total value

[ˈtotl ˈvælju][ˈtəutəl ˈvælju]


  • The total value of your order amounts to us $ 50000 .

    你们订购的这批货物的 总值为五万美元。

  • Or ( b ) the value-added component was 30 per cent or more in the total value of a new product .

    或(b)增值部分所占新产品 总值的比例达到或超过30%。

  • The total value of resources in Dulong mine area is analysed and calculated so as to offer useful information for reference in mine development and decision making .

    阐述了矿产资源 价值的概念和构成,分析和计算了矿区资源总价值,为开发研究和决策提供参考。

  • Each company captures only a certain percentage of the total value generated by the supply chain .

    每个公司只是获取了供应链产生的 全部 价值的特定比例。

  • No duty on these articles since the total value is below 200 dollars .

    这些物品不用付税,因为 价值低于二百美元。

  • They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction

    他们还不确定这笔交易的 价值是多少。

  • In the mid-1950s Japanese labour had taken 60 per cent of total value added .

    上世纪50年代中期,日本劳动力收入占 增加 的60%。

  • We agree to compensate you for the detective watches by 5 % of the total value .

    我方同意赔偿贵方 价值的5%来补偿劣质手表。

  • I reduced the total value of the inventory we had to carry by23 percent the first year .

    第一年,我把我们非得承担的存货 总值降低了23%。

  • The total value of industrial and agricultural output this year increased by seven percent over last .

    今年的工农业生产部 去年的上升了百分之七。

  • The stock of a supermarket represent most assets total value of this supermarket too .

    一个超市的库存,也就代表了这个超市的大部分资产 总额

  • Total declared value for carriage : must not exceed the total value for customs amount .

    托运总申报值:不得超过“海关 申报 ”。

  • This county ranks first in the province in the total value of its industrial and agricultural production .

    该县的工农业 产值在全省居首。

  • If you do import-export business through agent you should pay2-3 % total value of the goods to agent .

    如果通过代理公司来做,需要交给代理公司货物 总值的2-3%作为代理费。

  • I propose we compensate you by3 % of the total value plus inspection fee .

    我提议我们赔偿你们 价值的3%,再加上检验费。

  • A value index measures general changes in the total value of some variable .

    价值指数用以度量某些变量的 价值 总量变化。

  • Totting up the total value of aid including soft loans and guaranteed credit is tricky .

    要计算中国对非援助 总额(包括软贷款和担保信贷)并非易事。

  • Cannot save preference : The total value for preferences is limited to 4048 characters .

    无法保存首选项:首选项 总值的限制为4048个字符。

  • The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by 5 % of the total value .

    日本公司同意就手表不精确向我们赔偿 价值的百分之五。

  • The two also disagree about the total value of Vice .

    两家公司对Vice的 价值也未能达成一致。

  • This function will look at the cards in the hand and return the total value of the hand .

    该函数将查看手中的牌并返回手上的牌面 总值

  • The surge contrasts with the total value of buy-out investments which fell 35 per cent in China and 85 per cent in India .

    这与全盘收购投资 总额形成了对比。在中国和印度,全盘收购交易投资总额分别下降了35%和85%。

  • A new control idea that the total value is primary and the instantaneous value is secondary was brought forward .

    提出了以 累计控制为主,瞬时料流量控制为辅的控制思路。

  • A stock through a period of speculation the total value to the time of the return .

    一只股票在经过一番炒作之后, 价值回归的时候。

  • Do you know the total value of the net assets of the corporation ?

    你知道该公司的资产 总额吗?

  • They were then asked to recall the words and maximize the total value while doing so .

    他们被问及记忆中的单词和他们能够记忆的最大的 总数在一段时间内。

  • We decide to compensate you2 percent of the total value and you should bear the inspection fee .

    我们决定赔偿你方 2% 损失,商检费由你方负担。

  • The ABB order is part of a project with an estimated total value of $ 400 million .

    这份ABB订单是一项预计 价值达4亿美元项目其中的一部分。

  • The average total value of Out-put in agriculture and sideline per year will be increased by4.3 % .

    发展部分集体所有制的农业合作社和手工业生产合作社。每年农业和副业 产值平均增长4.3%。