


  • Track vehicles ' dynamic performance is related to the conditions of trackage closely

    轨道车辆动力学性能与 轨道条件密切相关

  • In this paper rail welding technique of seamless trackage is summarized With a review of the development of rail welding technique in China the quality control standards over welded joint geometric errors is given

    无线 局域网中的无缝切换综述了 世界 各国 铁路无缝 线路的钢轨焊接技术,介绍了我国铁路钢轨无缝线路焊接技术的发展情况,并列出钢轨焊接接头几何偏差控制标准

  • Trackage classified by speed Calculation and Analysis of Speed-Measurement Characteristic Curve of Circuit-breaker

    按速度分级的(铁路) 线路断路器速度测量特性曲线的求解分析

  • A Study of Welding Technology for Seamless Trackage

    铁路无缝 线路 钢轨焊接技术的研究

  • Track vehicles and trackage constitute a system in which they are acting each other . Track vehicles must satisfy the need of dynamic performance only on the basis of given conditions of trackage .

    轨道车辆与 轨道 线路是一个相互作用的大系统,轨道车辆必须也只能在一定轨道条件下满足动力学性能要求。

  • According to the specific engineering geology conditions of-1000m level northern trackage contacting roadway in Qishan Coal Mine the reasons for deformation and failure of support are analyzed . The feasible support schemes for the deep roadway engineering are put forward .

    针对旗山矿 -1000m水平北翼 轨道联络大巷的具体工程地质条件,分析了巷道变形、破坏状况及其原因,提出了该巷道工程支护备选方案。

  • Power Electronics in Implements for Trackage Traction and Navigations
