total energy

[ˈtotl ˈɛnədʒi][ˈtəutəl ˈenədʒi]


  • So what now is then the total energy of the system that is the sum of the kinetic energy plus the potential energy ?

    所以现在系统内, 能量是多少-,是动能和,势能之和吗?

  • The government is determined to reduce the uk 's total energy consumption .

    政府下决心减少英国的 能源消耗 总量

  • Coal makes up 75 percent of China 's total energy output and consumption .

    中国的 能源生产与消费,煤炭占了 总量的75%;

  • Oil used to make up10 % of our total energy consumption .

    在我们的 全部 能源消耗量中石油过去一直占10%。

  • The translational motion of the system as a whole simply adds a constant to the total energy .

    体系作为一个整体的移动运动,只单纯地在 能量上加一常数值。

  • This paper used the link energy consumption model and node transmission data probability to calculate the node total energy consumption in a data gathering cycle .

    该路由利用链路能耗模型和节点发送数据概率,计算一个数据收集周期内节点 能耗

  • Of course if I make the total energy positive it 's not an ellipse so then it 's all over .

    当然,如果我让 能量,为正,这就不是椭圆了,所以,都可以迎刃而解了。

  • So total energy is conserved .

    也就是, 能量是守恒的。

  • The total energy E is closely related to the amplitude A of the motion .


  • The fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes .

    一个孤立系统即使内部改变,其 能量保持不变的基本物理原理。

  • According to the comparisons with the routing protocol based on the minimum cost by simulation this algorithm had obvious advantages in saving total energy and balancing energy consumption .

    通过仿真实验与基于最小代价的路由算法的比较,结果表明该路由算法在 能量节省和能耗均衡方面具有明显的优势。

  • And so this is the total energy and this is now a constant .

    所以这是 总功,这是不变的。

  • They have a total energy .

    系统有一个 能量

  • So far all we have on China 's emissions is macro estimates based on total energy consumption data .

    我们迄今掌握的中国碳排放数据,只是根据 能耗 总量得出的宏观估值。

  • Total energy demand in China is up 60 per cent in a decade and 300 per cent since 1990 .

    在十年的时间里,中国的 能源 需求增长了60%。如果从1990年算起,总需求则增长了三倍。

  • Let this represent the total energy of the incident electron .

    让这个来表示入射电子的, 能量

  • As indicated in1.21 the radiation energy is a very small proportion of the total energy .

    正如在1.21中所指出的,在 能量中,辐射能仅占很少的一部分。

  • According to the report in Sub-Saharan Africa 56 percent of total energy use comes from traditional biomass .

    报告称,在南撒哈拉非洲地区,传统生物 利用量占 能源 利用量的56%。

  • To a very good approximation the total energy is conserved .

    作为一个非常好的近似,这里的 能量是守恒的。

  • Is the total energy of the universe subject to the uncertainty principle ?

    宇宙的 能量是否也要服从测不准原理?

  • In this study increase of the total energy leads to decrease of the temperature at the structural transition stage which generally means that the negative heat capacity occurs .

    本研究中,在结构转变发生时,体系 能量的增加伴随着温度的降低,这通常表明出现了负热容。

  • What are the maximum potential energy and the total energy ?

    最大势能和 能量是多少?

  • Current practices do not use such high-quality energy to amplify total energy storage in agricultural production .

    现行的措施不能应用这些优质能源来扩大农业生产中 存量。

  • If the total energy is positive the orbit is not bound .

    如果 能量为正,轨道就不规则了。