trade guild

[treid ɡɪld][treid ɡild]


  • In the new situation after China 's entering the WTO the role of the trade guild has become increasingly important so it should undertake the commission of handling the challenges from the WTO .

    在加入WTO的新形势下,提升和发挥 行业 协会作用日益重要, 行业 协会也应承担起应对WTO挑战的使命。

  • Faced with the antidumping actions brought by other countries trade guild should overcome its shortcomings perfect its functions and play its roles fully in international antidumping .

    面对愈演愈烈的反倾销指控, 行业 协会应努力克服自身弊端,不断完善其职能,充分发挥其在国际反倾销重要作用。

  • Analysis of Relation Between Chamber of Commerce and Trade Guild During the Republic of China

    民国商会与 同业 关系探析以 1929 1949年的 成都 为例

  • Research on Exerting the Role of Trade Guild of Economic Field under the New Situation

    新形势下发挥经济领域 行业 协会作用研究

  • This restraint of trade funnels students into schools belonging to the ABA guild .

    这种 贸易渠道的学生进入学校属于ABA的克制

  • In1930 the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and trade guilds proposed to the municipal authority a bill stipulating that guild practice convention should be observed both within and outside the guilds .

    1930年,上海市商会及各 同业公会向政府提出,无论是否加入同业公 均应遵守同业 行规,工商部对此表示异议,从而引起各地商会及同业公会的不满。

  • Trade Association was a new type of guild organization established by businessmen during the initial period of the Republic of China which played an important role in Chinese economic development in modern times .

    同业是民国初期工商 者成立的 新式 行业组织,在近代中国经济发展 进程中发挥了重要作用。

  • In recent years our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping meanwhile in the frame of WTO the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .

    我国出口商品频受反倾销的威胁,而在WTO框架下,解决国际 贸易争端的主体只能是非官方的 行业 协会

  • Challenges and Decision of China 's Trade Association after the Entry into World Trade Organization Discussion on the Role of Our Guild on Solving the International Trade Dispute

    后我国行业协会面临的挑战与抉择关于 行业 协会在应对国际贸易争端中作用的研究

  • The trade organization had a long history in china the traditional guild was especial significance to the merchants who were in the lowest status in feudatorial times .

    行业组织在中国有着悠久的历史,传统 行会 组织对于在封建时期卑列于四民之末的工商业者来说有着特殊的保障意义。