traffic offence

[ˈtræfɪk əˈfɛns][ˈtræfik əˈfens]


  • The Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others expressly provides the accommodating prostitution ( brothel ) as the illegal act and also expressly provides such offence may be extradited .

    《禁止 贩卖人口及取缔意图营利使人卖淫的公约》将容留卖淫(妓院)明确规定为非法行为,且明确规定该类 犯罪可引渡。

  • However the phenomenon of traffic offence has existed some even worse .

    然而 交通 违法现象仍普遍存在,有的甚至愈演愈烈,我们 常德市也不例外。

  • Research on Evidence Collection and Processing Method of Transportable Off-site Enforcement against Traffic Offence

    移动式非现场 交通 执法的证据采集与处理方法初探

  • The incidence of traffic accidents and the number of deaths each year due to traffic accidents is very alarming which is one of the important causes in the police vehicle driver driving offence outside the line of sight of the very common .

    交通事故的发生率和每年因 交通事故死亡人数非常惊人,其中的重要原因之一就是机动车驾驶员在交警视线之外 违法驾驶的情况非常普遍。

  • The crime of traffic in drugs is an act offence the accomplished formation is taken drugs in the round of dealing as requisites .

    贩卖毒品罪是行为 ,既遂形态以毒品进入交易环节为准。

  • Speeding is a serious traffic offence and is one of the major causes of traffic accidents in Hong kong .

    超速 驾驶是严重 罪行,亦是交通意外的主要成因之一。

  • This paper started from the following discussion : Chapter I the elements of the Crime of Traffic Offence .

    本文主要从以下方面展开论述:第一章: 交通 肇事 的基本犯罪构成。

  • Drunk driving will now be considered to be dangerous driving regardless of whether it is accompanied by another traffic offence .

    酒后驾车现在被当成危险驾驶,不管它是否伴随着另一个 交通 违规 行为

  • In view of a usual upsurge of drink driving cases during long holidays the Traffic Police will step up enforcement measures against this offence during the forthcoming holidays .

    鉴于 长假期间,酒后驾驶的个案数字可能上升,警务处 交通部将会在这段期间加强执法。

  • On the Principles of Disciplinary Measures against Students in Violation of Discipline under Laws ; The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence .

    法治视野下的高校学生违纪处分原则基本原则规定了处理 违犯 交通法规的规则。

  • But from an overall perspective the current domestic traffic offence management information system limited information sharing it is difficult to achieve integration of data processing the mainstay of the law - drivers not an interactive interface .

    但是从总体上看,目前国内的 交通 违法管理信息系统信息共享有限,难以实现数据一体化处理,对于违法的主体一司机,没有一个交互的接口。

  • Traffic offence is a kind of common and frequently happened crime in modern society .

    交通 肇事 是现代社会常见多发的犯罪。

  • Home Office figures show that the vast majority dealt with by courts for every type of traffic offence are male .

    英国内政部的统计数字显示,绝大多数法院审理的每一类 交通 违章都是男性所为。

  • The third part thinks that traffic crime is a typical involuntary crime and is not joint offence according to the principle that crime and punishment should be written in the law .

    第三部分,对 交通肇事罪中是否存在共同犯罪问题,从刑法中的罪刑法定原则、共同犯罪理论方面进行论证分析,认为 交通肇事罪是典型的过失犯罪,不存在共同 犯罪

  • Rethinking About Function Of Per Se Doctrine & Reasonable Rule ; The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence .

    关于本身违法规则与合理规则功能的新思考基本原则规定了处理 违犯 交通法规的规则。

  • Two similar traffic accidents the decision of the court were very different as the traffic offence and crimes against the public in a dangerous way which caused the query of public and the dispute of legal circles .

    两起类似的交通事故,法院的判决却截然不同,分别定为 交通 肇事 和以危险方法危害公共安全罪,这引发了民众的质疑以及法学界的争论。

  • On the basic theory of the Criminal Law with the combination of law and judicial practice problems the author had studied on the Crime of Traffic Offence in this paper with the purpose to benefit the judicial practice .

    本文从我国刑法的基础理论出发,结合法律规定以及司法实践中存在的问题,对 交通 肇事 展开研究,以期对司法实践有所裨益。

  • If you are stopped in China for a traffic offence I 'm told you wouldn 't dream of offering a policeman a bribe .

    在中国,要是因为 交通 违章被拦住的话,人们告诉我贿赂交警是不可能的。

  • Research on the Actuality Cause and Countermeasure of Violation of Laws and Rules of Guangxi Listed Companies The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence .

    广西上市公司违法违规现状、成因及对策研究基本原则规定了处理 违犯 交通法规的规则。

  • The traffic offence first belongs to the crime of business mistake and comes from Industrial Revolution .

    交通 肇事 最先属于业务过失类犯罪,源于工业革命。

  • Notice of particulars of alleged fixed penalty traffic offence

    涉嫌 定额罚款 交通 罪行的通知书

  • The causes of inefficient crackdown on traffic offence include : neglect of the harm of traffic offence behavior ;

    交通 肇事 犯罪打击不力的原因包括:对道路交通肇事行为的危害性认识不足;

  • First it introduces the promotion of the off-site enforcement in our country early and the operation of the traffic offence automatic monitoring system used by Weifang City currently .

    首先介绍非现场执法前期在我国的推广情况以及目前潍坊市所采用的 交通 违法自动监测系统的运行情况。