trained user

[计] 受过训练的用户

  • The wireless device can be trained by the user to distinguish between subtle thoughts and feelings such as expressions of shock or even a grimace .

    用户应该先 训练无线设备识别微妙的思想和感情,比如震惊乃至鬼脸的表达。

  • But combined with relevance feedback in image retrieval will cause that the individual networks trained are invalid due to there could be an imbalance in the distribution between positive and negative ( satisfied and dissatisfied ) image user marked in initial search results .

    但是与相关反馈结合用于图像检索中时,由于初次检索结果中 用户标注的正负(满意和不满意)图像极有可能存在分布不平衡的现象,导致 训练的个体网络无效。

  • The statistical parameters of the snake models are trained on the fly by studying the user intervention to achieve a satisfactory segmentation result .

    并可通过交互学习,实时地 训练蛇模型的纹理统计参数,达到 用户满意的分割结果。

  • In the practice stage an integrated classifier is trained for the current user whose training set is composed of genuine signatures and random signatures selected from genuine signatures of existed users registered in the system .

    在系统使用阶段,对每个 用户,其训练集中包含该用户的真实签名,并抽取系统中已有用户的真实签名作为随机伪造, 训练组合分类器。

  • The algorithm used the BP neural network and the neural network was trained by samples which were selected according to user feedback score .

    该算法引入BP神经网络模型,根据 用户反馈分值选择样本 训练神经网络。

  • After being trained the system identifies whether a user is a legal user by comparing the current users ' keystroke dynamics with his keystroke profile values within a certain precision threshold .

    识别时将当前要求认证用户的击键特性与之 进行匹配,并根据系统设定的阈值来确定当前 用户是否为合法用户。