total load

[ˈtotl lod][ˈtəutəl ləud]


  • Secondly carry out the orthogonal experimental analysis of the energy conservation design of envelop enclosure for environmental architectures and work out respectively the accumulative cooling load of air-conditionings and heating load as well as the annual total load and energy conservation rate of architectures designed in each experiment .

    其次,对绿色建筑围护结构节能设计进行了正交试验分析,分别计算出每个试验的设计建筑的空调累计冷负荷、设计建筑的采暖累计热负荷、设计建筑的全年累计 负荷和节能率等。

  • We use DeST establishment building energy simulation software for load calculation model use dynamic simulation method for simulation of large factory hot and cold all year round the total load cold and heat load hourly and Annual cooling and heating load index .

    用DeST能耗模拟软件对大厂房建立了负荷计算模型,用动态模拟的方法模拟大厂房全年冷热 负荷,逐时冷热负荷,以及该建筑全年冷热负荷指标。

  • Total load control of pollutants discharge is one of the fundamental measures for water quality protection and restoration in China .

    实施污染物排放 总量控制是保护和恢复我国水环境质量的根本措施之一。

  • The ratio of base resistance of S2 to the total load is 3.59 % this pile is a friction pile .

    S2端阻力占 荷载的比例只有3.59%,桩顶沉降基本由桩身压缩引起,为摩擦桩。

  • A Evaluation Research on the Equity of Total Load Allocation for Sulphur Dioxide in Region

    区域二氧化硫 总量分配公平性评价研究硫醇和二硫化物的总硫量

  • Taking the Yangtze Estuary and adjacent sea as an example the linear programming method based on response fields was studied and applied to the total load allocation calculation .

    以长江口及毗邻海域为例,研究基于响应场的线性规划方法在 污染 总量分配计算中的应用。

  • The total load of pollution is composed of point source and non-point source load .

    污染物 负荷由点源和非点源负荷组成。

  • Discussion on Value of Vertical Total Load and Longitudinal Force of Car Body Structure in Subway

    地铁车体结构垂向 载荷和纵向力取值的探讨

  • As a result China began to introduce total load limits into its regulatory model to cap the total discharge of certain major pollutants .

    因此,中国开始在其治理模式中引入“排放 总量”限制,以便对特定的“主要”污染物的总排放量设置上限。

  • It has been proved the bed material load wash load and total load follow the same rule of carrying capacity . Application of Different Verification Methods for Sediment Carrying Capacity Formulae in Middle and Lower Yangtze River

    证实了床沙质、冲泻质与 具有统一的挟沙能力。不同判别方法在长江水流挟沙力公式检验中的应用

  • A few tests were also run to assess the impact on total load time when varying the number of nodes .

    我们还执行了一些测试,评估节点数量变化对 加载时间的影响。

  • Where such areas from several wheels overlap the total load shall be uniformly distributed over the area .

    如果着地面积由几个车轮重叠而成,则 荷载应均布在该面积上。

  • Atmospheric pollutant of total load control is the most important measure to assure the future atmospheric environmental quality standard of industrial zone .

    大气污染物 总量控制是保证工业区未来大气环境质量达标的重要举措。

  • Research on Voltage Stability Security Region in Area Total Load Space

    分区 负荷空间上电压稳定安全域的研究

  • The number of teeth pairs mating simultaneously and the proportion coefficient of the biggest load on a tooth to total load is derived explicitly by means of geometric method and elastic mechanics .

    本文用简明的几何推导,弹性力学的方法,推导出了轮齿受载弹性变形后同时啮合的确切齿对和承受载荷最大的齿对的载荷与 载荷的比例系数&承载能力系数。

  • A dimension reduction method of voltage stability security region was proposed through a map from high-dimensional node load space to area total load space .

    提出了一种高维节点负荷空间到分区 负荷空间的电压稳定安全域降维方法。

  • On this basis this article established the multi-level waste load allocation method and allocated total load respectively into the regions level and the enterprises level .

    在此基础上建立了多层次污染物负荷分配方法,即分别在区域和排污单位两个层面进行 总量的分配。

  • Application of Linear Programming Method Based on Response Fields in Total Load Allocation for Yangtze Estuary and Adjacent Sea

    基于响应场的线性规划方法在长江口 总量分配 计算中的应用

  • The influence of Earth rotation and the constraints in aerodynamic heating dynamic pressure and total load factor are considered .

    文中考虑了地球自转的影响和气动加热、动压、 过载对再入飞行的限制。

  • Simulation results indicate that the model has better ability to represent the locomotive total load characteristics which can be used in power system simulation and analyses .

    通过仿真结果分析,表明此仿真模型对电力机车 整车 负荷特性有较好的描述能力,适合用于电力系统的相关仿真和分析中。

  • Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well . It has been proved the bed material load wash load and total load follow the same rule of carrying capacity .

    水漏过沙土后流进井里。证实了床沙质、冲泻质与 具有统一的挟沙能力。

  • The result of this trade-off then is greater perceived performance even if the total load time is slightly longer .

    这种贸易的结果,关闭,那么,更大的感知性能,即使 负荷时间稍长一点。

  • Shanghai power grid is a typical large receiver-side network which receives 35 % of total load .

    上海电网是典型的大受端电网,受电比率已 用电 负荷的35%。

  • The load of pile and soil grows with the increasing of the total load .

    随着 荷载的增加,桩和土的 分担载荷同时增加。

  • The heat leakage to the transfer lines is around 10 % of the total load .

    传输管线漏热占 系统 热的10%左右。

  • Study on Determination Method of Total Phosphorus in Sediment Comparisons of Total Load Sediment Transport Equations

    底质中总磷的测定方法探讨 输沙公式的比较研究

  • Total load was then obtained by graphical or numerical integration .

    然后,通过图解积分或数值积分可求得 载荷