train oil

[tren ɔɪl][trein ɔil]


  • To Train Managerial Personnel on Oil Exploration Institute

    浅谈 石油勘探科研院所管理人才 培养

  • The fully variable valve train composes of valve train and hydraulic control mechanism . The continuous control of the max valve lift and opening duration of the valve are achieved through the control of liquidity of the hydraulic oil in the hydraulic control mechanism .

    全可变气门机构由凸轮 机构 液压控制机构两部分组成,利用液压控制结构控制流体的流动来实现气门运动最大升程和开启持续角的可变。

  • The train was still burning on Tuesday morning and it was feared that the burning oil tanks could explode .

    星期二早上火仍未熄灭, 列车上着火的 油罐很有可能引发爆炸。

  • Single train LPG plant the stress analysis of oil - gas pipeline on top of the coke tower in large-scale coking unit

    液化石油气装置大型焦化装置焦炭塔顶 气管道的受力分析

  • Then the energy value of each section is accumulated according to the train route and the sum energy is conversed to the quantity of diesel oil or electricity and the cost is computed .

    按照 列车径路累加各区段的能耗值,并换算为 、电的消耗量,最终计算出能耗费用。

  • Computer simulation and parameters optimization for diesel hydrodynamic power train in wheel loaders Study on Oil for Diesel Locomotive Hydraulic Transmission

    装载机柴油机-液力机械传动系计算机仿真及参数优化内燃机车液力 传动 的研究

  • The recently arrived 30-container train of cutlery toys and other consumer goods will return to China after Christmas loaded with wine ham and olive oil .

    最近抵达西班牙的 火车包含30节集装箱,装有餐具、玩具和其他日用消费品。在圣诞节后,这列火车将载满葡萄酒、火腿和橄榄 返程。

  • The achievement has been successfully applied in train loading process of oil products in SINOPEC enterprise with notable economic efficiency .

    该系统取得的研究成果和技术已成功应用于 石化企业 铁路装车过程,回收效果显著,效益明显。

  • Main technique methods and study train of thought applied on oil reservoir description in Qiaokou oilfield are set forth .

    阐述了桥口油田 油藏描述运用的主要技术方法及研究 思路

  • To analyze the characteristics and supply and demand relation of world oil market . To propose train of thought of utilizing international oil resources by going abroad strategy .

    分析了世界石油市场的特征及供需关系,就我国实施利用国际 石油资源的战略提出一些 思路

  • By the analysis of interrelated research the temperature difference between inside and outside is the main factor of generator train oil consumption . A well fitting mathematic model is established by the method of system identity .

    通过对相关研究的分析,论文发现 车厢内外温度差是影响 油耗的主要因素,并通过系统建模的手段建立了效果较好的数学模型。

  • Efforts will also be put to reinforce the construction of information network and oil stock infrastructure to train oil trading personnel so as to lay a solid foundation to conduct highly-efficient oil import and export business .

    此外,还要加强信息网络、储备设施的建设和 石油外贸人才的 培养,为高效率地进行进出口贸易打下坚实的基础。