training transfer

[ˈtrenɪŋ trænsˈfɚ][ˈtreiniŋ trænsˈfə:]


  • Confirmatory factor analysis verifies the five-factor structure of the questionnaire has good reliability and validity . Study ⅱ: The study of relationship between hotel training transfer climate and population variables .

    验证性因素分析再次验证了该五因素结构,问卷信、效度良好。研究二:饭店 培训 迁移气氛与人口统计变量的关系研究。

  • It is suggested that besides negative L1 transfer factors such as intralingual transfer training transfer are worth examining in future study .

    另外,本文也指出除母语负迁移外,其他因素如语内迁移、 训练 迁移等也是不容忽视的,值得进一步研究。

  • Use this model to assess the training transfer results to detect and solve problems in time .

    通过在 培训 实施前运用此模型对 培训 转化效果进行评估预测,可以及时发现并解决 培训存在的问题。

  • The study of training transfer has been shifted from the training itself to outer factors affecting the training with the focus on some controllable variables for the corporations such as transfer climate and organizational characters .

    培训 迁移的研究从关注培训本身发展到关注培训以外影响其效果的因素,且焦点集中在对于企业来说更可控的因素上,主要是迁移气氛与组织特征。

  • First this paper analyse related training transfer model and influencing factors through the literature analysis method this paper will propose preliminary model .

    本文首先通过文献分析法,分析相关文献提出的 培训 迁移模型和相关影响因素,提出初步的研究模型。

  • Empirical Study of the Factors Influencing Training Transfer of Hotel Staff

    饭店员工 培训 迁移影响因素实证分析

  • Reading strategy straining combined teaching infiltrating method training has obvious transfer effect .

    迁移效果上,阅读策略的专门训练与教学渗透相结合的 训练明显优于专门的集中 训练

  • Most countries require benefit-sharing agreements that usually call for an up-front cash contribution training technology transfer and royalty payments .

    多数需要利益分享合约的国家,通常要求预付款、 训练、技术 移转与权益金。

  • At present the training transfer is one of training domain research hot spots it will be refer to the receiving training staff to train studies utilizes continually effectively during the work .

    培训 迁移是目前培训领域的研究热点之一,它是指受训员工将培训所学有效地、持续地运用于工作之中。

  • Training transfer have taken palce in4 dimensions : marketing knowledge utility ability sociability and self-knowledge .

    保险 推销员在营销知识、实用力、社交力和自知力四个方面产生了 迁移

  • Training transfer means that trainees use knowledge and skills learned in trainings on the jobs .

    培训 迁移是指受训员工将培训所学知识、技能有效地、持续地运用于工作之中。

  • Analysis of Market Mechanism and Policy Implications of Rural Labour Force Training for Transfer

    农村劳动力 转移 培训的市场机制分析及政策启示

  • Using a combination method of the quality and quantity the author prepares the hotel training transfer climate questionnaire and analyzes the dimension of training transfer climate .

    采用质与量相结合的方法,编制饭店 培训 迁移气氛问卷,分析饭店培训迁移气氛维度。

  • And it is based on the experiment for 406 students in six classes in Grade Two with The Teaching Strategy of Training Chemical Transfer Ability of High School Students .

    以高二级的6个教学班共406名学生为被试,采用自编的《高中生化学 迁移能力 培养的教学策略》为材料。

  • Through the application of an instance the result is consistent with the real situation it indicates that this model has practical value for training transfer effect .

    模型通过实例的应用取得了与现实情况较为一致的结果,表明此模型对 培训 转化效果的提高具备一定的实用价值。

  • Analysis of dynamic game of Training Transfer environmental Factors

    培训 迁移环境因素的动态博弈分析

  • However there still remains a critical problem has not yet been thoroughly discussed and researched systematically i.e. the investment mechanism of rural labor force training for transfer .

    但是,目前仍有一个关键性问题尚未得到深入探讨及系统研究,即农村劳动力 转移 培训投资机制的构建问题。

  • Metaphorizing as a language-game of training transfer then helps people to generalize their primary knowledge about language and world .

    隐喻作为一种 语言 训练的游戏,能帮助人们归纳最初的语言知识与对世界的认识。

  • Third this paper adopt Likert five dimension scale design the personal characteristics scale and training the migration behavior scale and use the mature training transfer atmosphere scale .

    第三,本文采用利克特五维度量表,设计了个人特征量表和培训后迁移行为量表,并借鉴了成熟的 培训 迁移气氛量表。

  • Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign teachers ' informationized teaching ability by drawing and creating existing models the author proposed applied topic research model which promote the primary and middle School teachers ' training knowledge transfer to informationized teaching ability .

    笔者在分析目前国内外的的教师信息化教学能力培养现状和存在问题的基础上,通过对现有模型的借鉴与创新,提出了应用型课题研究促进中小学教师 培训知识向信息化教学能力 迁移的模型。

  • Analysis of Effective Factors of Training Transfer and the Study of Managerial Strategy

    培训 迁移影响因素分析及其管理策略研究

  • In addition to training and transfer ways to motivate the individuals are important as well since well-motivate employees undoubtedly guarantee effective performance .

    除此了 培训 轮换,激励员工也是很重要的方式。因为很好的激励员工无疑能保证有效的成绩。

  • L1 transfer Training transfer Learning strategies and communication strategies can be regarded as the psychological basis for fossilization .

    语言的迁移过程,由 训练造成的 迁移过程,过度概括,学习策略与交际策略可以看作是僵化产生的心理学基础。

  • So in order to improve the ROI of training it is a realistic and urgent issue to study how to improve the training transfer and what factor effects training transfer in hotels .

    因此,对饭店培训迁移这一培训关键环节进行研究、探讨,提高饭店的 培训 迁移率便成为一个非常具有现实意义的紧迫课题。

  • Empirical analysis method and normal analysis method were used in this article . At first some factors which may affect training transfer were founded through a hotel survey and documents summarize .

    本论文运用实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,首先通过文献研究和对酒店员工的第一次问卷调查,初步寻找到了可能会影响酒店 培训 迁移效果的一些因素;

  • At the same time the training transfer questionnaire is given out to find out the factors that are counteracting the environment of Dalian middle-level leadership civil servants training .

    同时发放了 培训 迁移影响因素调查问卷,对大连市中层领导职务公务员培训环境进行了调查,找到影响了培训 迁移的因素,提出了控制方法。

  • It derives from multiple factors including communicative feedback strategies of second language learning language transfer transfer of training and transfer of culture .

    过渡语石化现象产生于交际反馈、学习策略、 交际策略、 过渡概括、语言迁移、文化迁移等因素的相互作用。

  • Effective Factors of Training Transfer

    培训 迁移影响因素研究述评

  • And then the author carries out regression analysis of the training transfer climate and the transfer implementation intentions which proves that the training transfer climate has a significant impact and a significant positive predictive power on the transfer implementation intentions .

    进而通过对 饭店 培训 迁移气氛与 员工 培训迁移意愿进行回归分析,发现饭店培训迁移气氛对员工培训迁移意愿具有显著的影响,具有显著的正向预测能力。