tourist card

[ˈtʊrɪst kɑrd][ˈtuərist kɑ:d]


  • Souvenir reflect specific areas of cultural impressions and inner character to tourist attractions and cultural characteristics of their own based on the design of unique souvenirs should be a place card is a cultural value and economic value of particular commodities .

    旅游纪念品体现特定区域的文化印象和内在品格,以 旅游景区自身的文化特征为依据而设计的独具特色的旅游纪念品,应成为地方 名片,是具有文化价值和经济价值的特殊商品。

  • Being combined the scenic tourist area with the characteristics of waterscape and the local culture Scenic tourist area can become the publicity card of city .

    风景 名胜区与特色水景、当地特色的文化结合起来,可以成为城市的宣传 名片