top-down design

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn dɪˈzaɪn][ˈtɔpdaun diˈzain]


  • These provide him with the mechanism to implement his top-down design and control the entire Party political and State economic reform process .

    这些小组为他落实其 顶层 设计和控制整个党的政治以及国家的经济改革进程提供了机制。

  • The Application of Top-Down Design in Three-dimension Model of Hydraulic Support

    Top-Down 设计在液压支架三维建模中的应用

  • The design is accomplished using Top-down design flow and standard cell library method .

    整个系统采用标准单元 设计方式和 Top-Down 自上而下的设计方法。

  • Because the DSSS system design is very complex we adopted top-down design method .

    由于直扩系统非常复杂,所以采用了 top-down 设计方法。

  • Research and Practice of Top-Down Design Based on Pro / Engineer

    基于Pro/Engineer的 Top-Down 设计研究与实践

  • Top-Down Design for the Lorry Crane 's Telescopic Boom Based on Pro / E Wildfire

    基于Pro/E随车起重机伸缩臂 TOP-DOWN 设计

  • Introduces some pop methods of top-down design now and so some problems need to notice on practice works .

    介绍了目前流行的几种 正向 设计工具及在实际设计中应注意的一些问题。

  • The parametric design method of tower based on Pro / E secondary development technology and the Top-Down design method is discussed .

    研究了塔架参数化设计方法,结合Pro/E的二次开发技术和 自顶向下 设计方法,实现了塔架的参数化设计。

  • InfoQ : The entire model framework seems to suggest a top-down design paradigm .

    InfoQ:整个模型框架看起来建议 使用 自顶向下 设计范式。如何将它 扩展其他 设计范式?

  • Then it introduces application of mixed signal / system design language Verilog-AMS for Top-Down design .

    接着介绍了应用混合信号/系统设计语言Verilog-AMS进行 Top-Down 设计的思想。

  • The class and class structure of object-oriented assembly model are designed and implemented . The expression and manage of product information object-oriented characteristics and support for top-down design of the assembly model are analyzed .

    设计和实现了装配模型类及类层次结构,对该模型在产品信息的表达和管理,面向对象特性,支持 Top-Down 设计等方面进行了讨论和分析。

  • A top-down design of a 32-bit floating point embedded MCU based on RISC structure is presented .

    本文介绍了一个基于RISC体系结构的32位浮点嵌入式MCU 设计实现。

  • Students will study algorithms and top-down design and will implement algorithms in a procedural programming language .

    学生将学习算法 正向 设计以及用程序性编程语言实现算法。

  • Analysis on Top-down Design Principle of Anti-Corruption System in Universities

    高校内部反腐倡廉制度的 顶层 设计原则探析

  • Based on top-down design method the thesis discusses IP 's SoC design and integration technique .

    本文 采用 自上而下 设计方法,讨论了基于IP核的SoC设计与集成技术。

  • : The assembly design for the function of die used to support top-down design of cutting die is studied .

    研究了实现支持 Top down 设计的冲裁模 设计 关键,面向模具整体功能的装配设计;

  • This assembly model provides a good environment for top-down design .

    该模型为产品装配的 自顶向下 设计提供了良好的模型基础。

  • Have been detailed based on system partition . The Top-Down design method and Bottom-Up test method are employed .

    本设计采用 Top-Down 设计方法和Bottom-Up的测试方法, 完成前端 设计流程。

  • XAware also gives developers the option of starting the design process with XML Schemas an approach known as top-down design .

    借助于XAware,开发者可以通过XMLSchemas开始设计过程,这是一种 top-down 设计方式。

  • Focused on the hardware design of the fibre channel link layer this paper applied modularization thinking in the top-down design process with relevant IP core interfaces .

    以模块化的方式采用 自顶向下 设计思路,重点阐述了光纤通道链路层的硬件设计方法,并给出了IP核的相关接口。

  • Comparison and Interactive Use of Bottom-up and Top-down Design Method

    Bottom-up与 Top-down 设计方法比较及其交互使用

  • Top-down design in the development of compressor cleaner

    压缩机清洗设备 自顶向下 设计方法

  • The design of the USB device controller for the division and design of modular function and structure have finished using top-down design method .

    在设计上,本文采用 自顶向下 设计方法,对USB设备控制器进行了模块功能和结构的划分及设计;在验证上,本文对设计进行了功能仿真和 时序仿真以及硬件 加速验证。

  • The embedded control software system was designed by top-down design method .

    采用 自顶向下 混合 体系 结构 设计方法设计了 机器人的嵌入式控制软件系统。

  • The top-down design methodology is used to realize the PCI bus controller .

    采用 自上而下 设计方法,实现了较困难的PCI总线控制器。

  • 3D Digital Design of Special Purpose NC Lathe with Top-down Design

    基于 自顶向下 设计方法的轴承专用数控车床三维数字化设计

  • This paper presents the functions of INS simulator the top-down design method of the software and the structural function module division of the program and gives the corresponding progarm flow chart .

    本文介绍了惯导仿真器的功能,软件 自顶向下 设计方法,程序结构化的功能模块划分,并给出相应的程序框图。

  • Parameterized Molding of Air Nailer with Top-down Design

    支持 自顶向下 设计的气钉枪参数化建模

  • Introduced the conception of the top-down design and its technical feature .

    介绍了 自顶向下 设计的基本概念和技术特点。