top view

[tɑp vju][tɔp vju:]


  • From the top the view was breath-taking .


  • Firstly the detection and tracking of the human body in video sequences from top view were studied . And secondly the formula is proved and a new approach is proposed to count holes in a static image .

    本课题紧密围绕着智能视觉计数研究,首先对视频序列 俯视 中人体检测和跟踪进行了研究,然后针对静态图像中孔洞智能计数提出新公式,并以此为基础,提出二值图像孔洞计数算法。

  • A top view of the helicopter .


  • Top and side view of the slot with the magnification of200x .

    长方形槽 上方 侧面的放大图,放大倍率为200倍。

  • The topography of top view and lateral view of holes of porous silicon grown under different conditions was observed by using Hitachi S 750 SEM .

    用日立S-750型扫描电镜观测了不同条件下生长的多孔硅的 正面和侧面孔的形貌。

  • Research on Top View Design Intellectualization of Progressive Die in VB6.0

    VB6.0下级进模 俯视 绘制智能化的研究

  • Typically there is a top view a front view and a side view each aligned on an absolute axis which can be zoomed in or out .

    通常包括 视图、正视图和侧视图,每个视图与绝对轴对齐,每个轴都可以向内或向外缩放。

  • In this paper we have followed ITU T M.3020 requirement analysis and design methodology and proposed a lifecycle based generic management information model of F interface which adopts a top down view to define managed objects in the different segments of service lifecycle .

    3020的建模方法,提出了一个基于业务生命周期的F接口通用业务管理信息模型,通过 自顶向下的需求、分析和设计来定义业务生命周期片段中的管理对象。

  • Split the upper part of the hood using as reference the top view .

    斯普利特上部引擎盖借鉴 顶端 看法

  • Scrolls the current line to the top of the view .

    将当前行滚动到 视图 顶部

  • The arc sand beam on the top of the parabola dunes showed the northwestern slopes were long and gentle recessed the southwest slopes were short and steep and showed arc-shaped protrusion and a parabola-shaped from the top plan view .

    抛物线沙丘的弧顶沙粱西北坡长、平缓凹进,西南坡短、陡,且呈弧线凸出, 俯视平面 呈抛物线状。

  • And this is top view of a water tank .

    这是关于水槽实验 最好 观点

  • Then we show the architecture and some implements of the Tyr Shading Engine from top view .

    然后,本文再从 上层详细分析了Tyr ShadingEngine的结构和实现;

  • I took a snapshot from a top view and then drew a map in Photoshop from the bitmaps I found on the net .

    我从一 顶视图快照,然后引起了我的位图在网络上找到了一个在Photoshop地图。

  • Split the lateral surfaces with the a curve following the trunk line on top view .

    斯普利特的横向表面的曲线后,干线 看法

  • FIG.6 is a top view of an induction coil of the present invention .

    图六为本发明的一个感应线圈的 侧视图。

  • Numerical results shown that the 3 dimensional stress concentration factors of thick plates are larger than those corresponding to 2 dimensional factors of thin plates when the ratios of e / 2b ≤ 0.15 and the patterns of both plates from the top view are the same .

    数值算例表明,对小偏心问题(偏心距与板宽比 e/2b≤0.15时),厚板的三维应力集中系数大于相应二维应力集中系数。

  • Top view in my eyes

    我眼中的 风景

  • In this edit box on the top of the view you set the number of conditioning board I / O Board flows Valves Detectors Ovens and Detector Generators .

    在这个 显示顶部的编辑框里,你可以设定条件条数量、I/O条、流路、阀、检测器、柱箱、检测器电机等数量。

  • Top view of the Pahang Gold-high gold intensity and striking golden head features .

    顶端 观点的彭亨金金底过背有高亮度和显著的金头特征。

  • First I cut out my top view and side view of the sail .

    首先,我切断我的 顶视图和侧视图的船帆。

  • The abstract of problem domain and relationship between them is described in analysis stage the top level view of application is presented in top level design stage at last the advantage of OOP method and practice usage is introduced .

    在分析阶段标识出问题域中的抽象以及抽象之间的关系,在高程层设计阶段给出了应用的 顶层 视图,最后分析了面向对象程序设计的优点并介绍了实际应用情况。

  • Bottom up and top down view also guide every procedure of listening teaching from the choice of materials and the arrangement of activities as well as the design of listening tasks .

    自下而上和 自上而下 观点具体地指导了听力教学的各个环节&从材料的确选择到施教方式以及学生活动的安排与任务的设计等。

  • Top view of bevel headed hexagonal head set screw . Selection box represents thread diameter .

    斜切六角螺钉的 俯视图。选择框代表螺纹直径。

  • To quickly see the subfolders in the current folder when the folder list is not showing click the folder name at the top of the view just below the toolbar .

    在当前文件夹列表未显示时,若要迅速查看子文件夹,请单击该 视图 顶部的文件夹名称(就在工具栏下面)。

  • This research work is mainly composed of the following contents : 1 . Collecting the LED chip pictures in top view and researching suitable algorithm based on image features . 2 .

    本研究的主要工作主要由以下几部分内容组成:1.收集LED管芯 俯拍图像,并根据图像特征研究合适算法。

  • After the first casting the deflection can be checked and modified using shim plates . Top view of spring lock washer or spacer with adjustable inside and outside diameters .

    第一次浇注混凝土后,挠度可用垫片调整。内径和外径都可调整的弹簧锁垫圈的 俯视

  • Door top rear view mirror

    车门 上端装置的后 视镜

  • On the analysis of image cutting problem caused by the cutting aperture during the course of computer display for large size and stripling railway top view maps this paper puts forward a direct local patching method which is a special resolution algorithm .

    针对铁路线路可视化系统中,大 幅面带状线路 平面图计算机表现三角剪接口所产生的图像分割问题,提出了直接局部拼接的处理方法。