


  • However what is the law ? When the definition of the law is ambiguous how does it totalize the society ? People resort to the legal interpretation in the answer to these questions .

    但是,法律是什么?当法律 沉默不语、含混不清 模棱两可时,它 如何 统摄 一切呢? 对此,人们的回答都诉诸于法律解释。

  • Based on the analysis on the relation between dual phase output signals of the incremental pulse encoder the interfacing circuit which can output the signal directly to the microcomputer and distinguish the positive or negative rotary direction as well as totalize is presented .

    文章从分析增量式脉冲编码器输出的两相信号关系 出发,给出了信号能直接输入到微机,分辨正、反旋转方向、 累计 计数的接口电路。