total throughput

[ˈtotl ˈθruˌpʊt][ˈtəutəl ˈθru:put]


  • The simulation results show that a flexible tradeoff between total system throughput and fairness can be achieved by choosing appropriate utility functions .

    仿真结果表明,通过选择适当的效用函数可以在系统的 吞吐量和公平性之间得到一个灵活的折衷。

  • Existing studies show that the application of network coding techniques in wireless networks can significantly improve network robustness and reliability and reduce the total number of transmissions thereby increasing the throughput of the network .

    现有的研究表明,在无线网络中应用网络编码技术能显著的提高网络的鲁棒性和可靠性,降低了 的传输次数,从而提高了网络的 吞吐量

  • In this situation one of the main goals in system optimizing is to raise the total throughput of system without wasting anymore precious spectrum resources .

    在此情况下,如何在节约宝贵的频谱资源的同时提高系统 吞吐量便成为了优化系统设计的一个主要目标。

  • It shows all the ActiveRecord operations for a selected time window and allows you to sort them using several metrics including total time consumed average time and throughput time .

    它给出了在一个时间窗口内所有的ActiveRecord操作,并且允许你使用一些标准对这些操作进行排序,例如 消耗时间、平均时间和 吞吐时间等等。

  • Experimental results on a LAN testbed show that SNC is better than LRF in terms of average downloading time total distribution time and the whole throughput .

    实验结果表明,在平均下载时间, 发布时间,整体 吞吐量几个方面,Ecode比LRF性能更好。

  • In this paper we propose a Rate-and-RED based Fair Queueing ( RRFQ ) algorithm . The algorithm is able to approximate fair bandwidth allocation differentiate between short-term and long-term congestion improve total throughput and is insensitive to parameter configuration .

    本文提出了一种基于速率和RED的公平排队算法RRFQ,算法能够达到近似公平的带宽分配,较好地区分短暂拥塞和持续拥塞,改善 总体 吞吐量,对参数设置的敏感度低。

  • HPH handled a total throughput of41.5 million TEUs ( twenty-foot equivalent units ) last year .

    和记港口集团去年的 吞吐量达四千一百五十万个二十呎标准货柜。

  • The result of process analogue calculation and process study on absorption and stabilization system indicated that cold feed flow is superior to 2 / 3 two feed flow with respect to total energy consumption throughput capacity and benefit improving .

    通过对吸收稳定系统工艺模拟计算和过程研究分析,指出冷进料流程无论是在 能量消耗方面, 还是扩能增效方面均优于2/3热进料的双股进料流程。

  • A Method of Total Optimization to Unearth Throughput Potency

    挖掘 制约因素贡献潜力的 整体优化方法

  • Simulation shows that when traffic load is less than 0.75 the new optical switching net with the assembly scheme can gain higher performance than the normal one especially in total drop rate and throughput which can further optimize the resource .

    实验表明,采用该传输机制的新型光交换网络,在源负载低于 0.75的情况下,其网络丢包率和 吞吐量等性能均优于普通混合交换网络,能达到优化网络资源的目的。

  • The experimental result shows that the dual thread processor based on MOSI microarchitecture improves the total throughput by 40 % .

    实验结果表明,基于MOSI结构的双线程处理器能够将 吞吐 提高 40%。

  • The simulation results illustrate that the proposed algorithm decreases the interference to the cognitive users and increases the total throughput of system as well .

    仿真结果表明,该算法减小了对授权用户的干扰,提高了系统 吞吐量

  • Due to the broadcast nature of wireless this density of APs would interfere and compete with each other naturally lead to a decrease in the total network throughput .

    而由于无线通信广播的特性,这种高密度的AP间将产生相互干扰和竞争,从而导致网络 整体 吞吐量下降。

  • From analyzing the simulating result it verified the indoor infrared wireless network using WDM can significantly improves the total network throughput and the MAC is feasible .

    通过对验证结果的分析,证明这种室内红外通信网络可以有效提高网络的 流量,提出的媒体接入控制协议是可行的。

  • A generalized processor sharing type optimization is used to implement a channel-aware parallel WFQ for the scheme . The algorithm can optimize total throughput while guaranteeing the minimum data rate requirement for multimedia users .

    在资源分配上,基于广义处理机共享(GPS)优化模型提出基于信道状态的并行加权公平队列( Cap-WFQ)调度和功率分配算法,算法在保证多媒体用户的最小数据率要求的同时优化 系统 吞吐量

  • It is essential to prioritize functions and keep total throughput and usage in mind while making adjustments to the performance of a system .

    区分功能的优先级并记住 吞吐量和使用情况,同时对系统性能进行调整,这是非常重要的。

  • Results There are 386 township coal mines in Datong with a total design throughput of 41 / a ( 52.84 % of all coal mines ) and some 25 coal production miners .

    结果全市共有乡镇煤矿386座(矿井409个),乡镇煤矿年 设计 生产能力为4134万吨,占全市生产能力的52.84%。乡镇煤矿从业人员当中原煤生产人员总数约2.5万人。

  • Information theory suggests that if both the transmitters and the receiver can track the fading channel the optimal strategy to maximize the total system throughput is to allow only the user with the best channel to transmit at any time .

    信息论表明,如果发射机和接收机均能够跟踪衰落信道,那么 最大化系统 吞吐量的最优策略是在任何时刻仅允许信道质量最好的用户发射信号。

  • The fast increase of Internet needs faster core trans - mission network so we developed a high - powered IPv4 / v6 router whose total throughput had reached 1.28 terabit bit .

    因特网流量的快速增长,对骨干网的传输提出了更高的要求,为此我们研制了 吞吐 高达1.28T比特高性能IPv4/v6路由器。

  • This paper uses the ant colony optimization algorithm to divide the multi-source multicast network into sub-graphs and proposes a random linear network coding construction approach to optimize the total throughput vector composed of each sub-graph .

    采用蚁群优化算法对多源组播网络进行子图划分,提出了使各子图的 吞吐量组成的向量达到最优的网络编码的构造方法。

  • Research and Implement on the Production System of Port Group Based on Collaboration Management HPH handled a total throughput of 41.5 million TEUs ( twenty-foot equivalent units ) last year .

    基于协同管理的港口集团生产系统研究与实现和记港口集团去年的 吞吐量达四千一百五十万个二十呎标准货柜。

  • The worst-managed virtualized environment has a single network card or port for all of the VMs that it hosts and the total throughput is divided among VMs .

    管理最差的虚拟化环境中,环境中托管的所有VM都共用一个网卡或端口, 吞吐量会由VM瓜分。

  • The simulation results show that the UF based algorithm can guarantee the proportional fairness of the throughput between every users and evidently increase the total throughput of the system .

    仿真结果表明,基于效用公平的算法,可以保证各用户间的吞吐量符合比例公平原则,并能明显增加系统 吞吐量

  • For the elastic data traffic we combine the IAR mechanism with proportional fairness ( PF ) scheduling algorithm to achieve a good trade-off between the total cell throughput and the cell edge user ( CEU ) throughput .

    对于弹性数据业务,我们把干扰避让请求机制与比例公平算法相互结合起来,有效平衡了小区 吞吐量和小区边缘用户吞吐量的关系。

  • Transport performance is measured in terms of messages / second and total byte throughput .

    传输性能按“消息/秒”和“ 字节 吞吐量”进行度量。

  • As a new philosophy and principle of management theory of constraints ( TOC ) has the advantages of reducing total cost shortening manufacturing cycle and increasing throughput .

    作为一种管理理念和管理原则,约束理论具有降低 成本、缩短制造周期和增加 有效 产出的优势。

  • Because pv cannot calculate the total number of bytes to expect in the transfer it shows throughput so far time elapsed and a special indicator that reflects activity .

    因为pv无法计算出要传输的 字节数,它只能显示到目前为止的 吞吐量、经过的时间和一个反映活动的特殊标志。

  • Because of the nonlinear and noncontinuous activity of Lotus Domino we normally would expect to get worse total throughput .

    由于LotusDomino活动是非线性的、间断的,我们获得的 吞吐量很可能比 实际小。

  • Making full use of each link to transmit information can improve total throughput of the system .

    两个 节点之间根据信道状况非 对称的传输信息可以充分利用各链路,系统的 吞吐量将有进一步提升。

  • Data collected in other environments will show that total throughput in this environment suffered as well .

    在其他环境中收集的数据将表明,在这个环境中 吞吐量也会受损。