


v.接触,触摸( touch的过去式和过去分词 )吃涉及与…有关

  • When John began to restore the house in the 1960s nothing had been touched for 40 years .

    约翰20世纪60年代开始整修那幢房子时,它已有40年都 无人 照管

  • She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest .


  • Jones hasn 't touched a trumpet in 10 years .

    琼斯有10年没吹 小号

  • Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population .

    战争年代的救济金也没有 惠及所有的人。

  • I was greatly touched by what you told me .

    你对我讲的话使我大受 感动

  • It has touched me deeply to see how these people live

    看到这些人的生活 境况,我深受 触动

  • His speech was inspiring and touched my heart .

    他的发言鼓舞人心,动人 肺腑

  • As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble .

    飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼 一堆碎石。

  • After being touched up the essay reads more smoothly .

    稿子经过这样一 ,念起来就 顺口多了。

  • Groping in the dark he suddenly touched something .

    他在暗中摸索着,忽然 触动 什么东西。

  • Her hand touched something cold and slimy .

    她的手 碰到 一个黏糊糊冷冰冰的东西。

  • This speech touched him on his most sensitive spot .

    这个发言 击中 他的痛处。

  • He touched his forelock in mock deference .


  • You haven 't even touched your wine .

    你的酒 都没沾。

  • The mere mention of John had touched a very raw nerve indeed .

    提到约翰就真的 心痛

  • It was a story that touched the nation 's heart .

    这是一个 感动 全体国民的故事。

  • Alistair saw Henry shrink as if the words had touched a nerve

    阿利斯泰尔看到亨利向后缩 一下,好像那些话 他的 痛处

  • A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider

    一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮 相碰后摔倒在

  • Her tiny hands gently touched my face

    她的小手轻轻 触摸我的脸庞。

  • The man touched the peak of his cap .

    那名男子 他的帽舌。

  • I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival .

    我奢望你在听到我还活着的消息时心情会 激动

  • Her enthusiasm touched me .

    她的热情 打动 我。

  • He scored the first time he touched the ball

    他第一次 球就得分了。

  • She was moved touched w_155 by these words .

    这番话 打动了她的心。

  • I 'm not in the least bit touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty

    我对玛丽莲·梦露那种美一点儿都不 动心

  • He touched only briefly on that question .

    关于那个问题他只 略略

  • The winds had touched storm-force the day before .

    风力前一天就已 达到 狂风级。

  • I was in the garden . I never touched the sandwiches .

    我那时在花园里。我根本没 三明治。

  • He touched the cow 's side with his stick .

    他用棍子 牛的肋部。

  • At one point last week shares in the grey market touched 230p .

    上周, 灰市上的股票价格一度高达230便士。