


  • Every Thursday Germans come up the towpath marching as to war with a Leader .

    每周四德国人 沿 河边 小路上来,跟着 导游就像 奔赴战场一样。

  • And most of the old towpath remains all the way to Cumberland .

    和大多数仍然是老 ,一直到坎伯兰。

  • For some reason he smiled at what he saw and turned to walk some yards along the towpath .

    不知什么原因,他朝他所看到的一切笑了笑。 然后 转身 沿着 纤道走出几码。

  • And most of the old tour past towpath remains all the way to Cumberland .

    过去的大多数 如今仍然 存在一直 延伸 坎博兰郡。

  • We took Tom for a walk on the towpath .

    我们带汤姆 航道散步。