tracking filter

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈfɪltɚ][ˈtrækiŋ ˈfiltə]


  • Multi-Sensor Attitude Determination System Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    基于强 跟踪 滤波器的多传感器组合测姿系统

  • A scheme to estimate the flight attitude of a rolling missile based on strong tracking filter ( STF ) was proposed .

    给出一种基于强 跟踪 滤波器(STF)的滚转弹飞行姿态获取方法。

  • The Design about Tracking Filter Circuit of a Sensor OES-2 in the Vehicle

    OES-2型车用光电测速传感器 跟踪 滤波电路设计

  • Vehicle nonlinear state estimation based on strong tracking filter

    基于强 跟踪 滤波的车辆非线性状态估计

  • The neural network support vector machine and Kalman filter are researched in thrust estimation . The tracking filter thrust estimate method based on controller is proposed .

    研究了推力估计的神经网络、支持向量机算法、Kalman跟踪滤波方法,并提出了基于控制器的 跟踪 滤波推力估计方法。

  • Therefore it is proposed to use Strong Tracking Filter ( STF ) in maneuvering target tracking .

    基于此,将强 跟踪 滤波运用到机动目标跟踪上。

  • Sampling Tracking Filter for Abstraction of Weak Light Signal Submerged in Noise

    从噪声中提取弱光信号的采样 跟踪 滤波器

  • Secondly the theory of strong tracking filter is adopted in multisensor data fusion system .

    第二,将强 跟踪 滤波器Strong Tracking Filter)理论引入到多传感数据融合系统中。

  • Strong Tracking Filter with Application to Bearings-only Passive Maneuvering Target Tracking Experimental results show that the algorithm is robust and accurate .

    基于强 跟踪 滤波器的纯方位机动目标跟踪算法实验结果表明,该特征跟踪算法有较强的鲁棒性和准确性。

  • This tracking filter is based on state variable filter and make central frequency be equal to control frequency .

    这种 跟踪 滤波器以状态变量滤波器为基础,通过锁相倍频器和开关电容实现 滤波器的中心频率与控制频率相等。

  • Methods A high reliable Kalman filter multiuser detector based on strong tracking filter is described .

    方法采用嵌入强 跟踪 滤波器的高可靠卡尔曼滤波多用户检测算法。

  • Fault diagnosis based on strong tracking filter for hybrid systems

    混杂系统故障诊断的强 跟踪 滤波器 方法

  • Fault Estimation Based on PI Strong Tracking Filter

    基于比例积分强 跟踪 滤波器的故障估计

  • Gated tracking filter system

    选通 跟踪 滤波器系统

  • Research on an Estimation Algorithm of Non-stationary Random Process Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    一类随机过程基于强 跟踪 滤波的算法研究

  • He called it a tracking filter .

    他称此为 跟踪 滤波器

  • The strong tracking filter applied to magnetic ball levitation system

    跟踪 滤波器在磁悬浮球系统中的应用

  • A Fault-tolerant Navigation Algorithm of Multiple Satellite Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    基于强 跟踪 滤波的多模卫星容错导航算法

  • This paper researches the engine component tracking filter for Model-Based Control system .

    本文研究用于基于模型控制(MBC.Model-BasedControl)系统的发动机部件 跟踪 滤波器 技术

  • A Study of Levitation Control for Maglev Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    基于强 跟踪 滤波器的磁浮列车悬浮控制研究

  • Online Fault Diagnosis for Hydraulic Servo Systems Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    基于强 跟踪 滤波器的液压伺服系统实时故障诊断

  • The tracking filter is mainly constructed with a fuzzy α - β filter and a self-tuning estimator .


  • Finally some solutions to improve prediction accuracy of the tracking filter are given .

    最后给出了提高 滤波预测精度的一些解决方法。

  • Modified strong tracking filter based on UD decomposition

    基于UD分解的改进型强 跟踪 滤波器

  • The nonlinear tracking filter recursive equations for radar multi-target tracking in polar coordinates is introduced in the paper .

    导出极坐标下雷达多目标跟踪的非线性 滤波方程和预测方程,获得了稳定和渐近无偏估计;

  • An Adaptive Strong Tracking Filter for Systems with Time-varying Noises

    时变噪声系统的自适应强 跟踪 滤波器研究

  • Fault-Tolerant Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Strong Tracking Filter

    基于 联邦 滤波的卫星容错组合导航算法

  • Tracking Filter is a important component of MBC ( Model-Based Control ) system .

    跟踪 滤波器是基于模型的控制(MBC,Model-BasedControl)模式的重要组成部分。

  • Model for spiral maneuvering target and design of tracking filter

    螺旋机动目标建模与 跟踪 滤波器设计

  • A Tracking Filter Algorithm Based on MMW / IR Combined Guidance

    一种基于毫米波/红外复合制导的 跟踪 滤波算法