total time

[ˈtotl taɪm][ˈtəutəl taim]


  • You also keep a tab on the number of total time zones for the later construction of percentages .

    您还可以保持一个关于 时区数的标签,以便将来创建百分比。

  • This reduces the total time required for complete backup and restore to a great extent .

    这样可以在很大程度上减少 整个备份和恢复的 时间

  • Total time ( in ms ) spent processing notifications .

    处理通知 总共所用的 时间(毫秒)。

  • Next the total time ( in seconds ) of inactivity must be reached as well as the time-of-day window for the command to be processed .

    接下来,必须达到 全部不活动 时间(以秒为单位),以及需要处理的命令的时间窗口。

  • However the total time spent in the forgotten miss how should we count ?

    但是, 用遗忘的 时间在思念,这又该怎么算呢?

  • The program will loop continuously until a valid password in character matching and total time of entry is entered .

    程序将不断循环,直至输入匹配字符的有效密码和 输入 时间

  • If during execution the total time exceeds this time the test case will fail .

    如果执行 时间超过了这个时间,测试样例将失败。

  • The product of these values provides a rough estimate of the total time required to effect the entire migration .

    这些值的乘积提供了完成整个迁移大致所需的 时间

  • As the tests were executed IFX-encoded responses were recorded so that the captured MQ Time and Total Time metrics embedded by the middleware in the responses could be analyzed .

    当测试执行时,IFX编码的响应被记录,从而可以分析包含在中间件响应中的捕获到的MQTime和 Total Time度量。

  • The total time during which an object or block exists .

    某个目标程序或模块(在内存中)存在的 时间

  • Total time is the time it takes for the query to return all records .


  • The meter should show the progress relative to the total time the process will consume rather than the total size of the process .

    进度表应该显示相对 整个过程所耗费 时间的进度,而不是相对整个过程规模的进度。

  • The average transaction time consists of the total time it took for a transaction to complete from start to finish .

    平均事务时间包含了事务从开始到结束的 所有 时间

  • It takes half the total time you went out with someone to get over them .

    你要花费你和他好的 时间 一半 时间去忘记他。

  • It shows all the ActiveRecord operations for a selected time window and allows you to sort them using several metrics including total time consumed average time and throughput time .

    它给出了在一个时间窗口内所有的ActiveRecord操作,并且允许你使用一些标准对这些操作进行排序,例如 消耗 时间、平均时间和吞吐时间等等。

  • Truss returns a list of the system calls the total time spent executing the call the number of calls and any errors found .

    truss返回系统调用的列表、执行调用耗费的 时间、调用的次数和任何发现的问题。

  • The total time would still early the total would still have a long day .


  • Strangely when I did this for the signatures example I found that the Rampart processing times made up less than half of the total time taken for the test .

    奇怪的是,当我对签名例子这么做时,我发现Rampart处理时间只占了测试所需 时间的不到一半。

  • Total time for Installation training and commissioning is not more than three days .

    安装调试,培训和验收 时间 总计不超过三天。

  • The statistics of interest are requests per second and the total time to complete all the tests .

    有用的统计信息包括每秒的请求数和完成所有测试的 时间

  • The group deliverable is a20-minute presentation followed by15 minutes of questions ( 35 minute total time limit ) .

    小组提交的作业是20分钟报告,然后是15分钟的提问时间( 时间限制在35分钟内)。

  • The total time of0.6-1 s w_1866 is spent on extracting the information from Domino internal processing and the actual store operation into CM .

    6-1秒w_1888的 时间被用在从Domino提取信息、内部处理和将邮件真正存储到CM这三个方面。

  • The Total Time on Test Transform Orders and Stochastic Comparison of Order Statistics

    实验 时间序与次序统计量的随机比较

  • Date and time total time number of ascents .

    日期和时间, 时间,数量的恶。

  • Total time spent editing document .

    编辑文档 总共花费的 时间

  • Repositioning the head in this random manner added to the total time required to complete a transaction .

    用这种“随机”方式重定位磁头增加了完成事务所需的 时间

  • The final bar denotes the total time taken to complete the composite Web service invocation .

    最后一条表示完成复合Web服务调用花费的 时间