total employment

[ˈtotl ɛmˈplɔɪmənt][ˈtəutəl imˈplɔimənt]


  • The Mechanism and Example of the Impact of Technological Progress on Total Employment

    技术进步影响 就业 总量的机理与例证

  • Enterprises were given authority to manage their own employees and adjust structures and personnel as long as they did not increase total employment .

    企业获授权管理自己的员工和调整结构,只要他们不增加 就业人员。

  • Trade with China may affect the composition of jobs in America but it has little impact on total employment .

    与中国的贸易可能影响美国的就业结构,但是它对 整个 就业 市场几乎没有影响。

  • Among all the 30 member countries in OECD ( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ) the proportion is above 70 % while the proportion of service industry employment in total employment is as high as 69 % .

    OECD(经合组织)的30个成员国中,服务业增加值占GDP的比重均达到了70%以上,服务业就业占 就业 人数也达到了69%。

  • Rapid economic growth shall be maintained domestic demands shall be expanded and new employment opportunities created to the full so as to increase total employment .

    继续保持经济较快增长,扩大国内需求,最大限度地创造新的就业机会,增加 就业 总量

  • The total employment in any country can be divided into core employment and non-core employment .

    任何一国的 就业 总量都可以划分为核心就业和非核心就业两部分。

  • Traditional international trade theory in the study of the impact of trade on the economy generally assumed that the commodity market and factor markets are perfectly competed and all the elements has sufficient liquidity which means that trade will not affect the level of total employment .

    传统国际贸易理论在研究贸易对经济的影响时通常假定商品市场和要素市场完全竞争且各要素都具有充分的流动性,这意味着贸易不会影响 就业水平。

  • The fallacy of the neoclassicals is their tenet that total employment though hit by shocks can be said always to be heading back to some normal level .

    新古典主义者的谬误在于他们的如下信条: 就业虽然会受到种种冲击的影响,但可以说始终都在朝着某一正常水平回归。

  • Yet sweden 's public sector accounts for30 % of total employment twice the share in germany .

    迄今瑞典的公共部门解决了 就业的30%,是德国的两倍。

  • We regard decreasing total employment scale in the condition of continuous economic growth and increasing total population as employment contraction .

    我们将这种在经济持续增长、总人口增加情况下 就业 规模减少的现象称之为就业紧缩。

  • For example the job openings rate – which measures the ratio of open jobs to total employment – is back to a normal pre-recession level of 2.7 per cent compared with below 2 per cent in 2009 .

    比如职位空缺率(即空缺职位与 就业之间的比率)恢复到了衰退之前2.7%的正常水平,而2009年这一比率却低于2%。

  • Foreign direct investment into Asean reached a record $ 38bn in 2005 total employment increased by 11.8 per cent since 2000 and many member countries had made huge strides in reducing poverty .

    2005年,流入东盟的外国直接投资达到创纪录的380亿美元。自2000年以来,该地区 就业率提高了11.8%,许多成员国在减少贫困方面取得了巨大进展。

  • The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) There is an interactive change between total employment and GDP in China that is economic growth propels the employment growth .

    其主要结论如下:(1)我国 就业 人数与GDP存在同向互动关系,经济增长带动了就业的增加,但90年代以来,经济增长带动就业的能力在减弱。

  • The relative importance of the various economic sectors can be gauged by their respective contributions to GDP and total employment .

    各类经济行业的相对重要性,可从其在本地生产总值及 就业 人数中所占比率显示出来。

  • Whether in the developed or developing countries part-time employment in the proportion of the population is rising in total employment . The form of part-time employment plays an increasingly important role .

    不论是发达的西方国家还是经济稍许落后发展中国家,非全日制就业人员在 整个 就业人口中的比重呈上升趋势,非全日制用工形式都扮演着越来越重要的角色。

  • Up to present the Chinese traveling employment population reached 76 people among which traveling direct employment reached 11 the indirect employment reaches 65 which is equal to 9.6 % of the nation total employment .

    截至目前,中国旅游就业人数达7600万人,其中旅游直接就业达1100万人,间接就业达6500万人,相当于全国 就业 总数的9.6%。

  • As the increasing number of college graduates in China total employment pressure is coexisting with structural contradictions .

    随着我国高校毕业生人数的逐年增加,我国 就业 总量压力和结构性矛盾并存,高校毕业生 就业 形势 严峻

  • There are many factors affecting the total employment in our country among which regulation situation is an important one .

    影响我国 充分 就业的因素很多,其中一个重要因素是相关制度环境。

  • Industry products and rationalize the organizational structure of enterprises service value-added share of GDP and employment share of total employment increased staff 3 and 4 percentage points .

    产业、产品和企业组织结构更趋合理,服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重和就业人员占 社会 就业人员比重分别提高3个和4个百分点。

  • During 1986-2002 ICT industries give a low unsteady contribution to the increase in total employment which proves ICT industries are not labour-intensive industries .

    ICT产业在1986&2002年间对 就业量增长的贡献率并不大,而且很不稳定,说明ICT产业非劳动密集型产业。

  • There are some characteristics of economic growth and employment . ① Employment flexibility of economic growth to non-agriculture is bigger than total employment flexibility which is a greater role of economic growth driving the non-agriculture sectors .

    我国经济增长与就业之间的关系表现如下特点:①经济增长的非农就业弹性大于 整体 就业弹性,即经济增长对非农就业的带动作用大于整体 就业

  • Jobs abroad ( in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD w_645 and the Gulf ) are equivalent to6 percent of total employment at home .

    外国就业岗位(在经济合作与发展组织成员国OECDw_672和海湾国家)相当于国内 全部 就业 岗位的6%。

  • I believe one can compare total employment of so-called knowledge workers in1957 and today and recognize that the number of these types of workers is far higher now .

    我相信,人们会比较1957年和今天所谓的知识型员工的 总数,然后人们会注意到此类员工数量已经有了很大的增长。

  • Then the internal employment situation was summarized . On the basis of it the author calculated in particular the synthetic impact that technology advancement to total employment and had done a comparative analysis of the employment structure for America and China against the background of information technology progress .

    然后概述了我国目前的就业状况,在此基础上,详尽地计算了技术进步对 就业 总量的综合作用,对比分析了在信息技术进步的背景下美国和中国的就业结构。

  • Thus the enterprise innovation not only can enlarge the core employment but also will not harm and destroy the total employment amount in the whole economy .

    而企业创新不仅能扩大核心就业量,而且也不会有损或破坏 整个经济的 就业量。

  • Total employment rose by 25 to 10.7m last month an increase that was more than double market forecasts of 10 new jobs .

    澳大利亚4月份 就业 人数增加2.54万人,至1070万人,这一增幅是市场原本预期1万个新增就业人数的逾两倍。

  • At its peak in 2000 Nokia was responsible for 1 per cent of total employment in Finland 4 per cent of gross domestic product and last year still accounted for 31 per cent of corporate research and development .

    在巅峰时期2000年,诺基亚提供了芬兰 1% 就业 机会,贡献了4%的国内生产总值(GDP),去年仍占了企业研发的31%。

  • Though using the data between 1990 to 2004 this paper analyzed the influence of GDP about the total employment elasticity and the elasticity of three industries supposed some suggestions about how to deal with the problem of labor employment .

    通过对1990~2004年期间安徽省GDP对 就业 总量的弹性分析和三大产业 就业弹性分析,提出了解决劳动力就业问题的建议。