top heavy

[tɑp ˈhɛvi][tɔp ˈhevi]


  • Among the top steelmaking countries China is the only one in which there has been no wide heavy steel plate mill of 5 m grade and Bao Steel is the only steel company that is available to produce this steel grade .

    我国是世界 唯一尚无5m级 宽厚板轧机的产钢大国,宝钢是我国唯一具备生产此类钢种条件的钢铁公司。

  • The design theory and methods of hydraulic support in the fully-mechanized top coal caving face with heavy dip angle were enriched and developed through the study . The dissertation provided the theory and method reference for the optimum design of hydraulic support .

    本课题的研究丰富和发展了 倾角 放工作面液压支架设计理论和方法,为实现支架的优化设计提供了一定的理论和方法借鉴。

  • The motion direction of high entropy advection at the top of boundary layer indicates the future placement of the heavy rainfall .

    边界层 上部高熵平流的移向往往预示了 降水的未来移向。

  • Once appear the top three it means that the checkpoint need heavy to challenge failure .

    一旦出现 上面的三个情况,就意味着这个关卡挑战失败,需要 重来

  • Especially the NDT of wharf piles whose top foxed by wharf superstructure is most difficult because the heavy disturb of superstructure .

    尤其对桩 与上部结构固连为一体的码头桩基的无损检测,因为受到上部结构的 强烈干扰,其完整性更是难以判断。

  • The top plot depicts the low-energy plasma of solar wind origin and the bottom plot shows heavy ion intensities associated with the planet .

    顶部情节描写低能离子的太阳风的原产地,以及底部图谋表明 离子强度与星球。

  • The deck cargo made the ship top heavy and it turned turtle .

    甲板上的货物使该船 顶部 ,结果船翻掉了。

  • Top level managers being the most important decision makers of firms play a heavy role in the creation of wealth for shareholders . However due to wide spread agency cost problem the interests of the top managers and the shareholder are not necessarily well aligned .

    高层管理者作为公司重要的经营决策者,在创造股东财富中扮演着 重要角色。然而由于代理成本问题的存在,高层管理者与股东的利益并不总是完全一致。

  • The comments bode well for steelmaking and mining two of the top heavy industries .

    这番言论对于两 工业产业炼钢业和矿业是个好兆头。

  • The top soil and irrigating water in the organic vegetable farm in Shanghai were sampled in which the heavy metals were analyzed and evaluated .

    通过对上海市某有机蔬菜地耕作 土壤和灌溉水进行的实地取样,分析了土壤和灌溉 水中 重金属含量并进行评价。

  • The optimization design technology of hydraulic support in the fully-mechanized top coal caving face with heavy dip angle under complicated conditions has been put forward .

    在此基础上提出了适应于 倾角 放工作面的液压支架优化设计技术。

  • South Korea is home to seven of the world 's top 10 shipbuilders including the biggest three Hyundai Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering .

    全球十大造船企业中,有七家位于韩国,其中现代重工、三星重工(Samsung HeavyIndustries)和大宇造船和船舶工程公司(DaewooShipbuildingMarineEngineering)为世界 三强

  • Wearing loose lightweight clothes one layer on top of another is better than wearing a single heavy layer of clothing .

    着宽松轻便的衣服并且多穿几层, 比只穿一层 厚厚的衣服要舒服。

  • Moreover molecular geochemical analysis of the crude verifies that crude on the top of the structure have relatively higher maturity and higher contents of heavy components and those uneasily to be migrated .

    原油分子地球化学分析结果也证实,在构造的 顶部原油成熟度相对较高, 重质组分和不易运移的组分相对较高。

  • China is a country rich in resources after the founding of the top thirty years because of the main our own resources of heavy priority development of strategic thus forming a huge numbers of resources city .

    中国是个资源丰富的国家,新中国成立后的 三十年里,由于实行了主要依靠本国资源的 工业优先发展的战略,由此形成了数量众多的资源型城市。

  • SP logging is one of logging methods which van effectively distinguish resistivity of mixed liquid in formation after oil layer being water flooding . Technology limit research on exploiting remaining oil using horizontal well on the top of water-out zone in heavy oil reservoirs

    自然电位测井是油层水淹后能够有效识别地层混合液电阻率信息的测井方法。普通稠油水淹层 顶部剩余油水平井技术界限研究&以孤岛中二北 Ng5为例

  • At the top of this hierarchy comes the heavy rail system which is capable of carrying large numbers of passengers at low marginal cost and with low adverse environmental impact .

    在级别中 居于 顶级 重型铁路系统,因为铁路能够以低边际成本载运大量的乘客,且对环境损害较少。

  • From the top of the tower Galileo dropped a light ball and a heavy ball at exactly the same time .

    伽利略从 塔顶上让一个轻球和一个 球准确地在同一时间里自由落下。

  • If you 're hell bent on doing this determine first whether you are top or bottom heavy .

    如果你真的决定这么做,那就先看看自己是 上身 还是下身

  • As a type of special structure open top wagon it has drawn wide attention for its heavy haul fast transporting circle .

    作为一种特殊结构的专用 敞车,具有载 重大、运输速度快、周期短等特点,越来越受到广泛重视。

  • Study on the ground administration of mechanized top coal caving in heavy pitching seam

    倾角煤层 放工作面采场管理研究

  • The felt is then covered with stone chippings . The top layer of the felt at the vertical edges of the roof and against the wall is usually a heavy mineralised felt .

    油毡上面铺以碎石。屋面的垂直边缘及靠墙的 顶层油毡通常用 些的无机物浸渍的油毡。

  • The Russian government has called for the world 's top ballet to reinstate a ballerina who was fired amid allegations that she was too heavy for male dancers to lift .

    俄罗斯世界 顶级芭蕾舞团波修瓦上月开除了该团首席女舞者弗洛契柯娃,原因是她太 了,男舞伴无法举起她。

  • The applying actuality of pesticides in Wulian region was found out and the top allowable limit standard of pesticide residues including organic Cl organic P etc. and the heavy metal limit standard in Wulian low residual high quality tobacco leaves were examined and established .

    摸清了五莲烟田农药使用情况,研究制定了包括有机氯、有机磷等五莲低残留优质烟叶农药残留 最高允许限量标准,制定了五莲低残留优质烟叶 重金属限量标准。

  • A handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top ; used to move crates or other heavy objects .

    有两个轮子、底部有暗架、 顶部有手柄的手推车;用于移动柳条箱或其他 的物品。

  • Established in 1956 Beijing General Research Institute of Mining Metallurgy ( BGR1MM ) now ranks among the top national R D institutions in the fields of mining mineral processing and metallurgy of heavy nonferrous metals .

    北京矿冶研究总院建于1956年,院址在北京市西城区文兴街1号,是从事采矿、选矿、 有色金属冶炼 为主的大型综合科研机构。

  • China 's top exporter of goods such as cement and television sets are taking an increasingly heavy toll on the environment .

    中国 主要的出口商,包括水泥和电视厂商正在造成更多的环境 代价

  • Vertically Oil and gas mainly distribute in the upper part of the formation being light on the top and heavy on the bottom .

    该区的油气分布垂向上多分布在馆 上段,并呈现上稀下 的状态;