traffic processor

[ˈtræfɪk ˈprɑsˌɛsɚ][ˈtræfik ˈprɔsˌesə]

[计] 通信量处理程序

  • In this thesis the two key issues of high-speed traffic control ( i.e. QoS control and security control ) are studied based on the emerging Network Processor ( NP ) . Models and algorithms are not only studied in theory but also implemented based on NP .

    本文基于网络 处理器对高速 网络 传输控制中的QoS控制和安全控制两个关键问题进行研究,既包含对模型和算法的理论研究,也在网络处理器上进行了实现。

  • In order to analyze the effect of self-similar traffic on the generalized processor sharing ( GPS ) the relationship was explored between the performance of a GPS system and the parameter of self-similar traffic .

    为了分析自相似 业务 对通用 处理器共享(GPS)系统性能的影响,研究了GPS系统性能与业务流自相似参数等因素之间的关系。

  • Last design and implement ATM traffic monitor and analysis probe based on C5 Network Processor .

    最后 完成基于 C5的ATM 流量监测探针的设计与实现。

  • We propose the idea for traffic control algorithm which can be used in aggregate network processor models and introduce the twice-distributing mechanism to improve the system performance and further reduce the packet loss rate .

    提出了适用于汇聚网络 处理器模型的 流控算法思想,引入了二次分发机制以提高系统的性能,进一步降低报文丢弃率。

  • Real Time Traffic Flow Measuring System Based on RISC Processor

    基于RISC 处理器的实时 交通计测系统

  • The Management System for Traffic Controlled by Single - Chip - Processor

    单片机控制 交通管理系统

  • The traffic flow measurement technology of network processor is the basis and assurance of network monitoring and management .

    网络 流量测量技术是网络监测和管理研究的 重要前提和保证。

  • Design of Structure and Data Traffic Interface of Signal Processor for External Illuminators Based Radar System

    外辐射源雷达信号 处理机结构及数据 通信接口设计

  • Meanwhile the introduction of mechanisms to deal with traffic signal synchronization tasks use ring buffer to solve the communication process in the main processor and the speed of communication between modules .

    同时,引入信号 机制处理任务的同步问题;使用环形缓冲区解决了通信过程中主 处理器和通信模块的速度差异。