trade talks

[经] 贸易谈判

  • The US role in the failed Doha trade talks illustrates the collapse of American leadership .

    美国在失败的多哈回合 贸易 谈判中的角色,说明它已丧失了领导地位。

  • The trade talks will resume next month .

    贸易 谈判将于下个月重新开始。

  • Rubio suggests that oil be used as a bargaining chip in any trade talks .

    鲁比奥建议把石油当作所有 贸易 谈判的筹码。

  • It will continue to play a constructive role in the Doha Round of trade talks .

    继续在多哈 回合 谈判中发挥建设性作用。

  • At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks

    世界 贸易 谈判正处于成败的重要关头。

  • These trade talks are a critical test for the challenge of striking a global deal on climate change .

    这些 贸易 谈判是对能否在气候变化问题上达成全球性协议的挑战的一个关键考验。

  • The greatest global stimulus of all would be real progress on international trade talks .

    最重大的全球性刺激措施,将是国际 贸易 谈判取得切实进展。

  • The stalemate in the trade talks continues .

    贸易 谈判的僵持仍在继续。

  • The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair .

    首轮多边 贸易 谈判在希望与绝望间来回摇摆。

  • But patience is required in international negotiations : the Doha round of trade talks still ongoing began in 2001 .

    但是,国际谈判需要耐心:多哈回合的 贸易 谈判始自2001年,至今仍在进行中。

  • Business lobby groups have asked the Obama administration and the European Commission to raise the issue in bilateral trade talks with Beijing .

    商业游说团体已要求奥巴马政府和欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)在与北京方面 举行的双边 贸易 谈判中提出这个问题。

  • The new-round multilateral trade talks should be a turning point for the establishment of a new-type partnership .

    新一轮多边 贸易 谈判应该成为建立新型伙伴关系的重要契机。

  • He believed it would help bring the stalled Uruguay Round of trade talks on track .

    他认为这将有助于使陷入僵局的乌拉圭回合 贸易 谈判的轨道。

  • Therefore Washington hopes to extract more concrete commitments to openness from Beijing during the trade talks .

    因此在本次 贸易 谈判期间,华盛顿希望北京能作出更切实的开放承诺。

  • The matter has not been raised in bilateral economic and trade talks between Beijing and Washington .

    中美双边 经贸 对话中没有提及这一问题。

  • Trade talks too have become an economic weapon .

    贸易 谈判也已成为一件经济武器。

  • Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks .

    在目前的世界 贸易 洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。

  • In defiance of his party he wants Japan to join US-led trade talks to create the Trans-Pacific Partnership .

    与自民党的主张不同,他希望日本加入美国主导的 贸易 谈判以创建《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP)。

  • The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise .

    去年12月份 贸易 谈判 中止可能因祸得福。

  • Such attitudes were behind the wrecking of the Doha round of trade talks this week .

    这种态度就是破坏本周多哈回合 贸易 谈判的潜在原因。

  • The second is the outcome of the Doha round of multilateral trade talks .

    第二就是多哈回合的多边 贸易 谈判的结果。

  • All the leading newspapers reported the trade talks between China and the United States .

    各大主要报纸都报道了中美两国 贸易 谈判的消息。

  • China 's entry into the WTO will play an active and constructive role in starting a new round of multilateral trade talks and in establishing a new international economic order .

    中国加入世贸组织对启动新一轮多边 贸易 谈判、建立国际经济新秩序将起到积极和建设性作用。

  • Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva .

    很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边 贸易 会谈

  • With fading hopes for a global deal a maze of bilateral and regional trade talks is taking place .

    随着达成全球贸易协定的希望逐渐破灭,大量的双边和地区 贸易 谈判正在进行。

  • To wrap up the 12-member Pacific trade talks he needs fast-track negotiating authority from the US Congress .

    为了完成有12个成员国参加的太平洋 贸易 谈判,他需要获得美国国会的快车道(FastTrack)谈判授权。

  • They called for a compromise on all sides to break the deadlock in the world trade talks

    他们呼吁各方作出让步以打破世界 贸易 谈判中的僵局。

  • Among the other Brics nations India sees China as an ally to press the west on trade talks and multilateral forums as well as an important commercial partner .

    在其余金砖国家中,印度将中国视为在 贸易 谈判和多边论坛中对西方施压的一个盟友,以及重要的商业合作伙伴。

  • Trade talks are to be held by nongovernmental organizations of both sides .

    双方由民间团体出面 商谈 贸易