toughened glass


  • Having super thin high-transparence toughened glass layer or acryl protective layer on the surface of LCD panel for protection .

    液晶屏表面安装有超薄高透光 钢化 玻璃防护层,保护液晶屏被人为损坏。

  • The effect of nickel sulfide on glass quality was described and the difference between thermal homogenizing tempered glass and thermal toughened glass was also discussed in this article .

    简述了硫化镍杂质对玻璃的影响,讨论了热均质钢化玻璃和热 增强 玻璃的差异,同时指出了 玻璃工业必须和建筑设计师共享 玻璃方面的知识和各种解决方案。

  • Lamp cover of toughened glass color is optional .

    钢化 玻璃灯罩,颜色可选。

  • You can crack this toughened glass but you can 't break it .

    这种 玻璃只裂不碎。

  • Main wood to aluminum and plexiglass PC tarpaulins toughened glass .

    主材以铝型材与有机玻璃、PC、防水布、 钢化 玻璃

  • The experimental research is introduced in the tempered stresses of the toughened glass insulator with laser scattered light photoelasticity .

    本文介绍了运用激光散射光弹性法对 钢化 玻璃绝缘子钢化应力进行的实验研究。

  • If toughened glass with lamination is employed the thickness of film shall be greater than deformation scale of two overlapping glass .

    如采用 钢化 玻璃夹胶,胶片的厚度要大于两片玻璃重叠变型的尺度。

  • The Quality Improvement and Operation Experience of Suspension Toughened Glass Insulator

    悬式 钢化 玻璃绝缘子的质量改进和运行经验

  • For study the effect of toughened glass protected by window type sprinkler we developed full scale experimental of wood fire fabric fire and oil fire .

    为了研究窗型 玻璃喷头对 钢化 玻璃的保护效果,进行了木垛火、织物火、油池火三种类型的实体建筑模拟火灾实验。

  • On the automatic door it has a toughened glass window which has a nice appearance and can observe the processing procedure .

    自动门上有 玻璃墙窗,外形美观,并可观察工作的加工过程。

  • UC Fabroll Protective Covering is a new type of light-sensitive resin toughened glass which is used in cold-insulation covering and anticorrosive protective covering .

    紫外线硬化玻璃钢防护层是一种新型光敏感树脂 玻璃钢材料,用于保温防护层和防腐涂层。

  • toughened glass .

    钢化 玻璃

  • The cells are sandwiched between a layer of toughened glass on the front and a rear layer which can be made from a variety of materials-for example glass Tedlar or aluminium .

    PV电池安装于上为硬质 玻璃,下为可由多种材料,如玻璃、 Tedlar或者铝制成的铺盖层之间。

  • This toughened glass will never crack or chip .

    这种 钢化 玻璃不会碎也不会有缺口。

  • By a particular treatment method a very thin but anti-water single-molecular layer is formed on the surface of the toughened glass and the porcelain insulators .

    对制造厂生产的瓷绝缘子和 钢化 玻璃绝缘子进行特殊处理,可以在绝缘子表面生成一层极薄的、憎水性很强的单分子层。

  • Solution and Prevention for Distortional Spot of Toughened Glass

    钢化 玻璃表面变形点预防和解决

  • Test results on both the glass specimens and toughened glass insulators of two glass compositions were obtained .

    并以此为基础, 备了玻璃试样和 钢化 玻璃绝缘子样品。

  • It is introduced the advantages of toughened glass insulator compare with the traditional porcelain insulator and optimized the properties from the design point of view on considering its ' functions among the electricity transmission line .

    介绍 钢化 玻璃绝缘子相对于传统陶瓷绝缘子的优良性能,以及考虑其在输电线路中所起的作用,从设计上来优化其特性。

  • Characteristics and Design Principles of Toughened Glass Insulator

    钢化 玻璃绝缘子的性能特性和设计原理

  • Energy-saving bulb ; Crystal-ware ; Toughened glass ; Electric Motors and Plastics .

    节能灯;水晶制品; 钢化 玻璃;电机;塑料制品。

  • The range is as follows : shower bath necessary toughened glass series furniture glass series wiring toughened glass the building uses necessary toughened glass series and so on .

    范围有:淋浴房 钢化 玻璃,家具配套玻璃、电器钢化玻璃制品、建筑用平弯钢化玻璃等。

  • Toughened glass easy for lighting penetration and light protection ;

    钢化 玻璃便于照明渗透率和轻保护;

  • It has double-layer hollow electric-heating anti-mist toughened glass with high anti-mist property and transparency .

    采用双层中空 钢化电热防雾 玻璃,高效防雾,透明度高;

  • The lampcover adopts the toughened glass manufacturing and the light source is the light source with high brightness LED 's light emitting diode ;

    灯罩采用 钢化 玻璃制造,光源以高亮度LED发光二极管为光源;

  • At last the separateness made by toughened glass has rather strong transparency and purity features which is filled with sense of modern times .

    钢化 玻璃制作的隔断具有很强的通透性和纯净性,充满着浓郁的现代气息。

  • Toughened glass front door and high density net hole back door can meet the request of equipment protection ventilation dispersing air observing machine operation status from outside .

    钢化 玻璃前门及高密度网孔后门,可同时解决设备保护、通风散热、外部观察机器运行状态三方面的使用要求;

  • Nowadays among various indoor decorative materials the toughened glass has been uesed widely .

    目前在室内装饰材料中 钢化 玻璃的发展前景特别广阔。