trading down

下向贸易,降格推销,向下经营; 卖贵买贱

  • Wal-Mart had benefited early in the recession when more affluent shoppers were trading down to cheaper stores .

    沃尔玛在经济衰退的早期是受益的,当更多富裕的 购物者 降低消费到便宜的商店。

  • To stop consumers trading down to cheaper own - label products companies have begun making cheaper versions of their core products .

    为了阻止消费者 降级消费购买较便宜的自有品牌产品,各企业都开始推出各自核心产品的廉价版本。

  • The Sterling was weaker as the dovish inflation report opened the door for further BoE QE trading down to1.5100 against the Usd .

    温和的通货膨胀报告开启了英国央行采取量化宽松政策的大门,英镑兑美元走弱, 下跌1.5100

  • Our stock price is trading down twenty-five percent .

    我们的股票 市值已经 下降 25%。

  • Revenues from equity and fixed income trading were down 15 per cent year on year compared with its warning in May that they could fall by 25 per cent .

    该行来自股票和固定收益 交易的营收同比 下降 15%,相比之下该行5月份曾警告说这些营收可能会下降25%。

  • If you asked me to distill trading down to its simplest form I would say that it is a pattern recognition numbers game .

    如果你让我对 交易 个简单的概括,我想说是数字识别游戏。

  • But even exchange-traded assets can now be traded elsewhere - notably the market for cash equities where banks are forming trading consortia to drive down costs or at least force the exchanges to lower the prices they charge .

    然而,甚至连在交易所交易的资产现在都可在其它任何地方交易,特别是现金股票市场。各大银行正在成立 交易联盟,以 压低成本,或者至少迫使交易所降低它们所收取的费用。

  • In a tougher climate western retailers w_661 were trading down .

    在环境变得艰难之际,(西方零售商) 降低 出价

  • Prices went haywire ; banks and asset managers discovered that all their trading and hedging models had broken down .

    价格陷入疯狂;银行和资产管理公司发现,它们的 交易和对冲模型全部 失灵

  • The yen slipped against the greenback trading at 120.34 down 0.78 yen .

    日元对美元的汇率以 120.34兑1美元收盘, 下跌0.78日元。

  • They are selling their five-bedroom house and trading down to a two-bedroom cottage .

    他们要把5居室的房子卖掉, 一所较 便宜的2居室小屋。

  • The most dramatic shift in consumer behaviour I have ever witnessed is the current phenomenon of trading down .

    我所见过的消费行为最为明显的改变,就是目前的 减少 消费现象。

  • Investment-banking revenues collapsed in the second quarter as trading activity slowed down .

    交易活动减少后,投资银行二季度业务收入 大跌

  • The report points to inequities in the world trading system that drag down export growth of developing countries .

    报告指出,在世界 贸易体制中存在的不平等制约 发展中国家的出口增长。

  • On Thursday spot bullion was trading at $ 1 down from a nominal record high of $ 1 575.79 three weeks ago .

    周四,现货金价为每盎司1495美元,低于三周前达到的每盎司 1575.79美元的名义纪录。

  • If consumers start trading down to lesser brands that are a fraction of the cost Nike will have to choose between lower market share or competing on price alone .

    如果消费者开始 转而购买成本远 低于耐克的较小品牌,耐克将不得不在市场份额下滑和单纯的价格竞争之间做出选择。

  • Stock in Apple rose as much as 4 per cent in after-hours trading after closing down $ 1.40 to $ 151.51 .

    苹果股价在正常 交易时段下跌1.40美元,收于 151.51美元,随后在盘后 交易中涨幅一度达到4%。

  • Global equity markets expressed relief that some of the figures – particularly those in the US – were not worse but US equities were trading down by the afternoon in New York .

    美国等一些国家的数据没有太过糟糕,让全球股市松了一口气,但美国股市 收市走低

  • Nor is heavy demand for motorcycles a sign Indian consumers are trading down from four-wheeled vehicles .

    对摩托车的强劲需求,并不意味着印度消费者正 舍弃四个轮子的交通工具。

  • Us and European chief executives will not be trading down to 7 Days Inn any time soon .

    短时间内,美国和欧洲的首席执行官不可能将 成本 降至7天连锁酒店的水平。

  • Reports of the company 's bad trading figures sent its share prices down .

    公司 营业额下降的报告使它的股票价格 下降

  • Many Americans are trading down : sales at department stores are increasing at sluggish rates not seen since the last recession while sales at discount stores are still growing briskly .

    很多美国人 经营 低档商品以增加销量:百货商店的销售增长慢得像蜗牛,这是上次衰退以来闻所未闻的;

  • They later pared some of the losses and by early afternoon in New York were trading at $ 3.10 down more than 11 per cent from Friday 's close .

    随后,花旗收复了部分失地,到纽约午盘稍后,其 股票 交易价为每股3.10美元,较上周五收盘价 下跌逾11%。

  • It then broke on its fourth day of trading closing down at $ 17.12 per share .

    在第4个 交易日,亚马逊跌破发行价,低收于每股 17.12美元。

  • On the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon the company 's American depository receipts were trading down $ 1.10 or1.6 percent to $ 67.20 .

    在纽约股票交易所,公司在美国的存托凭证 交易下降 1.10美元,也就是1.6个百分点,最后成交价格是67.20美元。

  • Finally with Netflix currently trading 20 % down from its 52-week high and the Lions Gate investment not yet complete now would be a good time for Alibaba to explore talks .

    最后,Netflix目前 股价比它一年中的最高点 20%,而且狮门娱乐的投资还没有完全到位,现在应该是阿里巴巴进行接触的好机会。

  • If you have a heap of home equity you could tap into this wealth by say trading down to a smaller place .

    如果你的房屋净值较高,你可以通过 换取一套较小的 房屋等做法享受这笔财富。

  • Practice shows that commodity exchange through trading centres helps Break down Barriers Between the departments and regions

    实践证明,通过 贸易中心来进行货物交易有助于 打破条块分割的状态

  • Like gold silver moved higher in early trading only to back down later on finishing the day marginally lower and shortly dipping below $ 13.00 level again .

    白银与黄金走势相似,较早时段上升,后期市场较低位置,刚好再次在低于 13.00美金位置 收市