传统 主义 ,他从不愿使用任何新式的农药。

  • The traditionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution .

    传统 势力在海军内部的影响使其 显得像是一个极其守旧的机构。

  • The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme . The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established pattern .


  • I 'm about to marry another cost accountant ( no one else understands us ) . As a traditionalist I 'd assumed that my fianc é e 's family would be paying for the wedding .

    我就要与另一位成本 会计师(没有其他人理解我们)结婚了。

  • Mr Yu the traditionalist remains hopeful .


  • A woman priest of the Anglican church which will soon have women bishops could plausibly sue if denied promotion by a traditionalist diocese .

    英国圣公会(该教将很快会有女主教走马上任)女教士的晋升 要求如果被 遵循 传统 主义的主教拒绝了的话,她似乎可以据此控告 法院。

  • The editorial summarized the president as'a center-right traditionalist ' .

    社论将总统概括为“中间偏右的 传统 主义 ”。