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  • Tapping top-flight student talent globally will not just mean the UK gains in terms of innovation research and a broader science and skills base .

    延揽全球 顶尖学生人才,不仅意味着英国在创新、研究以及更广泛的科学和技术基础方面能够获益。

  • Like all top-flight clubs Chelsea have the Premier League 's logo embroidered there but unlike the rest theirs bears the gold stamp of the champions .

    和所有 英超俱乐部一样,切尔西 球衣 袖子上绣着英超联盟的标志,但是与所有其他 球队不同的是只有他们的标志是象征卫冕冠军的金色。

  • But its best-value-for-money calculation which ranks the schools based on a ratio of debt and earnings for recent graduates finds that the costs of the top-flight schools eat away most of their value .

    但是它的最佳性价比排名基于学校近几届毕业生的负债和收入之比的排名发现, 顶级商学院的高收费基本抵消了它的价值。

  • Evergrande fans waved banners that read ' We are Canton ' as well as Chinese flags chanting with an enthusiasm that could match any top-flight match in Europe .

    恒大球迷摇动着我们是广东人的标语和中国国旗,其热情堪比任何一次欧洲 顶级赛事。

  • Fourth create the right business model that is adapt to the demands of middle-income clients who may not want top-flight technology if a well-made piece of cheaper kit can do the job .

    第四,创造合适的商业模式,即适应中等收入客户的需要。如果一件做工精良、价格更低的产品能够解决问题,中等收入客户不一定想要一件 采用 一流技术的产品。

  • A couple of top-flight schools in Beijing began to teach students about the Olympics even staging mock opening ceremonies or torch relays .

    北京的几所 一流学校开设了奥运课程,甚至举行了模拟开幕式和火炬接力。

  • It was Guardiola's10th trophy in his first three years as a top-flight coach and effectively sealed Barca 's place as one of the game 's finest .

    这也是巴萨的主教练 瓜迪奥拉在执教前三年 第十次捧得奖杯,更奠定了巴萨顶尖球队的地位。

  • The glass towers of the City of London have more in common with the multinational benches of a top-flight football club with all the footloose selfishness that implies ( albeit with fewer tattoos ) .

    伦敦城玻璃塔与 顶级足球俱乐部的多国席位拥有越来越多共同之处,拥有所有的散漫和自私(虽然纹身很少)。

  • The national team is a laughing stock while the top-flight Chinese Super League ( CSL ) produces a low grade product to dwindling audiences and has long been perceived as byword for corruption .

    中国国家队的 战绩非常 糟糕,已成为笑料,而 中超联赛 目前 人气不足,成为了腐败的代名词。

  • United reclaimed top spot in the Premier League on Monday by beating Arsenal and stretching their unbeaten start to the season to16 top-flight matches a club record .

    周一击败阿森纳之后曼联 已经 上了联赛领头 位置。而且也创造了球队记录,开季16轮 不败

  • What they need : Steve Bruce will be keen to hang on to the impressive Craig Gordon who is said to be attracting interest from other top-flight clubs .

    需要:布路斯要努力留住 登,因为他说其他的 英超俱乐部 已经对他有意了。

  • Although Juventus seem to be on the verge of signing Jorge Andrade from Deportivo La coruna it seems as if they want two quality centre-backs for their top-flight return .

    尽管尤文几乎签下了拉科鲁尼亚的安德拉德,但尤文看上去想签下2名有质量的中后卫以配合他们 高调的重返巅峰。

  • While some managers apply these principles every day too many others instead believe that hiring the best and the brightest from top-flight schools guarantees corporate success .

    虽然对于一些经理们 来说每天都要采用这些原则,可相信 为了保证企业成功而雇佣 一流 学府最优秀、最聪明的 学子的人们太多了。

  • Japanese imperialism was our first top-flight teacher by negative example .

    日本帝国主义是我们第一个 大好的反面教员。

  • No side has ever spent longer in the top-flight than Bolton without winning the League .

    在所有从未 染指过英格兰 顶级联赛冠军的球队中,博尔顿在 顶级 联赛中呆的时间 长。

  • That Chelsea defeat is one of only two they have suffered at home since returning to the top-flight in1962.The other came that year against Blackpool .

    那场对切尔西的失利也是红军自1962年重返 顶级 联赛以来仅有的两场主场开幕战失利之一,另一场就是1962年输给布莱克浦。

  • It is likely that Valencia will loan out the22 year old to another Spanish club for one year and that club might be Cadiz who was recently promoted to the top-flight .

    估计巴伦西亚会把这名22岁的球员出租到另外一支西甲球队磨练一年,很有可能是刚刚升上甲级的 卡迪斯

  • Still fascinated by Liverpool its football its art and The Beatles Rafa Benitez is also enjoying his new role as a writer about the game but longs for a return to a top-flight club in England .

    仍着迷于利物浦,足球,艺术和披头士,拉法贝尼特斯仍享受着赛后评论员的新工作,但也渴望执教一家英格兰的 顶级 俱乐部

  • After immediately getting promoted back up to the top-flight Ranieri who took over the reigns from Didier Deschamps in2007 led Juve to a third place finish last season .

    斑马 军团 在一年后即重新 回到 意甲,而拉涅利在2007年接过了迪迪安。德尚的教鞭,并带领球队取得了联赛第三的成绩。

  • Headhunters and chief executives say top-flight Indian managers particularly in fields such as financial services are now so demanding in salary negotiations that they are pricing expatriates back into the job market .

    猎头和首席执行官们表示, 高层印度管理人员(特别是在金融等领域)如今在薪酬谈判中要价非常苛刻,为外籍人士重返印度就业市场 打开空间

  • Asian wine collectors the most active buyers in the market just a few years ago have turned less enthusiastic on fine Bordeaux but are still splurging on top-flight Burgundy .

    就在几年之前,亚洲的葡萄酒收藏家还是该市场上最活跃的买家,但他们现在对波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒的兴趣已下降,但仍会对 顶级的勃艮第(Burgundy)葡萄酒一掷千金。

  • By playing quality top-flight opponents like Australia and being exposed to different styles of play Asian football will definitely continue its upward curve .

    同像澳大利亚队这样高水平的 球队以及不同流派的 球队比赛,亚洲足球必将继续其螺旋形上升的 步伐

  • Arsene Wenger tonight paid tribute to his Arsenal players after they became only the second team in English football history to complete a top-flight season without defeat .

    在今晚阿森纳成为英格兰历史上第二支赛季不败的 顶级 球队后,温格对他的队员致以敬意。

  • Michigan and Virginia have become public Ivies and numerous state-run universities now offer a top-flight education .

    密执根大学和弗吉利亚大学已经变成了“公立长春藤”,而无数的私立大学如今提供着 高档的教育。

  • Southampton 's priorities also lie elsewhere – they are chasing promotion from League One as they attempt to recapture their former glories having been a top-flight te a m themselves just six years ago .

    而南安普顿则同样 醉翁不在 &他们正在竞争从英甲中升级的资格,希望能够夺回以往的荣光,他们在6年前还是一只 英超 球队

  • Cole feels Rooney 's all-action style typifies the current generation of top-flight strikers .

    科尔觉得鲁尼的全能在这一代 射手 顶尖的。

  • Justine Henin continues warming up for a return to top-flight tennis .

    贾斯丁·海宁为回到 世界网坛“一姐”地位而继续热身。