tracing program

[ˈtresɪŋ ˈproˌɡræm][ˈtreɪsɪŋ ˈprəuɡræm]

[计] 跟踪程序,追踪程序

  • We to break the medium does cells when using this methed and need to determine the next tracing cell number which makes the program complicated and time consuming .

    计算时它需要对非均匀介质进行网格划分,射线追踪时需要确定 追踪的下一个网格的编号,这使 程序复杂化且耗费机时。

  • A method for the of transfer probability and transport time tracing the motion of particles in the fracture network was put forward . Furthermore the corresponding simulation program was developed .

    提出了裂隙网络中 质点的转移概率和运移时间的 计算方法,编制了相应的仿真模拟 程序

  • As an application of our monitoring and evaluation system the analysis of a parallel ray tracing program running on the Transputer multiprocessor is described .

    通过分析Transputer多处理机上运行的并行光线 跟踪 程序,说明了性能监视所起的巨大作用。

  • The tracing method of isoline used in program is linear interpolation .

    等值线的 寻找用的线性插值的方法。

  • Tracing the development history of Guangzhou Metro Corporation this case describes the status of staff training business of the corporation at its different historic stages highlighting the contradiction between the staff training program and the Corporation 's strategic development .

    本案例以广州地铁总公司的发展 历程为主线,描述了广州地铁员工培训业务在企业不同发展阶段的状况。突显出广州地铁员工培训 规划与企业战略发展的矛盾。

  • Tracing and replaying the execution of the program can ensure that two executions will get the same result with the same input .

    通过对 并行 程序的执行情况进行 跟踪和重演,可以保证并发 程序在相同的输入时候两次执行完全一样。

  • In this paper a tracing analysis method for calculating the ultimate loading capacity of various kinds of space trusses has been studied and the corresponding computer program has been developed as well .

    本文比较系统地研究了网架结构极限承载能力的 追踪分析方法,并编制了相应的电算分析 程序

  • A temperature tracing and displaying program for chromatographic heating furnaces

    色谱加热炉温度 跟踪显示 程序

  • Each supplier must include a document named as project tracing program in his quotation list and to illustrate how shall the requirement of all technical criteria be satisfied .

    每个供应商在其报价文件中要提供一个名为“项目 跟踪 计划”的文件,阐述供应商的组织是如何满足技术规范中的全部要求。

  • Because this tracing work is interleaved with program execution the GC can lose track of certain objects that the application can hide through executing loads and stores .

    由于这种 跟踪工作与 程序的执行是交叉进行的,应用程序通过执行加载或存储将某些对象“隐藏”,因此GC可能会丢失这些对象的跟踪。

  • This paper introduces two essential problems-ability of antijamming and photoelectric linear isolation in the application system of 8098 Single-ChiP Computer Particularly the method of program tracing fot correcting program error is analyzed .

    概述了 8098单片机系统应用中抗干扰和线性光电隔离两个问题。

  • The demands of the tracing compensation grouting program for construction and monitoring are higher but can save a lot of project cost and shorten the construction period .


  • RVS 's design goal is to implement remote real-time tracing visualization based on minimum of program perturbation .

    RVS系统的最终设计目标是保证计算 程序干扰最小的前提下实现远程实时 跟踪可视化。

  • On the basis of analyzing the built in tracing facility of PVM and its deficiencies on dynamic instrumentation an improved and expanded version of PVM tracing facility is proposed and implemented in the VENUS system-a PVM based parallel program performance analysis visualization and optimization environment .

    在分析PVM内部跟踪机制及其在动态 跟踪方面缺陷的基础上,对其进行了相应的改进和扩充,并在一个基于PVM的并行 程序可视化性能分析系统VENUS中得到了实现。

  • Solving a tracing problem by recursion program

    递归 技术解决采用 回溯 求解的问题

  • As a technical means of preventing malicious tampering software tamper-proofing makes it harder to tamper with software by real-time tracing the tampering and terminating the running of the program .

    作为防恶意篡改的技术手段,软件防篡改技术能够增加软件篡改的难度,并当 篡改发生时能够即时感知并终止 程序的运行。

  • A temperature tracing and displaying program written witb Basic language is presented .

    介绍了用BASIC语言编写的温度 跟踪显示 程序

  • Example solutions from this solver are presented to show that the RVS also offers an environment for effective remote real-time tracing visualization for the parallel program .

    实验结果表明,该解决方案是实现并行 程序的远程实时 跟踪可视化的一种有效途径。

  • In this paper the working concept of the light engine is described and the optical performance has been evaluated with the simulation using ray tracing program which shows a good uniformity for projector application .

    本文阐述了光机的工作机理,并通过光线 追踪 程序的模拟评估了它的光学性能,反映出它适合投影应用的良好均匀性。