trading profit


  • The warning in 2005 was criticised as self-serving because Goldman Sachs is one of the largest Wall Street investment banks trading oil and it could profit from an increase in prices .

    外界批评他2005年发出的警告是“自私自利”,因为高盛是 从事石油 交易的大型华尔街投资银行之一,能够从油价上涨中 获利

  • Banks and trading houses have rushed to buy warehousing companies to profit from the fact that large quantities of metal have become surplus to requirements since the financial crisis .

    近年各银行和 贸易公司竞相收购仓储企业,以利用金融危机后大量金属因供过于求而积压的局面 获利

  • At the same time we should also realize the leverage of Securities Margin Trading which is when making profit it can magnify the profit and when losses it can also magnify the losses . That is what we called the high profits are accompanied with high risk .

    同时,我们也应认识到,融资融券 交易的杠杆作用,在 获利的时候可以放大利益倍数,那么在损失的时候也可以放大损失倍数,也就是我们所谓的高回报也伴随着高风险。

  • This part would analyze the effect of the weak-efficiency condition on the insider 's trading behavior and the final strategic profit .

    本部分将试图通过减弱市场有效的程度来考察了价格的另一种有效性形式&弱有效性而非半强形式的有效性对内部交易者 交易行为及其最终策略 收益产生的影响。

  • But in practice due to stock market information asymmetry and information disclosure are not rigorous leading to the System of Trading Halts as some investors profit of internal information tool .

    但在实践中,由于股票市场中信息的不对称以及信息披露的不严谨,导致暂停 交易成为部分投资者 获利的内部信息工具。

  • With the consideration of the current long-term contracts and spot trading model a new method profit and loss analysis and price competition analysis was given .

    然后结合当前中长期合同加现货 贸易的模式,对 发电 成本进行量 本利分析,和竞争电价分析。

  • Trading of online games virtual products is a unique profit model for online game operator .

    网络游戏虚拟产品的 交易是网络游戏运营商一种独特的 赢利模式。

  • Based on the characteristics of river-based hydropower companies the price risks in the electricity futures trading are analyzed and the competition strategies of river-based hydropower companies in electricity futures trading are discussed according to their profit models .

    在电力期货交易背景下,结合流域水电公司的特点,分析价格风险,结合其 收益模型探讨了流域水电公司在电力期货 交易下的竞争策略。

  • Trading strategy is a key problem in the use of algorithmic trading . The profit and loss of investors are directly determined by the quality of trading strategy .

    在算法 交易的应用中,交易策略是算法交易中的核心问题,交易策略的优劣直接决定了投资者的 盈亏

  • Meanwhile the stock index futures trading this new variety with its unique trading rules and the settlement also created many new profit model .

    同时,股指期货的这种新的交易品种,以其独特的 交易规则和结算方式也创造了很多新的 盈利模式。

  • Trading profit fell by7 % due to disappointments in non-core activities confirming the logic of the actions we are taking .

    由于公司非核心业务经营业绩不佳, 交易 利润下降了7%。证明我们目前所采取的行动是合理的。

  • The remarkable growth of the trading businesses in recent years means they swamp the profit contribution from investment bankers who advise companies on deals and help them raise money .

    近年来 交易业务的显著增长,意味着这些人所贡献的 利润超过了投资银行家。投资银行家为企业提供交易建议,并帮助它们筹资。

  • I find that a lot of arbitrage opportunities exist in mock trading and the size of arbitrage profit is considerable .

    研究发现仿真 交易中套利机会多,套利 利润 也较高。

  • Further work shows difference in the investors with different capital size trading frequency profit and loss level .

    进一步研究发现不同资金规模、不同 交易频率、不同 盈亏水平投资者的处置 效应也具有一定的差异。

  • Fixed-income trading revenues the profit engine for most investment banks since the financial crisis fell sharply at the biggest US banks in the second quarter compared to the first three months of the year .

    第二季度,美国各大银行的固定收益 交易收入环比大幅下降。自全球金融危机爆发以来,固定收益交易收入已成为大多数投行的 利润引擎。

  • Chapter 2 introduces financial knowledge of foreign currency option including basic concept trading profit and loss at maturity date pricing application and trading risk .

    第2章,系统地介绍了外汇期权相关的金融方面知识,包括外汇期权的基本概念、外汇期权 交易的到期日 损益分析、外汇期权定价、外汇期权的应用及外汇期权交易的风险等内容。

  • Currently the main technical problems of discovering and supervising insider trading are how to measure the traders ` excessive profit ( illegal profit ) and how to distinguish the significance of the information used by those traders .

    当前我国证券监管层对内幕 交易的查处和监管所面临的主要技术问题是:如何更加公平合理测量内幕交易人的超常 收益(非法所得)以及如何判别内幕交易人所利用的信息是否重大。

  • The short-term speculative nature of the market is illustrated by the fact that more than 90 per cent of trades are opened and closed on the same day a kind of rapid-fire trading for profit known as scalping .

    超过90%的交易都在当天交割完成,表明了该市场的短期和投机性质,这种追求 利润的连珠炮 交易被称为超短期交易(scalping)。

  • The order of the elements according to the importance is traceability system licensing system pharmaceutical vigilance emergency management trading and pharmaceutical profit margin .

    重要性排序是,可追溯体系、许可制度、药物警戒、应急管理、安全 交易、药品 利润率。

  • But this industry has also exposed a lot of problems one of the most notable problem is that each big website facing the embarrassing situation of scale and trading volume increased without any profit .

    但是该行业也暴露出了很多的问题,其中最值得关注的问题就是,各大网站面临着规模扩大, 交易额增加,但是却无法 实现 盈利的尴尬局面。

  • In recent years the banking of the network has developed rapidly in our country but the trading volume is small generally and the ability of making profit of the network bank is not far developed out .

    近年来,网络银行业务在我国发展迅速,但总体上 交易量小,网络银行的 盈利能力远远没有被开发出来,服务项目少、范围窄。

  • It changes the traditional business method virtually predigests in creases the trading opportunities obviously reduces the cost of trade the trading process as well as promoting the profit of trade . It has showed the enormous benefit of economy and society .

    它从根本上改变了传统的商务模式,明显地增加贸易机会,降低贸易成本,简化 贸易流程,提高了贸易 效益,显示出了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

  • In a trading manufacturer get the raw material profit intermediary business profit while custom get wonderful bargains this is what named Triple win .

    在一桩 交易中,生产商获得原材料的 利润,中间商获得服务的利润,而顾客获得自己心中物美价廉的商品,这样,就是三赢!

  • Goldman 's trading desk recorded a profit of at least $ 25m on each of that quarter 's 63 working days making more than $ 100m a day on 35 occasions .

    首季共有63个工作日,高盛 交易部门每天至少 进2500万美元,其中有35天单日盈利在1亿美元以上。

  • The Volcker rule which bans US banks from trading solely for their own profit is set to include exemptions that some officials fear will weaken its impact people familiar with the situation have warned .

    知情人士警告,“沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)禁止美国的银行只为自身 获利从事 交易,但一些官员担心其豁免条款会削弱它的作用。

  • Canadian banks never fully embraced the credit-fuelled derivatives that brought down so many other banks precisely because they were not so desperate for unconventional trading profit given the consistent profitability of their traditional asset portfolios .

    加拿大银行业从未完全接受导致众多银行破产的信用衍生产品因为他们的传统资产组合具有稳定盈利能力,所以他们对非传统 交易 利润不是那么渴求。

  • Then if they run into trouble they have withdrawn enough funds so they are trading with profit only and not their initial investment .

    那么如果他们遇到的麻烦,他们已将足够的资金,因此它们的 利润,而不是与他们最初的投资。

  • The firm is trading ( ie doing business ) at a profit / loss .

    这个公司做 买卖 赚钱赔钱]。