trade sale

[treid sel][treid seil]


  • Mostly the uniform action to limit competition includes the ways of fixed prices quantity limitation market division boycott exclusive trade agreement selective sale agreement franchised agreement package sales etc. .

    其主要表现形式有:固定价格、限制数量、划分市场、联合抵制、独家 交易协议、选择性 销售协议、特许协议、搭售等。

  • The review will look at several options including a trade sale and a flotation .

    该公司将在评估中考虑若干选择,包括 出售及上市。

  • Today international trade market changed acutely the production and sale decisions of multinational corporation become the key factor in scrabbling for international market .

    当今的国际 贸易市场瞬息万变,跨国公司的 商品生产 销售转移决策已经成为其打入国际市场,争夺竞争地位的关键因素。

  • International trade affairs translation or interpretation sale .

    技能描述:国际 贸易、英语翻译、 销售

  • The current of our most of the e-commerce system platforms of the main focus on agricultural trade function so the system of the front platform and the sale of the management of the platform of the two functions constitute a module .

    当前我国的大部分的农村电子商务系统平台的功能主要集中在农产品的 交易功能上,所以相关系统主要由前台的 销售平台,及后台的管理平台这两个大功能模块构成。

  • Taking over of such problems will help improvement of management of enterprise ; push trade service of investigation of sale and even information system in fast progress .

    解决这些问题将会提高企业的管理水平,促进我国 营销调研 行业乃至整个信息咨询业的快速发展。

  • The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

    世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界 贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上 出售假冒商品等事宜。

  • To bring or carry in from an outside source especially to bring in ( goods or materials ) from a foreign country for trade or sale .

    进口从外部来源输入,尤指为了 商业 买卖从外国输入(货物或材料)

  • Meanwhile the development trade of car marketing models is summarized : exclusive sale model will still be the ruling and various models will coexist .

    同时,概括了我 轿车营销模式的发展 趋势:品牌专营依然是主导,多种 营销模式仍将共存。

  • WenZhou Aegean Trade Company Ltd is a company which import and sale olive oil and something about olive oil professionally .

    温州爱琴海 贸易有限公司是一家专门进口及 销售希腊橄榄油和橄榄系列产品的企业。

  • The US trade department also complained about Chinese restrictions on the sale of foreign books and films .

    美国 商务部同时还指控中国限制外国图书和电影在中国 市场 销售

  • In International trade a sale confirmation be a document regard as a contract .

    在国际 贸易中, 售货确认书可视合同。

  • Incoterms 2000 By the 1920s commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and liabilities with regard to the sale and transport of goods .

    《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》20世纪20年代,商人们开发了一套用于说明他们在货物 销售和运输中权利和义务的 贸易术语。

  • In order to relieve export pressure and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of trade pattern many enterprises selected to turn export to domestic sale .

    为缓解出口压力,加快 贸易方式的转型升级,众多企业选择出口转内销,但是面对国内 市场,纺织服装企业遇到更多困难,导致纺织服装企业 进退维谷

  • Offering the production consultation information query trade manipulation complaint acceptation booking notice production sale service etc.

    提供产品咨询、信息查询、 交易处理、投诉受理、通知预约、产品 销售等服务;

  • Unification and Harmonization of International Trade Law on Sale of Goods

    货物 买卖法律制度的国际趋同化

  • To note an exception on Bill of Lading is a necessary requirement of international trade and the demonstration of the requirement in the transportation by the contract of sale and by settlement and remittance .

    在提单上就货物的实际状况加以记载,是国际 贸易的必然要求,也是 买卖合同以及结算汇兑对提单的要求在运输环节中的体现。

  • The paper proposes five principles of market selection and market strategy and set up a price model . At the same time put forward a trade promotion strategy combining trade net of enterprises ' sale centre with sales persons .

    提出目标市场选择的五项原则和目标市场策略,建立价格模型,并在此基础上提出了以企业所 销售中心为支撑点的 销售网络和以人员销售 为主的促销策略。

  • Parties to an international trade contract are situated different countries . The international trade contract includes international sale of goods transportation insurance and payment .

    国际贸易当事人分处在不同国家,涉及国际货物 买卖、运输、保险和支付诸多环节,调整国际 贸易法律和惯例的纰漏又往往使 国际 贸易欺诈比较容易实现。

  • And while most of the executives from Europe North America and Asia-Pacific were in favour of free trade substantial minorities were in favour of blocking the sale of businesses on the grounds of the national interest .

    尽管这些来自欧洲、北美和亚太地区的高管多数都赞成自由 贸易,但仍有大量的少数派支持出于国家利益阻止企业的 出售

  • Chinese officials argue that the best way to reduce the US trade deficit is for the us to relax its restrictions on the sale to China of high technology military products .

    中国官员认为,要降低美国 贸易赤字,最好的办法是美国放宽在对华 销售高科技军事用品方面的限制。

  • While traditional trade figures classify the sale of a munich-assembled BMW to the US as an entirely German export many of the components will have been sourced outside Germany .

    尽管传统 贸易数据把在慕尼黑组装、之后 销售至美国的宝马(bmw)轿车完全归为“德国”出口,但轿车的许多部件都将采购于德国以外。

  • The new impression industry limited company is a fail designer develops the production manufacture the trade sale in a body specialized sculpture art company .

    新印象实业有限公司是深圳市一家集设计开发,生产制作, 贸易 销售于一体的专业雕塑艺术公司。

  • In commodity apartment trade stage choose some legal issues related with advance sale commodity apartment as well as involved in deal contract commodity apartment to study ;

    商品房 交易阶段选取了 预售商品房有关法律问题和商品房买卖合同有关法律问题进行研究;

  • Because the trade enterprise product and sale object is different the enterprise 's marketing strategies need different modes . Especially in currently China it is more necessary and important to re-search marketing of industrial product synthetically than past .

    对于中国现阶段的工业品来讲,由于 行业、企业、产品特点及 销售对象不同,各公司的营销策略各有不同,尤其对市场营销模式需要进一步探索。

  • The described equipment is being imported in limited quantities for demonstration at industry trade shows and will not be offered for sale or otherwise marketed . ( See Instructions )

    该设备只进口几件样品用于工业 商贸展览,不会用于 出售和其他任何商业目的。(参考说明)

  • It leads to corporate functions constantly being broken down while the retail trade plays an increasingly important business role with the sale as its main function .

    这导致企业的功能不断的被细分,零售 作为 销售为主要职能的企业则扮演着越来越重要的角色。

  • The author thinks the region market is the basic markets of every producer trade company sale . So the sale of each area will influence the whole management states of enterprises .

    作者认为区域市场是各厂家、 商家 销售的基本市场,因此,每个区域的销售将影响企业的整体经营状况。

  • It can be applied to feature Google 's trade through the purchase or sale of SMS related items ;

    人们可以应用谷歌的 贸易功能来通过短信购买或者 销售相关物品;