toxic atrophy

[ˈtɑksɪk ˈætrəfi][ˈtɔksik ˈætrəfi:]


  • BaP is known to be toxic to male reproductive system . It has been reported that BaP exposure may cause testicular atrophy and the loss of sperm number and activity reduce the length and weight of seminiferous tubules and decrease intratesticular and serum testosterone .

    BaP具有雄性生殖 毒性,它可以引起睾丸 萎缩、精子数量及活动能力下降,降低曲精小管的长度和重量以及减少血浆和睾丸内的睾酮水平。

  • Conclusion : The CT appearances of chronic alcoholic toxic cerebral injuries and liver injuries were cerebral atrophy in different degree encephalomalacia foci fatty liver liver cirrhosis .

    结论:慢性酒精 中毒性脑病、肝病的CT表现特点是不同程度的脑 萎缩、脑软化灶、脂肪肝、肝硬化。