trade relation

[treid rɪˈleʃən][treid riˈleiʃən]

[法] 贸易关系

  • There do not exist theoretically the problems of dumping and antidumping in the theory of absolute advantage so the theory can not explain the trade relation between developed countries and developing countries .

    提出了在绝对优势理论中,理论上不存在倾销与反倾销的问题,发展中国家与发达国家的 贸易 关系不应只用绝对优势理论来解释;

  • The Development Problems and Countermeasures of the Sino-Russian Trade Relation in the New Time

    新时期中俄 经贸 合作的发展、问题及对策

  • In 1972 China resume the normalization of diplomatic relations with Japan Sino-Japanese economy and trade relation had also gone through recovery development fluctuation and steadiness four stages .

    自1972年中国与日本恢复邦交正常化以来,中日 经贸 关系也随之经历了恢复、发展、波动和稳定发展四个阶段。

  • And they warned that American protectionism conduct would seriously impact the sino-U.S trade relation which is playing a significant role in the recovering global economy .

    他们警告说,世界经济尚未完全恢复,中美关系在世界经济复苏中所起的作用越来越重要,而美国所进行的这些贸易保护行为将严重影响中美 贸易 关系

  • On the basis of analysing above we probe into the countermeasure of coordinating China 's environmental quality and foreign trade relation in thesis .

    在前面分析的基础上,论文了探讨协调中国环境质量与对外 贸易 关系的对策。

  • We is write you with a view to establish trade relation .

    我们写这封信是为了要和你方建立 业务 关系

  • There are some distinguishing features in economic and trade relation between China and Africa from 1949 to 2000 . Firstly the Chinese leaders paid great attention to it .

    1949~2000年的中非 经贸 关系有以下特点,第一,中国领导人高度重视中非 关系,在中非经贸 关系中始终贯彻平等互利和真诚援助的政策和原则;

  • The Trade Relation between Hong Kong and Guangdong after the Anti-Japanese War ( 1945.9-1949.10 );

    略论抗战后的粤港 贸易 关系(1945.9-1949.10)

  • The key factor for the advancement is the rapid development of and great potential in their economic and trade relation .

    中美 之间 经贸 关系发展迅速,经贸 合作潜力巨大,这是两国 关系能够保持发展的最重要的因素。

  • With the global economic integration and the close trade relation of various countries the seaborne trade has become the important component of the world economics intercourse .

    在全球经济一体化和各国 贸易紧密 联系的今天,海运贸易已成为世界经济往来的重要组成部分。

  • Since the 1970s China and the EU established diplomatic relations China and the EU began a long-term trade relation .

    自二十世纪七十年代中欧建交,中国与欧盟各国便开始了长期的 贸易 关系

  • The Asymmetrical Change of China-Japan 's Trade Relation : A Data-Based Analysis

    中日 经贸 关系的不对称性变化:基于数据的分析

  • FTA ( Free Trade Area ) negotiation between Norway and China was launched in 2008 and the establishment of bilateral FTA will offer a new chance for the two countries to develop the trade cooperation and enhance the level of bilateral economic and trade relation .

    在此背景下,中国与挪威的自由贸易区谈判于2008年正式启动,两国双边自由贸易区的建立将为双方进一步发展经贸合作和提升双边 经贸 关系的层次提供一个新的平台。

  • The US has exerted pressure to China on this question many times . It has caused a series of trade friction and influence two countries ' development and benefit of trade relation .

    美国就此问题多方面向中国施压,引起了一系列的贸易摩擦,严重影响了两国 经贸 关系的健康发展,影响了两国的利益。

  • In the history the initial relationship of a country with another national often begins with the trade occurrence and the development between the both countries . Before the official contact of China and Russia the both had trade relation indirectly and directly .

    历史上,一个国家与另一个国家最初的联系往往始于两国间贸易的发生与发展,中俄两国正式交往之前,双方已有间接和直接的 贸易 联系

  • Competition or Cooperation between Dragon and Elephant : An Analysis of China-India Trade Relation Based on Technical Structure of Export

    龙象之争与龙象共舞&基于出口技术结构的中印 贸易 关系分析

  • It keeps long trade relation with Korea and it is full of Korean atmosphere .

    与韩国的长期的 贸易 交流,使威海 浸透着韩国的 国际气息。

  • Japan is the largest trading partner and one of main investment sources of China . Japan-Sino trade relation has much influence on China 's economic development and industrial structure evolution in the 21st century .

    日本是中国的第一大贸易伙伴和主要的投资来源国,中日 经贸 关系对中国在21世纪的经济发展与产业结构演进影响很大。

  • The contract parties shall promote the expansion of trade relation between the two countries .

    缔约双方应促进两国之间 贸易 关系的扩大与发展。

  • This trade relation inspired the development of the oriental commercial profit of the Portuguese and the Dutch which reflects the great importance of Sino-foreign trade relation to early east and west relation and reflects the peculiar function of Macao Port in Sino-foreign trade relation .

    这种 贸易 关系促进了葡荷两国东方商业利益的发展,揭示了中外贸易关系对早期东西方关系的极端重要性,也反映了澳门港在中外贸易关系中的独特作用。

  • China : Its Economic and Trade Relation with Other Third World Countries

    中国与第三世界国家的 经贸 关系

  • The electronic commerce represents the developing direction of the future commerce . Its swift development brings convenience efficiency and wealth to man 's society simultaneously puts forward serious challenge to the law system that regulates the conventional trade relation effectively carried out in various countries .

    电子商务代表着未来商业发展的方向,电子商务迅速发展在为人类社会带来便捷、效率和财富的同时,也对各国长期以来行之有效的调整传统的 商业 交易 关系的法律制度提出了严重的挑战。

  • The Analysis on Aqua-products Trade Relation Between China and EU

    中国与欧盟水产品 贸易 关系分析

  • The opportunity and challenge of the development of the economic and trade relation between China and ASEAN

    云南与东盟 经贸 关系发展的机遇与挑战