


  • That 's a two-legged topless buffet .

    那是一个两条腿的看不 到顶 餐具柜。

  • Britain is to ban employers looking for lap dancers strippers topless barmaids or sexy web-cam performers from placing adverts at Jobcentres .

    日前,英国宣布将禁止在就业服务中心发布招聘大腿舞舞女、脱衣舞女、 酒吧女招待或性感视频女郎的广告。

  • We 're on a topless beach for God 's sake he put it to an invisible judge .

    我们是在 裸体 上身)海滩上啊,我的上帝,他将自己的 行为提交给一位看不见的法官裁决。

  • There are also topless men wearing silver shorts socks and shoes as well as farm animal masks over their heads as they are seen dancing in the clip as well .

    另外, mv还有 半裸 上身的男 舞者穿着银色短裤、短袜和鞋子,头上戴着农场动物的面具不停地跳来跳去。

  • The show stars the X Girls-a troupe of talented topless dancers some of whom are classically trained .

    表演的明星是X女孩团队&由一对具有天才技艺的 艳舞女孩们组成,其中有些人受过专业的训练。

  • No one 's gonna care if I go topless .

    没人会介意我 上身的。

  • The catchy lyrics tell a narrative while the dancers perform both covered and topless routines .

    吸引人的格斯讲述一个个的故事,同时舞者们表演着有穿着的和裸露 上身的舞蹈。

  • Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country .

    全身或 上身 赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。

  • Lisa Clarke 32 said she had sunbathed topless at several beaches on the Australian east coast but no one seemed to take any notice .

    32岁的利萨·克拉克称她在澳大利亚东海岸的好多海滩都 晒日光浴,但根本没人在意。

  • Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club .

    大部分指控都和怀疑敲诈曼哈顿一家 上装俱乐部有关。

  • A collection of topless jars . a large can for transporting milk .

    传输奶粉的大的 罐子

  • If you can 't be topless you shouldn 't be in the meeting .

    如果你不能做到 禁带 笔记本,就不该出现在会议上。

  • So I guess that 's about two weeks before the topless thing kicks in .

    所以离 上空的规定大约 还有两星期。

  • A law stating that in Liverpool only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless was also ridiculous said a poll of3 people for UKTV Gold television out Tuesday .

    英国电视黄金台本周二公布的一项对3931人的民意调查说,利物浦有一项法律规定,只有热带鱼商店的店员才允许在公共场合 袒胸露背,这也让人匪夷所思。

  • In fact over four films he has 13 topless scenes all outdoors .

    事实上,在四部影片中,他有13个 半裸的场景,所有都是户外的。

  • If you are topless in a public place this sort of thing is bound to happen .

    如果你在公共场所 裸露 上身,这种事情一定会发生。

  • Topless sunbathing and g-strings are common on real beaches around France in the summer .

    夏季,在法国巴黎的海滩上, 上身 赤裸和穿丁字裤的日光浴者随处可见。

  • The actress is perhaps better known for posing topless for the tabloid press .

    这个女演员也许在为通俗小报拍 裸体 方面更有名。

  • They say it feels better being massaged by those girls topless but I 'm not quite ready for this .

    他们说那儿 还有 上装的姑娘帮你做按摩,不过我好像还不适应。

  • And going topless is nothing compared to the reward of a successful project for Stewart .

    对斯图尔特而言 赤裸 上身根本比不上一部成功作品的荣誉。

  • But just think of the reception our naval vessel would get if there were a topless go-go dancer twisting from port to starboard as we steamed in and out of a harbor ?

    但是,请想象一下,当我们进出港口时,如果有一个 脱衣艳舞舞女,从港口一致扭到舰艇的右舷,我们将会受到什么样的礼遇啊?

  • Topless and nude beaches are rare and going topless at a public beach makes one subject to arrest . And quite naked added the young man .


  • Loud music topless women no distractions at all .

    震耳欲聋的音乐, 裸露 脱衣 舞娘,完全不会分心。

  • In Hollywood makeovers and pointless topless scenes aren 't just for girls Between Twilight and New Moon Taylor Lautner clearly hit the gym .

    在好莱坞,打扮和无意义的 上身 并不是仅为女孩在《暮光之城》和《新月》,泰勒劳特纳显然经常上健身房。

  • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have won their first legal battle in an attempt to block further publication of photos of the Duchess sunbathing topless while on vacation in France .

    剑桥公爵和公爵夫人在试图阻止公爵夫人在法国度假时 赤裸 上身晒日光浴的照片进一步刊登,他们已经赢得了首个法律官司。

  • The Darwin Waterfront Corporation said the artificial beach was a public area and Darwin City Council allowed topless sunbaking and swimming at public beaches .

    达尔文海滩公司表示说人工沙滩是公众场所,而达尔文市议会允许人们在公共沙滩上进行裸露上半身的日光浴和 裸泳

  • NSW Assistant Health Minister Jodi McKay said banning topless sunbathing was a step too far .

    新南威尔士州卫生部长助理乔迪•麦凯认为禁止 日光浴有些过分。