total sales

[经] 销售(货)总额,总销售(货)额

  • Including its spring auction Christie 's recorded total sales of $ 466m for the year in Hong Kong .

    包括春季拍卖会包括,佳士得今年在香港的成交 总额高达 4.66亿美元。

  • Total sales of Audi BMW and Mercedes in China rose just 6 % in the first quarter compared with 25 % in the fourth quarter .

    今年一季度,奥迪、宝马和奔驰在中国的 销量增长6%,比去年四季度的25%明显放缓。

  • Overseas sales are still a small fraction of total sales .

    海外销售仍然只 销量的很小部分。

  • The total sales went up by20 % compared with that of the year before .

    与前年相比, 销售额上升了20%。

  • In Italy Chinese tourists contribute as much as 15 per cent of total sales for some brands from almost nothing two years ago .

    在意大利,中国游客为某些品牌贡献了多达15%的 销售 总额,而就在两年前,这一数字还几近于零。

  • Guangzhou is China 's FAW in the total sales agents .

    是中国一汽在广州的 销售代理。

  • Jenny can you just give me a ballpark figure of total sales of last month ?

    珍妮,你能给我上个月 销售额的大概数字吗?

  • JD Power estimates that the small-car segment will double to 2-3 per cent of total sales during this decade .

    JDPower估计,到2010年止,小型车销售额将增长一倍,升至 销售额的2%至3%。

  • Total Sales of Commodities : refer to selling of commodities by the establishments to other establishments and individuals ( including direct export ) .

    商品 销售 总额:指对本企业(位)外的单位和个人出售(括对国()直接出口)商品。

  • Analysts prefer to look at revenue excluding duty because tax makes up about three-quarters of total sales .

    分析师们比较关注扣税后的总收入,因为税务占 销售额的大约四分之三。

  • Alcatel-Lucent reported sales growth of 6 per cent in the US last year even as its total sales fell 2 per cent .

    阿尔卡特-朗讯去年的 销售额下降2%,但在美国的销售额却取得了6%的增长。

  • However total sales are estimated in the Indian media at about $ 11bn in fields ranging from oil to banking and real estate media and entertainment telecoms and healthcare .

    然而,据印度媒体估算,其 销售 总额约为110亿美元,涉足领域涵盖了从石油到银行业、地产、媒体及娱乐、电信和医疗保健等。

  • Around one-fifth of its total sales are to export markets .

    出口市场的 销量占其 销量的五分之一左右。

  • His research found there were total sales globally of 3 a year for cars costing 150 or more .

    他的研究发现,全球价位15万英镑及以上的车,年 销量为3000至4000辆。

  • Last April Acer announced it is planning on making handsets account for10 percent of its total sales by2011 .

    去年四月份,Acer曾宣布他们计划2011年手持设备销量将占其产品 销量的10%。

  • A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company .

    一公司产品的 销售 总额在某一特定商品市场上所占的百分比。

  • For example suppose you want to know the total sales per sales order .

    例如,假设您需要了解每个销售订单的 销售额

  • While Chevrolet accounted for49.7 per cent of GM 's total sales it still has the same status within the company as GM 's three other main brands – Buick Cadillac and GMC .

    尽管雪佛兰的销量占了通用汽车 销量的49.7%,其在通用汽车内部仍然只跟其他三个通用的主要品牌,别克、卡迪拉克和GMC平起平坐。

  • Emerson employs about 30 people across 27 manufacturing operations in China its second largest market after the US accounting for about 15 per cent of total sales .

    艾默生在中国拥有27个制造业务,总共雇佣了大约3万名员工。中国是该公司仅次于美国的第二大市场,占其 销售 总额的15%左右。

  • Online purchases are still a small proportion of total sales but growing rapidly .

    网购虽然只占到公司 销售的一小部分,但是增长速度很快。

  • PG 's total sales in its current fiscal year are expected to be about $ 80bn .

    预计宝洁当前财年的 销售额约为800亿美元。

  • Penalties range up to 10 per cent of total sales during the previous year .

    罚款最高额度为被处罚对象上一年度 销售 总额的10%。

  • For example a user examining total sales by product and customer could drill through to view all sales transactions contributing to the total .

    例如,按产品和客户查看 销售额的用户可以钻取查看构成总 销售额的所有销售事务。

  • The company expects Asian markets to account for up one third of its total sales by2015 .

    该公司预计,到2015年,近三分之一的 销量将来自亚太地区。

  • If total sales are good after the first year we can talk about a long-term agreement .

    如果头一年的 销售量不错,我们可以再商量长期的协议。