toxicity test


  • The short term systemic toxicity test and hemolytic activity test of colored alumina-glass composite

    有色氧化铝玻璃复合体溶血试验和短期全身 毒性 试验

  • Bioaccumulation and Toxicity Test of Diethylstilbestrol to Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) Embryo

    己烯雌酚在斑马鱼胚胎中的生物蓄积及 毒性机制 研究

  • Application of photobacterium phosphoreum toxicity test on the environmental protection acceptance monitoring at project completion ;

    建设项目噪声 验收监测,是建设项目 竣工环境保护验收的重要组成部分。

  • Subchronic oral toxicity test of a healthy oral liquid

    某保健口服液的亚急性经口 毒性 试验研究

  • A mouse model was established through the toxicity test in the lab and the lab test was conducted using the PCR method .

    通过实验室 染毒 实验,建立感染猪附红 细胞 病的小鼠模型,并应用研制的PCR方法进行实验室验证。

  • The Acute and Accumulative Toxicity Test of Humic Acid Extracted from Brown Coal on Mice

    褐煤中提取的腐植酸对小鼠急性及蓄积 毒性 试验

  • The Effects of Different Treatment Methods on Physiological Indices of SD Rat in 30 Days Oral Toxicity Test

    30天 喂养 试验中不同 试方法对SD大鼠生理指标的影响

  • Skin irritation test of normal and wounded skin and acute toxicity test were carried out with rabbit shin and Herba taraxaci and75 % ethanol were served as experiment and control medicine .

    设蒲公英试验组和75%乙醇对照组,应用健康家兔进行皮肤刺激实验和急性皮肤 毒性 试验

  • MethodThe acute toxicity test skin irritative test and mucosal irritative test were used to prove the security of SLL .

    方法采用急性 毒性 试验、皮肤刺激性及粘膜刺激性试验说明药物的安全性。

  • Acute Toxicity and Accumulate Toxicity Test of Nano-CuO in Mice

    纳米氧化铜对小白鼠的急性毒性及蓄积 毒性 试验研究

  • Separation and Identification of Catalpol from Rehmannia and its Acute Toxicity Test

    地黄中梓醇的提取鉴定及其急性 毒性 试验

  • Acute toxicity test mutation test and single-cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) were used .

    了解三氯乙醛的 毒性和致突变 作用

  • Chronic toxicity test for aquatic organism

    水生生物慢性 毒性 试验

  • Subacute toxicity test for aquatic organism

    水生生物亚急性 毒性 试验

  • Study on the long-term toxicity test of Chinese medicine 903 oral liquid

    中药903口服液长期 毒性 实验研究

  • Toxicity test of recombinant lysostaphin to rats

    重组溶葡萄球菌酶对大鼠的 毒性 试验

  • The acute toxicity test showed that lemon seed oil was safe .

    急性 毒性 试验结果初步判定了其安全性。

  • Experimental study on solidification and leaching toxicity test of zinc metallurgical slag ;

    通过多种 现代 分析技术研究了钛酸 固化体的物理、化学性能。

  • Detects the toxicological action of Aloe by acute toxicity test maximum dosage and long-term toxicity test .

    采用最大给药量及长期毒性测定芦荟 毒性作用。

  • Effect of Transfer Factor on Immune Indices and Its Toxicity Test in Chicken

    转移因子对鸡免疫机能的影响及其 毒性 试验 研究

  • The preliminary study on the effect of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron on weight control in rats and toxicity test

    多形拟杆菌对肥胖大鼠减肥影响的初步研究及 毒性 实验

  • Objective : To investigate the acute toxicity test and the effects of Prevention from and Treatment in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice of Removed-Sugar Pumpkin Zymotic Powders ( RSPZP ) .

    目的:探讨脱糖南瓜发酵粉的急性 毒性和防治小鼠四氧嘧啶糖尿病的作用。

  • Acute toxicity and genetic toxicity test of coixan

    薏苡仁多糖急性毒性及遗传 毒性 试验研究

  • Histopathologic Observation of Cynanchum komarovii Total Alkaloid to Subacute Toxicity Test of Mice

    牛心朴子总生物碱对小鼠亚急性 毒性 试验的病理组织学观察

  • Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping & Toxicity test method for mammal

    GB/T16310.4-1996船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范哺乳动物 毒性 试验方法

  • Effect of Heavy Metal Cadmium on Soil Microbiological Activities and Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test

    镉的土壤微生物效应及发光细菌 检测 研究

  • Inhibitive effects of the Zhenmingzhengsheng compound on human tumor xenografts in nude mice and its acute toxicity test

    振明正生对人肿瘤细胞裸鼠移植瘤的抑制作用及其急性 毒性 试验

  • The acute toxicity test showed that the maximal tolerable dose in rats was equivalent to850 times of the clinical dosage in human .

    急性 毒性 实验结果表明,利咽颗粒剂毒性很小,小鼠一次最大耐受为临床人用剂量的850倍。

  • Acute Toxicity Test of Several Common Aquacultural Drugs to Silurus meridionalis

    几种常用药物对南方大口鲇的急性 毒性 试验

  • Experimental study on solidification and leaching toxicity test of arsenic-containing fly ashes

    含砷飞灰固化处理及浸出 毒性试验研究