total copper

[ˈtotl ˈkɑpɚ][ˈtəutəl ˈkɔpə]

[化] 总铜

  • F is increased by 31.44 % and for the secondary copper sulfide ores is increased from 53.66 % to 74.97 % and for total copper recovery from 32.43 % to 56.58 % . The cycling time is shorted by 5 ~ 10d .

    f菌对原生铜矿的浸出率提高了31.44%,对易浸的次生硫化铜矿浸出率从53.66%提高到74.97%, 浸出率从32.43%提高到56.58%,浸出终点比原始菌提前了5~10d。

  • A Discussion on Control the Total Cost Expense in Copper Metallurgy

    冶炼 成本费用控制初探

  • In the early 12th century 500-1000 tons of copper was produced annually by leaching method accounting for 15-25 % of total copper production at that time .

    12世纪初,每年浸出法生产 500~1000吨,占 全国产铜量的15~25%。

  • 300U / kg phytase significantly improved the utilization of dietary crude Ash CP Ca total P and copper ( P < 0.05 ) improved tibia breaking strength ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果表明:300U/kg植酸酶可显著提高日粮粗灰分、粗蛋白、钙、 总磷 的表观利用率(P<0.05),显著提高了胫骨折断力(P<0.05);

  • The results also indicated that the available copper and total copper contents in soil profile were decreased with increased depth in the soil profile .

    在土壤剖面中,土壤有效铜及 含量随土壤剖面层次的加深而减少。

  • Blood analysis was observed that the concentration of ceruloplasmin ( CP ) and 24 hour urine copper excretion decreased in 84.6 % and 56.5 % of the patients and total serum copper level elevated in 46.2 % of patients .

    所有患者均可见典型K-F环,分别有84.6%、46.2%和56.5%患者出现血清铜蓝蛋白下降、 血清 升高和24h尿铜升高;

  • The total recovery of silver in copper lead and sulphur concentrates are up to 90.25 % .

    银在铅精矿、 精矿、硫精矿中 回收率90.25%。

  • Effects of cropping system of the rotation of upland crop and rice on the total and available copper contents in soils

    旱改水对土壤 含量及其有效性的影响研究

  • Method of subjective probabilities for total copper resources prognosis and assessment along Yangtze Valley in Anhui Province

    主观概率法在沿江地区 铜矿资源 总量预测评价中的应用

  • In the present experiment the contents of available copper and total copper in 21 top soil ( 0 ~ 30 cm ) samples and 36 soil samples of 12 soil profiles collected from main citrus grandis producing areas of Guangxi were determined .

    对广西沙田柚主产区果园21个0-30cm表层土壤样品和12个土壤剖面的36个土壤样品进行了有效铜及 含量测试分析。

  • Dissolved organic complexing copper accounts for 61.6 % of total copper in filtered seawater .

    溶解态铜中有机结合态占过滤海水中 的61.6%。

  • The indexes of copper consumption such as total copper consumption copper consumption per unit GDP and copper consumption per person and GDP including GDP per person for China and USA were calculated and some curves reflecting the relationship between copper consumption and GDP were resulted .

    给出了中、美两国铜消费指标与GDP间的关系曲线;中国1960-2004 年间单位GDP的 消费量并未形成明显的上升或下降趋势;

  • The relative standard deviation are ( % ) free oxidized copper phase : 1.5 conjunction oxidized copper phase : 17.6 secondary copper sulfide phase : 1.9 primary copper sulfide phase : 2.7 total copper : 0.8 .

    方法的相对标准偏差(%)为:自由氧化铜相1.5,结合氧化铜相17.6,次生硫化铜相1.9,原生硫化铜相2.7, 0.8。

  • Total arsenic total lead and total copper were all up to grade .

    砷、铅、 三个 金属项目均合格。

  • The total content of copper rhizosphere were all lower than that in non-rhizosphere . 6 .


  • Total copper metal unit imports were at the weakest levels since July 2011 according to Jefferies .

    Jefferies数据显示, 进口量处于2011年7月以来最低水平。

  • In this paper a currently built technology & high pressure microwave digestion was used to pretreat a kind of antifouling paint then the total copper and the total tin in it were determined by FAAS .

    本文利用高压微波溶样技术对71-33型防污漆成功地进行了预处理,并利用火焰原子吸收光谱法( FAAS)对漆样中的 和锡进行了测定。

  • The paper gives an analysis method of spectral distribution luminosity to determine the total copper content within zinc oxide .

    提出分光光度法测定氧化锌中 含量的分析方法。

  • Determination of Total Copper in the Copper Carbons and its Compound Preparations

    蒙药铜炭及其复方制剂中 的含量测定

  • Determination of inorganic and total copper in urine by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after separation and concentration using APDC precipitation

    石墨炉原子吸收测定尿中无机 &APDC沉淀分离富集

  • APDC / MIBK-GA-atom Absorption Spectrum Used for Analysing Bound - Free - and Total Copper in Serum


  • Correlation between Plasma Total Homocysteine and Copper in Patients with coronary artery disease complicated with diabetes mellitus

    冠心病合并糖尿病患者血同型 半胱氨酸水平的相关性研究

  • This method is mainly used to determine the total copper content in zinc oxide and it can achieve a satisfied result .

    铜含量在0~5μg/25ml之间符合朗伯-比耳定律,检测限为0.01μg/25ml,本法用于氧化锌中 含量测定,得到满意的结果。

  • Total copper content in HDE is one important index of quality .


  • The total copper content and its average were 5.7171.35 mg / kg and 29.36 mg / kg respectively .

    土壤 含量在5.71~71.35mg/kg之间,平均值为29.36mg/kg;

  • The average concentration of available copper was similar to total copper from May to August but gradually decreased after august .

    有效铜平均含量从5-8月与 相似,8月后则逐渐减少;

  • The total copper in standard sample and surface water was determined by extraction enrichment flame AAS ( enriched for 20 time ) and graphite furnace AAS respectively .

    作者分别采用萃取浓缩火焰原子吸收分光光度法(浓缩20倍)和石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定标准样品和地表水中的 ,并进行了对比分析。

  • Copper scrap accounted for about 14 per cent of total copper supplies last year up from less than 12 per cent in 2003 .

    去年废铜约占 供应 总量的14%,高于2003年不到12%的水平。