



  • Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

    禁止 酷刑和其他残忍、不人道和有辱人格的待遇和处罚公约

  • The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture .

    这些供状是用近乎 逼供的方式得来的。

  • Waiting for the result was torture

    等待结果的过程是一种 折磨

  • It says torture and summary execution are common

    那上面称 酷刑和草草处决很常见。

  • Learning — something she had always loved — became a torture .

    学习——她一直喜欢的事情——变成了一种 痛苦

  • He was subject to a full measure of Humiliating Torture in all these years .

    多年来他受尽 刑辱

  • The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture

    被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是 酷刑

  • Is this torture to you ?

    这对你来说算是 折磨吗?

  • They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence .

    他们再也没有当他的面 严刑 拷打 囚犯。

  • For many the dentist 's surgery remains a torture chamber .

    对许多人来说,牙医的治疗室一直是间 受刑室。

  • French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed

    法国警方确信她是 拷打致死。

  • The first is to put up with physical and mental torture .

    首先是要忍受肉体和精神 折磨了。

  • What I saw made the torture worth it .

    我看到的东西就值了那些 拷打了。

  • The report says torture was widespread as were extra-judicial executions by government troops .

    报告说 酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。

  • European Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ;

    欧洲防止 酷刑和不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚委员会;

  • The idea of being separated from him even for a few hours was torture

    一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到 备受 煎熬

  • Through those long years of imprisonment and torture he remained faithful and unyielding .

    在那些遭受囚禁和 酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈。

  • Three members of the group had been tortured to death

    该团体中有三个人被 拷打 致死

  • Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia 's detention camps have outraged the world 's religious leaders .

    关于塞尔维亚拘留营里动用 酷刑并大肆处决的报道令全世界的宗教领袖义愤填膺。

  • Torture should never be sanctioned .

    决不准许 严刑 拷打

  • He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her

    他不愿与她 争辩,让她更痛苦。

  • Eg. we have suffered 30 years of humiliation and torture .

    我们已经遭受了30年的羞辱和 折磨

  • Torture failed to make her submit .

    严刑 拷打未使她屈服。

  • No torture would make him speak .

    任何 严刑 拷打都不能使他开口。

  • This would be sheer torture for a wild mammal ;

    对野生哺乳动物来说,这算得上是纯粹的 折磨了;

  • There are consistent reports of electrical torture being practised on inmates .

    一直有报道称犯人被 施以 电刑

  • The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country

    这份报告称该国一直普遍存在 折磨政治犯的现象。

  • It is my understanding that this torture has been going on for many years

    据我了解,这种 折磨已经持续很多年了。