top board

[tɑp bɔrd][tɔp bɔ:d]


  • Between the top board of the support and girder between the bottom board and frusta when the level power is three times of the design horizontal supporting capacity .

    充分保证了支座 上座 与梁体、下座板与墩台之间在水平力为设计水平承载力三倍时无相对位移。

  • The sealing of front and back body design and the top board of solar cells design ;

    前后车身密封和 顶部太阳能电池 的设计等。

  • Today during the mining process in contiguous seams there are many factors leading to hidden danger such as : the top board being tortured during the exploitation of the lower seam ;

    目前,我国矿山在极近距煤层开采过程中,下部煤层开采时, 顶板遭受损伤,工作面及巷道顶板易于出现冒顶、漏 现象,严重时造成支架埋压;

  • An ornamental rooflike projection over a niche an altar or a tomb . Structure design scheme analysis and choosing of a underground garage 's top board

    顶篷,顶盖置于神龛、圣坛或坟冢上的一个装饰性类似屋顶的突出物某地下车库 顶盖的结构设计方案的分析和选用

  • But we 'd like the top person on the board to change every six months .

    但我们希望 委员会 主席月一调。

  • The inner cover comprises a top board a bottom board and a column connecting the top to the bottom board and the two bulb pins are respectively embedded in the two sides of the column .

    一内套,该内套具有一 顶板、一底板及连接该顶板及该底板的一柱部,所述二灯脚分别嵌入该柱部的两侧;

  • Time of free falling ball from top of strip board and time of the board itself to level

    木板倒地与 顶端小球自由下落时间研究

  • Use electrical lift on the feeding table . Top of the board and feeder are maintain at the same level easy for feeding . Put the scraps of paper in the wastepaper basket .

    送纸台采用电动升降装置,使 纸板 与进纸口保持同一高度,便利于送纸。

  • Uses in putting together the top board high-level the veneer the dining table .

    用于高级 拼花 ,单板,餐台,木皮贴面,办公家具。

  • Setting slide layer between top board and wall ( or ring girder ) is a good measure to reduce temperature stress of top wall of mix structure and avoid temperature cracks .


  • The prosecutors said they had not found evidence of an involvement of top management or supervisory board members in the spying scandal that rocked Germany 's largest bank .

    检察人员表示,他们没有发现德银 高管监事 成员涉足这起间谍丑闻的证据。该丑闻对这家德国最大的银行构成了沉重打击。

  • Gold lacquer play character top board of a coffin .


  • The bottom of the tank and the top of the wall board are connected together by the columns .

    其中立柱将罐体的底部和 顶部及经与拉 连接的壁板连为一体。

  • The diagram schematic and layout are often attached to the top level board assembly .

    该原理图,示意图和布局图往往附着在 顶端 组装件中。

  • Combined with constructive practice of highway project it analyzes common problems in hollow board prefabrication from aspects of over thickness in bottom of prefabricated hollow board 、 under thickness in top of the board and thin concrete in bottom of the board and puts forward effective resolving measures .

    结合多年高速公路工程施工实践,针对空心板预制中的常见问题,从预制空心板底板超厚、 顶板厚度不足、空心 底混凝土不密实等方面进行了原因分析,并提出了有效的解决措施。

  • I can 't dive off the top board yet .

    我还不能从 最高 跳板 跳水。

  • The welding deformation of top board of buoyancy module is related to floating roof structure installation welding sequence and welding technology .

    浮舱 顶板的焊接变形与浮顶的结构、组装、焊接顺序及焊接工艺方法等相关。

  • Top board of buoyancy module of floating roof tank is the thinnest part in the whole tank body as well as the part which is the most liable to welding deformation in welding operation .

    浮顶储罐的浮舱 顶板是整个罐体中厚度最薄的部位,也是储罐焊接施工中最易产生焊接变形的部位。

  • The doors are made of the same material as top quality piano board .

    门板选用 顶级钢琴 材质,品质卓然超乎想象。

  • US regulators have forced Citigroup to hire external consultants to consider whether its current management is up to the job of leading the troubled bank out of the financial crisis in a decision that intensifies pressure on its top executives and board .

    美国监管机构已迫使花旗集团(Citigroup)聘请外部顾问,来判断该银行现有管理层是否有能力领导这家陷入困境的银行走出金融危机。这一决定加大了花旗 高管 董事 承受的压力。

  • China is by far top of the leader board for nanotechnology research among developing countries registering the most nanotechnology patents .

    中国位于发展中国家纳米技术领先 榜首,注册了最多的纳米技术专利。

  • Structure design scheme analysis and choosing of a underground garage 's top board

    某地下车库 顶盖的结构设计方案的分析和选用

  • Prevention against the welding deformation of top board of buoyancy module should be started from structural design installation sequences welding sequence and welding technology .

    防止浮舱 顶板的焊接变形应从结构设计、组装顺序、焊接顺序、焊接工艺等方面着手。

  • The two conducting terminals are respectively arranged at the two sides of the column between the top board and the bottom board and respectively contact the two bulb pins .

    二导电端子,分别置于该 顶板与该底板间的该柱部两侧,分别接触该二灯脚;

  • How many of our girls dived off the top board .

    姑娘中有多少从 最高 跳板 跳过水?

  • Just include your banner ad at the top of the board .

    包括您刚刚 山顶 的旗帜广告

  • She jumped off the top board .

    她从 高层 跳板上跳了下来。

  • I dived off the top board today dad .

    爸爸,我今天从 最高 跳板跳水的。

  • Design of Forming Die for the Sinking Style Finger-Gland of Top Board on Square Tin

    方罐天 下沉式指压 成形模设计

  • I can dive off the top board .

    我能从 最高 跳台 跳水。